
It's A Simple Life

 Outfit 18: Dress: Target, Shirt: Target, Belt: Thrifted, Shoes: Steve Madden

Oh man how I love you guys, all of your confessed  fears yesterday made me 1. Realize I'm not such a crazy after all and 2. Realize how much I love you awesome readers! Just a quick recap, someone may or may not be afraid of snakes biting a certain someone's bum when they sit on the toilet another may or may not be afraid that reality is a dream. And one blogger may or may not have realized that she has the greatest readers in the entire world!

This outfit is simple, and simply put sometimes a simple outfit can make you feel like you live a simple life, and also make you use the word simple five times in a sentence. My white shirt says no I don't have a million things to do I'm just day dreaming, a simple black dress can shout I'm twiddling my thumbs instead of I have lots of papers to write. So yes, I needed a day when my dress completely contradicted how I felt....just to make my life feel a little bit easy going and simple. It worked.


I Get A Little Crazy

Outfit 17: Skirt: Kohl's, Shirt: Target, Scarf: F21, Shoes: Steve Madden, Tights: Randomly appeared in my closet
So you might have noticed I skipped from outfit 14 to 17, nope I'm not a cheater, I just happened to wear them over Thanksgiving and not take pictures of them. I could describe them to you however...that would be boring. I'd rather just tell you about something else uneventful and unimportant and perhaps slightly entertaining.
I have this fear, this crazy and irrational fear yet nevertheless a fear. It all started from this t.v. show called "I didn't know I was pregnant." If you've seen it you probably have the same fear, these women literally carry their baby for 9 months and never knew they were pregnant until their little newborn popped out of their uterus. Anyways, what are the chances this would happen? Slim I know. But nevertheless I am always telling Matt that I'm pretty sure I'm probably seven months pregnant. So this Thanksgiving, after eating a baby sized portion two days in a row (thanks Chipotle and moms cooking) I was CON-VINCED. So in preparation, for my baby that I may or may not have tomorrow I came up with his name and identity. His name is Dilbert, a stocky brown haired boy who loves to collect butterflies and recite literature. I know he's quite the smarty pants. He is always driven crazy by his irrational fear driven mother!!! Please tell me you guys have some irrational fears, it would make a crazy (possibly nine months pregnant) woman feel a lot better.


Pullin A Quickie

Outfit 14: Vest: Kohl's, Turtle neck: Gifted, Dress worn as skirt: Target, Tights: Khol's, Shoes: Steve Madden

Hello I am Audrey Hepburn...now instead of noticing my lack of wordiness due to way too much Thanksgiving break partying please be distracted by my ridiculously huge hair and retro clothing color. Did I mention this Thanksgiving I am grateful for all of you!

Black What?

 Outfit 13: Trench: Macy's, Blouse: Target, Jumper worn as skirt: Thrifted, Tights: Sistered, Shoes: Steve Madden, Necklace: Sistered

Ahhhh I'm so behind on the thirty for thirty challenge but when I go home for Thanksgiving there's no stopping me from staying up late with my family, eating way to much and blogging way too little. I tell ya I'm partying like it's 1995, or whatever year it was that people partied a ton. I would like to proudly say that as a fashion blogger...I did absolutely no Black Friday shopping. I know I thought I'd never say the words, me and my sisters were pumping each other up for the all nighter we were about to have with chest bumps and fist pounds, we popped in Bridal wars to keep our shopping spirits high...next thing I knew it was ten o' clock in the morning and I hadn't spent a penny. Hallelujah, my pennies were really worried about me giving them away but don't you worry I kept every single one of them. I however did get into the Christmas spirit with some movies, songs and feasting. Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving!


It was Professor Plum!

 Outfit 12 Coat: TJ Maxx (Steve Madden), Sweater: Sistered, Blouse: Thrifted, Pin: Handmade, Necklace: F21, Shoes: Steve Madden, Jeggings: Charlotte Russe

Sorry about Sir Matt's little blog hacking yesterday. Howevever as president of Wearing It On My Sleeves I promise that it will never happen again, that we will all have free and awesome healthcare and that all tax money will be donated to schools, okay so maybe I can only try and not get Sir Matt to steal my computer again, I'll work on it. 
I'm home again, and it wasn't a second too soon. There's some serious blizzarding going on in Utah so I'm glad me and me snuck out of the state like the little mischevious sneakers we are. Now who's ready to get their eat on tomorrow!? I have a serious tendency of reducing myself to a coma state as I go from grandmother's house to grandmother's house. So as my stomachs plea to leave it a little room for some drinking water I have decided to limit myself to three whole pies this fine Thanksgiving. Whew that much self control and little food might possibly kill me...but sacrifices must be made I suppose.


Computer Thief!!!

 Outfit 11: Vest: Khol's, Jeggings: Charlotte Russe, Blouse: Thrifted, Boots: Vintage Thrifted

Hey Ladies,
This is Sir Matt filling in for my wife even though she's right here on the couch with me.  Sometimes a man just has to swoop a woman into his arms and take charge, you know what I mean?  I'd like to introduce this look to you.  I call it the... 

This is now Sarah. Apparently Sir Matt is at a loss of words, or maybe it's just the fact that I'm so hot that all he can think of now is "fjalghrasklg". Okay so it's not that, he just doesn't have my intense knowledge of all that is fashion. I call this the dorky-esque school girl (I know it's such a complex fashion concept).


And Then I Coated It!

Outfit 10: Wrap dress worn as coat: Thrifted Simply Vera, Jeggings: Charlotte Russe, Turtle Neck: Gifted, Wedges: Steve Madden ($20!)

 I'd just like to coin a phrase right now because I may have just discovered the coolest thing ever, it shall henceforth be known as "coating it". Out of curiosity, I took my Simply Vera wrap dress...and used it as a coat, don't worry I gave my dress a very thorough talk about all of the changes it would be going through and that identity problems would be completely normal and then...I coated the heck out of that dress. What do you guys think, can my wrap dress pass as a jacket? I'm kind of loving it. Me and my formerly known as dress have had to do some intense identity therapy but I think she'll make it through. And that my friends, is a wrap (literally though it is).


Tis A Happier Place They'll Be

Outfit 9: Boots: Vintage Thrifted, Blouse: Target, Blazer: Thrifted, Scarf: F21, Jeggings: Charlotte Russe
I don't think any person in this world is a fan of rodents, but let me tell you a straight up gospel truth, there is nothing that terrifies me more than a rat. Once my mom put a trap out for a mouse, of course it was caught and after seeing it, I ran to my couch and covered myself with a blanket and tons of happy thoughts for about thirty minutes until the heebie jeebies were gone. If I ever hear "RAT!" I'll jump like a dang monkey and cling onto the object that happens to be farthest from the floor. I hate mats and rice, I mean mice and rats, I'm actually very fond of my husband Sir Matt. Moving On.
Today I came home to not one mouse, but three mice in a trap....but they were little baby mice. And I melted just like that bag of chocolate covered peanuts left in my hot car this summer. I was turned to mush. Why is it that anything baby can make me swoon over them? I declared, "Set them free Matt!". All I know is that Matt sent them to a farm far away where it's warm all year round and they can play with other baby chickens and dogs and cows. Farewell mice friends, enjoy the farm!


Might As Well Face It I'm Addicted To Love

Outfit 8: Shirt: Target, Dress:Target, Tights: Kohls, Shoes: Steve Madden

I have a sick sick addiction to this shirt. What it keeps my neck warm and totally covers my hickies (just kidding me and Sir Matt have never even kissed...hickies are bad children!). I completely realize the I've worn this shirt like 3 out of the 4 days this week but you can't stop me. Especially because I've hidden it in my apartment from Sir Matt after he remarked "Sarah, no one wants to see you wear the same clothes over again." I just gave him a, "Nanny nanny boo boo Matt, that's the whole point of the 30 for 30 challenge, I can only wear thirty items for 30 days and this happens to be one of them!" Needless to say Matt is on the hunt for this shirt and I'm really good at hiding things (like the last See's candy chocolate that mysteriously disappeared and is now in my belly...our little secret.)

Blogger of The Month: Sydney

Have you ever met your doppleganger. Sydney from The Daybook is my complete doppleganger.You'll see in just a second.

See I told you we totally look alike right...okay so we look nothing alike but we live the exact same life right now, poor married students, who hate to cook, are doing homework instead of playing ...oh and we both happen to have fashion blogs. Having Sydney as my little moral support that poor married students can have fashion blogs too has been great, not to mention we sometimes pout over the necessity to feed our husbands...and occasionally clean up after them.

I'm warning you right now, after visiting her sight you will hit that follow button and never look back because she's totally hilarious and wears awesome clothes. Take it away Syd.

I love your fashion, has it been something that has evolved over time for you or just something that comes naturally?
Thanks girl! No, it's definitely something that's been evolved. I look back on my own blog at some of the stuff I used to wear a year ago and shudder a little bit. haha. That has been a great thing about style blogging! I can easily see how my style has and IS continuing to evolve, just cause I'm more in tune with my likes and dislikes now :)     
Do you have any inspirational characters when it comes to fashion?
Yes, yes and YES. Rachel Bilson and Carey Mulligan are huge style inspirations for me.   
What is your most regretted purchase EVER!
 haha! Oh gracious. Probably a black and pink lace bra that was much too small for me at the time. I purchased it anyways cause I just thought it was so pretty and it was the only one left! But actually, I don't regret it anymore because my boobs shrunk so now it fits!! wahoo! 
I love your story of how you met Tyson, what's some advice you give to ALL THE SINGLE LADIES about picking a good one.
Oh jeeze. There's so much I could say about that! Picking the right one is a complicated and sometimes difficult process ladies, that may take a loooong time. Don't worry about it though! Have fun dating! Probably the best advice I could give would be to pick someone who compliments you, not someone who agrees with you on everything. Cause that's just boring. The best thing I ever did was marry someone who was pretty much my opposite in every way. We balance each other, and have learned how to develop various qualities that may have been a weakness for us before. It's awesome!  
Your pictures in your photos are always so well done, do you have any tips for bloggers on how to get great pictures for their blog.
I do! In fact, I did a whole post just on that! You can read about it here: http://tandsdaybook.blogspot.com/2010/10/your-questions-answered-photography-and.html  
I've seen a few people in overalls lately...would you ever go back there again...but really?
You know, I've only seen one person pull of that trend successfully. But I really have no confidence that I could do it. So NO. I will not be revisiting my favorite trend from the 4th grade. :)  
What's your favorite trend for this fall.
Faux fur vests! And Oxford Wedges. Yes, that's two. But I just can't help myself...they're too delicious! 
I HATE cooking just as much as you do. If you have to cook what's your go to meal.
haha. OH GOOD. Glad to know I have a partner in crime :) My go to meal is always, ALWAYS spaghetti and french bread. It's easy and I know how to do it.  And it never fails to get the "honey, this is so good!" response from the hubs. He's a trooper.
At a party there's someone who can't stop talking, someone there for the food and someone who is a little too shy to talk. Which one are you?
I'm probably the shy one, believe it or not. Unless I actually know the people at the party, and then I'm right at home. I always feel really embarrassed for the person who won't stop talking though, so I always try my best to avoid THAT party roll :)   

What's the most you've ever spent on an article of clothing? The least?
mmm. Probably 75 bucks. No joke. I have NO desire to spend anything over $100 on a single piece of clothing. Unless it's shoes. And then it's completely understandable. ;) The least was probably the 50 cents I spent on that brown belt I tend to wear incessantly.
What are your favorite items in your closet right now.
oooh! Probably my tuxedo blazer with the floral lining and my army green skinnies. I tend to want to wear them every single day. And sometimes I do :)


A Match Made In Heaven

Outfit 7:Blazer: Thrifted, Dress: Kohl's ($7), Tights: Kohl's, Boots: Thrifted, Belt: F21
I know that brown and black supposedly don't go together but we actually talked it out and brown and black have decided to set aside their differences and once again come together. They even gave me permission to tell you that they're kind of dating now, keep in on the low down they don't want too many people knowing they're dating or else all the other colors will get jealous. Hence in celebration I decided to once again reunite this rarely used pair and show the world what they can do together.


A Tale of Little Tommy

Outfit 6: Shirt: Target, Belt: F21, Skirt: Handmade, Pin: Handmade, Shoes: Steve Madden

Have you ever heard of those weirdo books that try to help children understand "their bodily functions". Yeah me neither, until I innocently stumbled upon one at the library.  I felt like a naive little elementary student as I giggled through "Potty Time", a wholesome way to let children know that the toilet isn't just for throwing things in. I'm sorry but I'd rather explain to my child why he can no longer poop in his diaper then have to go through the whole coming of age story with rhymes and clever pictures. Anyways, I opted out after little Tommy explained where his bum goes on the potty...can I get some pictures of zoo animals or something up in here?


The Fabulous 5

 Shirt: Target, Jeggings: Charlotte Russe, Necklace: Sistered, Belt: Really Old, Boots: Thrifted

I'm back home unexpectedly under some really unfortunate circumstances, but during such sad times it's amazing how much happiness your family can give you. This trip has been the original five kids, and not that we don't love our spouses, but it's great when something drastic has changed to have something so comfortable. Having all of us here is like we never left, we're still those obnoxious young kids, Jason chases, Jen laughs loud, I'm the entertainer, Michelle is sweet and Em is too cool for school. I love it.

Little Em and I went down to our little old town city where we went to my favorite German bakery, I had the Tiramisu chocolate roll that I always get, we laughed, embarrassed ourselves taking pictures and were proud of it. I love my family, I love life, I love being home, I love the fabulous 5.


4 Your Information Mr. Biker....

 Jeggings: Charlotte Russe, Blazer: Thrifted, Flannel: Target, Necklace: F21, Boots: Thrifted

I’ve never seen a ransom note before but I’ve always supposed it would go something like this.
“This is a very scary man, meet me with 7 million dollars on Fresco Bridge on Friday and you’ll get your treasured monkey back”
The word monkey of course being used literally because in all of my day dreams I have a monkey named Dilbert, he’s remarkably courteous unlike all of those other barbarian poop throwing monkeys. Anyways, it finally happened. I received a ransom note...or at least the closest thing to it! Except for to my dismay it was nothing like my fantasies. It read,
“Just wanted to let you know you locked my bike into the bike rack today… luckily your lock was almost undone. Try not to crowd the bars so much next time"
I find it very necessary to express how I feel to angry biker man in my own little ransom note.

"Dear angry biker, due to your unibomber handwriting I was sure that my cat would be dead when I got home, or my car would have slits in all of its tires, however this is just not so. Perhaps you are kind, strange mean biker man. I sure will try to not lock my bike to yours...but just in case of a reoccuring event please try not to use "biker" terms next time because I have absolutely no clue what "crowding the handle bars" means according to bike locking and placing etiquette. Thank you, and meet me on Fresco bridge in an hour with 7 million dollars and you indeed will get your monkey back."


3 Strikes and You'rrrrreee Outtt!

 Cargos: Target, Boots: c/o CSN.com, Sweater: Target, Blouse: TJ Maxx, Belt: Really old
Knit: Urban Wear, Scarf:F21, Leather Jacket: Thrifted
I would like to formally apologize for the lack of aesthetically pleasing background today but have any of you noticed that it's either you get up at the butt crack of dawn in order to take pictures with light in them (not happening), or it's pitch black before you even step out of your work doors. Ughh....have no fear I'm coming up with a solution, it has to do with a borrowed giraffe and a pool boy named Sven. Okay so that's not true but I really will come up with a solution.


2 Good 2 Be True

 Jumper: Thrifted, Tights: F21, Shoes: Steve Madden ($20!), Turtleneck: FashionBug, Pearls: Totes fake

If there is ever one item of jewelry that  will cause me to  forgo my cheapskate ways it would be for some pearls...not yet of course, this strand is indeed too good to be true. Speaking of too good to be true I got these hunks of love from Steve Madden for $20 smacks. I don't know if you guys know Steve, but he doesn't like to give deals. I thought me and him were tight once but he told me I could only have this pair of boots if I paid $200 bucks for them, so I shunned him and discontinued our friendship...until now, because let's face it, Steve gave me great shoes and a good deal. Who would've thought? Unshunned Steve...for now that is.