Nov 29, 2010

I Get A Little Crazy

Outfit 17: Skirt: Kohl's, Shirt: Target, Scarf: F21, Shoes: Steve Madden, Tights: Randomly appeared in my closet
So you might have noticed I skipped from outfit 14 to 17, nope I'm not a cheater, I just happened to wear them over Thanksgiving and not take pictures of them. I could describe them to you however...that would be boring. I'd rather just tell you about something else uneventful and unimportant and perhaps slightly entertaining.
I have this fear, this crazy and irrational fear yet nevertheless a fear. It all started from this t.v. show called "I didn't know I was pregnant." If you've seen it you probably have the same fear, these women literally carry their baby for 9 months and never knew they were pregnant until their little newborn popped out of their uterus. Anyways, what are the chances this would happen? Slim I know. But nevertheless I am always telling Matt that I'm pretty sure I'm probably seven months pregnant. So this Thanksgiving, after eating a baby sized portion two days in a row (thanks Chipotle and moms cooking) I was CON-VINCED. So in preparation, for my baby that I may or may not have tomorrow I came up with his name and identity. His name is Dilbert, a stocky brown haired boy who loves to collect butterflies and recite literature. I know he's quite the smarty pants. He is always driven crazy by his irrational fear driven mother!!! Please tell me you guys have some irrational fears, it would make a crazy (possibly nine months pregnant) woman feel a lot better.


  1. Um, yeah, I have that same fear after watching that show...not to mention that it HAPPENED to my aunt!

    She was engaged, 25, and had gained a little weight but she blamed it on stress from wedding planning. She never had regular periods due to ovarian cysts or something, and went to the hospital one night with severe stomach cramps, thinking she had appendicitis or something. Yup, she was in labor. They think my cousin was born at 30 weeks, making her premature, but she's now 24 years old and fine. I've seen pictures of my aunt at the time - she's always been a slim person and unless you knew, you couldn't really tell she was pregnant - it really just looked like she gained a few pounds. I would never believe that TLC show if it weren't for my aunt!

  2. LOVE love love this outfit!

  3. Reyna @fashionmist♥November 29, 2010 at 1:26 PM

    I love your outfit! xx

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I love this crazy little story!!! I have weird irrational fears as well (like that what's actually happening right now is in my dream... I mean how can we tell?) but not as crazy as yours! Hahahaha, this made me laugh so much!!


  5. i have that fear too!!! now that i can't run because of an injury i feel like i'm gaining weight, but most importantly i feel like i'm pregnant and it freaks me out!

  6. colors colors colors, ... but they seem to work out together I gotta admit it :)

  7. you're not crazy....i have an irrational fear that someone will come up behind me while i am brushing my teeth and slam my head into the faucet, effectively killing me. now that's a little bit crazy.

  8. I watch that show all the time and always thing "cmon ladies this is ridiculous" but I guess its a real thing. That would be a scary thing to have happen to you but I am sure the odds are slim. Oh and every time I watch that show all I can think about is "um is that a baby in your pants." Cracks me up

  9. Great pattern mixing. Also, this staircase is a great photo spot.
    No Guilt Fashion

  10. 1. I love your pattern mixing.
    2. I have that fear all the time and I'm on birth control and really shouldn't be that worried.
    3. Also, I'm afraid that semi trucks will just fall over and smash me on the road. Is that also irrational?

  11. Ha!! Love it! You are cute AND funny. What a catch! :)

    I have an irrational fear...that a snake is going to pop out of the toilet & bite me while I'm sitting on it. Gross, I know. But scary, too, right? I mean could you just imagine!?

    Good luck with you (hopefully) food baby.

  12. I always suspect I'm about 2-3 months pregnant. It accounts for why I'm so tired, and why sometimes my jeans feel a little tight, and why I'm mood swing-y. Of course, my fiance always reminds me that it could be because I don't sleep well at night, and I eat a lot of crap, and he hasn't noticed a particularly large change in my moods, but that rarely changes my mind.
    A girl I went to university with was obviously pregnant, but so far in denial that she never went to the doctor. She had her baby while on a trip to Hawaii. When she came back with a baby, no one was surprised. I would much rather be in that situation!!

  13. Beautiful pictures, great outfit :)))


  14. This may sound crazy but I totally watch that show and It's just of those shows where you just CANNOT NOT watch! hahah Anyways...Love the outfit. You always look so stinkin' cute!

  15. I was scheduled for knee surgery right when the movie "Awake" (a movie about a guy being awake during heart surgery but paralyzed from anesthesia) Anyway to say the least I freaked my self out until I was safely out of surgery!

    **I this shirt and skirt together!! Not to mention those shoes are to die for! Great outfit!!

  16. Curves ahead makeupNovember 29, 2010 at 5:54 PM

    omg this story was crazy hahahah you named a baby that you don't even have and it has hobbies its genius hahah

  17. Sarah-I am obsessed with that show!!! I can sit on Saturday and watch them back to back for hours!!

  18. I have a skirt that looks just like that from H&M! It wore it on Thanksgiving. I love how you styled it here - I never would have thought of that or have had enough bravado!

  19. LOL you're hilarious!!! I love the colour of your scarf!

  20. {Stephanie Johnson}November 29, 2010 at 8:16 PM

    Cute style!! I found your blog via kendi everyday. I love all your cute tights and skirts! My sister, friend and I are starting our 30 for 30 in January. I hope I can make it like the rest of ya'll!

    Stephanie (if you want to follow my outfits, I would love some feedback!)

  21. I love this stripe/floral mixed print combo! You wear it so well.

  22. Haha that is too funny--that show is insane! Glad your guy takes it in stride. :)

    Love love love the pattern mixing! That pop of yellow is the perfect finishing touch.

  23. I have seen that show. Some girl thought she was constipated and had her baby in the toilette! I was speechless.

  24. No you not crazy. My sister-in-law didn't know she was 6-months pregnant, none of us knew, not even my brother (her husband) until one day she felt pain and had to be hospitalized and went through caesarean. She's fine now and my niece is awfully cute and a strong survivor :)

    Thanks for dropping by my site. Your outfit today is very nice and interesting! I like it!

  25. Omg I've seen that show! Sometimes it's a little crazy but I actually know a girl that just found out she's six months pregnant. Uhh woah. Crazy thing is, she's 5'10 and you honestly can't really tell! I felt like I had a food baby from all of our delicious Thanksgiving meals, too, though! haha

  26. as always, you are a pattern mixing genius. i love those shoes.

    once, i convinced myself i was pregnant because i GOT MY PERIOD. it was a little early so i was messing around on webmd and read an article on implantation bleeding and i was done. you're not the only irrational one :)

  27. My best friend just recently had a baby in October. She found it she was pregnant in August. Crazy, I know!!! I also had another friend who had a 14 month old and was going to the dr to get the mini-pill and discovered that she was 6 months pregnant. That's the one that freaks me out the most.

  28. This outfit is so great! I love the mixed patterns and throwing the yellow scarf in there! And... those shoes are divine.

  29. I can't help you with the irrational fear there but I do think it's kinda normal for young women to feel like this about pregnancy at some point.


    I love the pattern mixing you did here. It is great and so is that staircase!

  30. I love the mix of all these patterns!!

  31. Nilcha's Fashion ChroniclesNovember 30, 2010 at 8:17 PM

    love ur outfit, n wud love to see ur picture with dilbert soon :P


  32. oh, i think i need that skirt. ;)

  33. Love the pattern-mixing!

    Oh gosh...that would awful to be pregnant and not know it until you're giving birth! Scary!

  34. Hah! I'm sitting in that same building right now!
    I'm just loving that mustard colour that has been popping up everywhere. I'm dieing to get a cardigan that colour.
    Oh, and I have that same fear. I keep having reoccurring dreams that I'm pregnant and didn't know it until way late and so there wasn't any prenatal care and I ate stuff that was bad for the baby and all that jazz.

  35. So I'm catching up on blog reading after the holiday and too much work and I had to comment!

    That show is crazy but I try not to watch it. I can freak myself out WAY to easily... In fact, I have put on a few pounds recently...

    But my irrational fear is something under my bed. As in, not even a finger can hang over the edge of my mattress if I'm sleeping because I will be dragged to the underworld and no one will know what happened.

    PS - I love this skirt!

  36. Love this outfit. Love your style girl. So glad to have found your blog. Thanks for visiting mine. Following you now on Bloglovin' :)

  37. I love your outfit here, the pattern mixing is SO cute :)


  38. fun outfit with all the patterns in play! :-)
