
Makeup for Glasses Tutorial and a Review

I partnered up with Firmoo, an affordable and trendy online glasses store to bring you an eye makeup tutorial for the days when you wear your glasses! I don’t know about you guys, but when I wear glasses it can feel like my eyes can get a bit lost in my frames. But not to worry, now you can wear cute frames and still bring focus to your eyes with this makeup look!

Firmoo was super kind and let me pick out a pair of frames to wear and review for this video. I LOVE my frames. I had actually just ordered a pair from my eye doctor and I have to say that I reach for this pair way more. They are both relatively the same quality wise but the style takes the cake for me. They have little gold notches on the corners and they have gold rims! I love them.

I actually reviewed another online glasses company a while back, and I’m not going to name names (you can look in my older posts if you’re super curious) but my experience with Firmoo was far above and beyond my experience with the previous company. Placing my prescription order was way easier, the glasses came faster and I was way more pleased with the quality. Anywho, check them out if you’re looking for a pair of glasses, they’re super affordable and stylish!

1 comment :

  1. I hope that you continue to do videos! My friend with glasses loved this! I also would love to see more DIY again- do you still refashion clothes?

