Nov 27, 2010

Black What?

 Outfit 13: Trench: Macy's, Blouse: Target, Jumper worn as skirt: Thrifted, Tights: Sistered, Shoes: Steve Madden, Necklace: Sistered

Ahhhh I'm so behind on the thirty for thirty challenge but when I go home for Thanksgiving there's no stopping me from staying up late with my family, eating way to much and blogging way too little. I tell ya I'm partying like it's 1995, or whatever year it was that people partied a ton. I would like to proudly say that as a fashion blogger...I did absolutely no Black Friday shopping. I know I thought I'd never say the words, me and my sisters were pumping each other up for the all nighter we were about to have with chest bumps and fist pounds, we popped in Bridal wars to keep our shopping spirits thing I knew it was ten o' clock in the morning and I hadn't spent a penny. Hallelujah, my pennies were really worried about me giving them away but don't you worry I kept every single one of them. I however did get into the Christmas spirit with some movies, songs and feasting. Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Yes, our thanksgiving was lovely. Thank you! Your trench coat is really nice!

  2. Curves ahead makeupNovember 27, 2010 at 2:19 AM

    all your outfits have been awesome !!! that's awesome you didn't spend anything I wish I could say the same =)

  3. I love the way a white shirt always looks so classy!

  4. oooh, I hope you had great Thanksgiving :)
    I am so happy that Xmas spirit is starting to feel in the air, I simply adore this time of the year :)

    check out some of my Advent stuff

  5. I've never understood the whole "Let's not sleep after eating lots of turkey. Instead, let's go shop at ludicrously early hours of the morning". Then again, the tales of deals garnered at Black Friday live in the mythical realm to me, being Canadian.
    I love the lighting you've used for these pictures - almost like a spotlight which reminds me of fashion show pictures!

  6. meeee too.
    the last picture i took for the 30 for 30 was... tuesday.
    and i haven't blogged about that yet.
    i'm a slacker

  7. I'm even more behind haha
    Very cute outfit! Love those shoes.

  8. I love this outfit! I'm the same when I am home. I'm a little behind on the 30 for 30, too...but I think that family and quality time comes first before anything else, so that is why! Sounds like you had an amazing Thanksgiving!

  9. i love those pearls with that neckline! good for you for resisting black friday :)

  10. The Suburb ExperimentNovember 27, 2010 at 11:37 PM

    Really cute outfit. Very classy! I didn't venture out for Black Friday but imagine it must be very entertaining.


  11. Congrats on making out of Black Friday without spending anything!
    I like this classic look.
    (And there are plenty of people further behind on the challenge. Don't worry. Go at your own pace)
    The Auspicious Life

  12. Such a cute outfit! Love the shoes.
