Nov 18, 2010

And Then I Coated It!

Outfit 10: Wrap dress worn as coat: Thrifted Simply Vera, Jeggings: Charlotte Russe, Turtle Neck: Gifted, Wedges: Steve Madden ($20!)

 I'd just like to coin a phrase right now because I may have just discovered the coolest thing ever, it shall henceforth be known as "coating it". Out of curiosity, I took my Simply Vera wrap dress...and used it as a coat, don't worry I gave my dress a very thorough talk about all of the changes it would be going through and that identity problems would be completely normal and then...I coated the heck out of that dress. What do you guys think, can my wrap dress pass as a jacket? I'm kind of loving it. Me and my formerly known as dress have had to do some intense identity therapy but I think she'll make it through. And that my friends, is a wrap (literally though it is).


  1. Oh man, I'm in love with your blog. I've been finding a lot of fashion blogs lately and I'm afraid I'm turning into an envying, worldly woman. However, that isn't stopping me from following you. Nice to meet you :)

  2. haha i love your new phrase. and it totally works on you. cute new coat :)

  3. How clever! I adore your new coat-dress. ;)

  4. you totally coated it.

    I love this look and can we take a moment to drool on your shoes, please?

  5. The Elegant BohemianNovember 19, 2010 at 2:49 AM

    Too cute! Love it....of course, one can NEVER go wrong with black and white. Looks gorgeous! ~Serene

  6. Jill GG (good life for less)November 19, 2010 at 6:12 AM

    very cute outfit and I just LOVE those shoes!

  7. sisters4saymoreismoreNovember 19, 2010 at 6:17 AM

    absolutely works!
    can we talk about those shoes for a minute....i almost fell over....yum.


  8. Oh my goodness! I need you to ship all of the contents of your wardrobe to me stat. Especially this post. I love, love, love, lovvvee the wrap dress, your jeggings, and those wedges! You've inspired me to go for a wedge. That's my next mission. And thanks for your comments on my blog! You've won me over as a new follower of you.

  9. I looooove these Steve Maddens! How on earth did you score them for $20?!

  10. What a great and unique idea!! I would have never thought to use a wrap dress as a coat! Love it!

    I also die for those shoes - $20, really? That is amazing!

    Small Time Style

  11. What an ingenious idea! And you work it so 'fiercely' as Tyra would say ;)
    Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog, made my day! :) xoxo

  12. okay so this is brilliant! love it. but it was hard to tell you were using it as a jacket because i can't see what you had under it (creepster? unintentional)

  13. adorable. for serious.

  14. Your "formally known as a dress" can TOTALLY pass as a coat...and a very cute coat at that!

  15. Adorable! I have a cute little F21 dress that totally doubles as a sleeveless trench in the summertimes, so you'll find no argument here! Pssssh, your blog is so great. Keep it up, lady!

  16. You look gorgeous and those shoes are to die for! I am jealous of them!

  17. I think the coat formally knows as the dress looks great and I am so using "coating it" in a sentence today...beside the one I just wrote here

  18. I definitely think it works! Love it. (& I want those wedges! <3)

  19. What a Great Idea a Dress as a Coat, I may have to borrow that..Lol While I'm borrowing that I may need some wedges..please and thank you! Wonderful Remx! ;)

  20. I'm a little nervous to "coat" it.
    I also think taking pictures is going to far, but I personally didn't mind that one time because of the situation. Just a side note. :) Thanks for commenting.

  21. Seriously cute dress/coat. Genius! And those fabulous steve maddens for $20? No way! Loooovvveee.

  22. ok those shoes are fab. i'm jealous that you can still even wear sandals :)

  23. i love your shoes!!! im jealous!! 20$? thats a goood deal! and you rockin that coat as a dress!

    Taradiddles of a stylr on a budget

  24. those. shoes. droooooool. what size are you? i might have to steal them ;)

  25. I love your entire outfit, so cute!

  26. This is a wonderful blog!
    I think you should patent "coating it." You look fabulous doing it.
    The Auspicious Life

  27. this is so cute! check you out wearing $20 steves! I love the wrap dress as a coat, so clever :) just the sort of thing the 30 for 30 calls for...


  28. I am head over heels for this outfit! This looks gorgeous!

  29. Those shoes are BEAUTIFUL! Love it!

  30. I love this outfit!! I think the dress works perfectly as a coat!

  31. love the coat. i picked this outfit as one of my favorites on my round up for this week!


  32. love the outfit.

  33. Really beautiful coat and you thought of such an awesome way of remixing it! I find that wrap dresses (while super flattering) tend to be one note, so figuring out new ways to wear them is fantastic!

  34. I tagged you!!! :)
    Come check it out...

  35. you are so photogenic!! and you have super outfits.. I am a new follower and also doing the challenge so thought I would drop by and say hi.. and I already got some great fashion ideas from you so thanks!!


  36. Coating it. I love it. I wish I had a cool wrap dress that I could coat it with. You are too fabulous!

  37. cool idea, I have an H & M dress, also black and white... I was just thinking about pairing it with a pair of my skinny jeans... and I could pair it with a long sleeve white shirt :) fun :)
