Nov 11, 2012

DIY Thanksgiving Bunting Banner

 I'm slightly addicted to having some sort of banner hanging from my walls/tables/dog at all times and I didn't have a Thanksgiving banner yet so really it was just a matter of time (it's slightly depressing that I'm now also working on a Christmas one, okay REALLY depressing). I love how this banner turned out, it's clean and simple and understated and just my style. Here's what you'll need to make it.
  • 1 yard of white cotton fabric
  • 1 packet of black double fold binding
  • 3/4 yard of black felt
  • sewing machine
  • scissors
  • pencil 
  • ruler
  • 1 piece of card stock
  • chalk
 1. On a piece of card stock draw a rectangle that is 8"X 6" and then at the bottom draw a triangle centered in the bottom middle of your rectangle.
2.Cut out the shape that you've just drawn on the card stock.
3. Using the card stock pattern that you have just made, draw and cut out twenty  flag shapes out of your white fabric.
 4. Using your chalk and the black felt draw the words "GIVE THANKS" in whatever kind of font you would like and then cut out the letters and place them on the white flags.
 5. Stitch the black felt letters to the flag (after doing this you should still have 10 white pieces WITHOUT any lettering on them.)
 6. Match one flag with lettering to one flag without lettering and place them right sides together and sew the two flags together leaving the top of the flag open. Then turn the flag inside out. (Do this with all remaining flags).
 7. Using the black double fold binding, place and pin the flags inside of the binding and then sew the flags in place.
You're done! Now hang it somewhere that everyone will see it and marvel at how dang crafty you are!


  1. Adorable! I think banners are awesome; I want to make one for Christmas but haven't found the time. :(

  2. That;s nice. I will do something similar do Christmas:)

  3. Love your mantel!
    xo Emily

  4. I think that you should sell those! SO cute and I know that I'd probably buy one

  5. Totally making these. Love this.

  6. Usado Reciclado/FacebookNovember 12, 2012 at 12:54 PM

    so cute and versatil :D Love the idea

    Usado Reciclado| Online Store| Facebook page

  7. SO cute and I love the gratitude theme November inspires...

  8. I love all of these banners!! I just wish I had the time to make them. You go, girl!
    Just found your blog and I love it!
    Oh, Just Living the Dream
