skirt: thrifted blazer: TJ Maxx blouse: thrifted tights: Kohl's shoes: thrifted belt: thrifted
When Indie comes home for Christmas she really just can't control herself anymore. She found herself tempted by treats left and right and thought to herself, my diet ends today! Today I enjoy Christmas! And so she's started sneaking food from unsuspecting toddlers, begging for treats from underneath the dinner table and even resorted to sneaking into cupboards and closets to satisfy her Christmas sweet tooth. I'm concerned about her losing her girlish figure, I mean really how much of this holiday binge eating can one girl handle?
The damage?
-1 bag of cough drops puked up on the patio
-3 M&M's snuck from a stocking
-4 barbecue Pringles stolen at lunchtime
-1 giant bag of doggie bone presents that she found and demolished before we could give it to her for Christmas
-Whipped cream from a fallen pie slice
- And a milky way bar...once again found puked up on the patio.
She's living the dream. And has also committed to joining weight watchers the second her Christmas break is over.