
He Caught Me

Matt keeps catching me outside on the lawn getting my read on. He kept calling me grandmother bear claw all day after he found me reading like this. But truly the blanket is completely necessary for an optimal reading experience mmmkay.I've been reading tons and tons of books lately. Here are the latest that I loved!

The Shape of Mercy: I cried and then cried some more. It is so epic. It's a story about a girl who wrote a journal while she lived in Salem during The Salem Witch Trials...and it has a juicy love story in it too. I'm telling you. epic.
Divergent: People have been comparing Divergent to the next Hunger Games, but honestly it's so so different, but still awesome in its own way. Four (the main stud) is the manliest of men, I'm talking Peeta style stud. And Trice (the leading lady) is a total B.A. which I loved because let's face it, a lot of fiction books lately are all about weak women getting rescued and protected by manly men, I loved that Trice could hold her own.
Anna and the French Kiss: A good classic love story that will leave you wishing for an English gent of your own. It's a teensy bit on the cheesy romance side, but really, who doesn't want a bit of that in their lives every once in a while.
The Book Thief: I've read lots of Holocaust books, but this one was so completely different than all of the others. The narrator is death itself which gave the book such a unique perspective. Just a warning though, if you read this, get ready to bawl your dang eyes out.

Now do me a favor and go soak up the sun with a blanket and a good book. Oh an also, tell me a few of your favorite books and why you love them! I'm in need of some new reading material!


  1. 'Everything is illuminated' and 'Extremely loud and incredibly close' by Jonathan Safran Foer.

    Foer is a genius. That's all I can say. :)

  2. Whatever Dee-Dee wantsApril 19, 2012 at 6:58 AM

    I have read Divergent and The Book Thief, both awesome books! I will have to check out the other two.

  3. I've only read The Book Thief (which I loved), so I'll have to read the others!

  4. Mere and the MisterApril 19, 2012 at 7:13 AM

    I love finding new reads!! Fun post.

  5. I loved Anna and the French Kiss! I loved Stephanie Perkins' latest book, "Lola and the Boy Next Door" even better though. Anne and St. Clair even make an experience! Check it out! (And The Book Thief, is AMAZING. Good choice.)

  6. I read the Book Thief last summer and you are so right: it is amazing, but also really sad. I'm adding the other books you mentioned on my summer reading list right now; gosh I can't wait until the end of the semester.


  7. Yay, I love to see people reading (I'm a librarian)! The Book Thief was so good; I'll have to check out those others. I recommend Ender's Game for sci-fi, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell if you're intrigued by the idea of Harry Potter meets Oscar Wilde, and Like Water for Chocolate for an epic, epic love story. I have a lot of other book reviews on my blog, but these are some of my absolute favorites.

  8. I think you would really enjoy "People of the Book"



  9. I loved Persuasion by Jane Austen, which I just recently finished!

  10. grandmother bear claw! hilarious!


  11. As mentioned before by Sofie, all books by Foer are amazing!
    I am also extremely fond of The Secret History (Donna tart), The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time (Mark Haddon), A Short History of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson), Angela's Ashes (Frank McCourt), Catcher In The Rye (J.D.Salinger) and probably my all-time favorite; Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

  12. I, too, have read a butt ton of Holocaust books, but the Book Thief was something magnificent... it was so beautifully written and yep, I bawled my dang eyes out, especially when the book was over.

  13. The Book Thief is probably one of the best books I've ever read.
    Another suggestion is "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" by Muriel Barbery. Amazing book.

  14. Yess! I get so happy whenever I hear that someone read The Shape of Mercy. It's my absolute favorite right now, and I've been suggesting it to every crazy hobo on the street for years. Woohoo!

  15. If your up for a children's book, The Penderwicks : a summer tale of four sisters, two rabbits, and a very interesting boy by Jeanne Birdsall. This book is reminiscent of Anne of Green Gables and the Besty-Tacy series.

  16. Ohhhh the Book Thief made me cry and cry and cry! So amazingly good.

  17. oh! if you are into holocaust books, read Sarah's Key. amazing.

  18. I love Divergent! I am hanging for the next one to come out. I think it comes out at the start of May. It's called Insurgent. Do you know these books have already been picked up for a movie deal? They will be awesome as movies.

  19. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers!! :D

  20. Speaking of Holocaust books .. have you read Sarah's Key?

    ♥ B
    With Love From Michigan

  21. I think I am slightly obsessed with your blog. That's all.

  22. You look cute and it looks like you're enjoying reading--not grandma at all :) I'm in the process of reading Jane Eyre--oh, so good! It begins in a semi-typical love story manner but takes a downward spin with a radical emotional roller coaster. I definitely recommend it :)

  23. "The Book Thief" has been on my to-read list for a while, but I only hear great things about it ... adding it to my summer reading list!
    Some awesome books Iʻve read lately include: "The Lacuna" by Barbara Kingsolver" and R.J. Palacioʻs "Wonder." And on the short list of books I love to read and reread are Haruki Murakamiʻs "Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World," Jose Saramagoʻs "All the Names," and Lynne Rae Perkinsʻ "Criss Cross."

  24. "Green Dolphin Street" is one of the most heart-wrenching books I've read. It's my favorite, but I can only read it about once every three years because it's so emotionally exhausting!
    Now I want to read "The Book Thief"!

  25. The Book Thief is my favorite book! I also enjoyed Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Hunger Games.

  26. If you liked Divergent, you'll also love Delirium and the second book Pandemonium. I can't believe I have to wait another year for the 3rd book. Ahhhh!
    I just read The Book Thief as well. It was beautifully written. loved it.

  27. So glad I stumbled on your blog today, it's darling! I really need to get myself in a habit of reading again, I've been trying to read pride and prejudice for months now haha! I'm too easily distracted by everything else I suppose, oops :)

  28. Oh yep, I've read the Book Thief - so good, so sad! Hmm try The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas. It's an Australian novel and is sooo good - was just made into a TV series too :)

  29. Awww, that blanket totally reminds me of my Grandma! I need some new books to read, I will have to check out a couple of these!
    Modern Modest Beauty

  30. Brittany Lew WhooApril 23, 2012 at 7:44 AM

    the book thief is one of my favorite books, i'm going to have to try out the others!

  31. Thank you for sharing! After I finish Harry Potter again and Pride and Prejudice, I need a few more on my list.


  32. If you like reading about Germany during the Second World War, may I suggest 'The Banquet of Esther Rosenbaum' by Penny Simpson? It's about a Jewish girl who is a giant, who becomes a chef, and has friends who are communists and hang out in the Berlin Cabaret scene. It's all kinds of wonderful.

  33. omg! i love two books on that list but its NOT TRICE ITS TRIS!!!!! annnyyyyyyway

  34. Reading in the warm sun with a blanket is the best! The last two books I read were Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and I loved them both.

  35. Have you read Clara's War? Great true story of a girl who survived hiding during the Halocaust (World War II). Great story....sad parts of course, but the courage and strength is amazing.
