Sep 28, 2010

You Can Dance If You Want To

Outfit Details:
Blouse: Shade
Jacket: Very old Target (Remade DIY Military Style)
Jeggings: Khols
Clogs: Target
Necklace: DIY
I used this outfit to enter a contest. I know what you are thinking and no I'm not one of those people always in a contest, "No I can't go to that movie I have to be the 9th caller and win an I-Pod", I'm not one of those people willingly giving their social security number, phone number, date of birth and a urine sample to win a car at the mall. I'm not the girl that enters every Sally and Susan's blog giveaway so I can get a child's baby bib when I don't even have a child. But yes, I entered a contest. The contest was military style, and if I do say so myself I make one awesome military wearin' contest entering girl. Do you dare to wear military this fall?
I have a secret and it is so good to hear it.... this jacket is tomorrow's DIY tutorial. I know I know I shouldn't wear something before I put up the tutorial. It's like eating dessert first (which I do all the time), or clapping before a performance is over (do that too) don't judge me I'm weak. Anyways, just a little preview for all you DIY lovers.


  1. Oh my goodness! SO CUTE. I hope you win. Do we vote? I would totally vote for you. And I can't wait for the tutorial, because I have a pile of "items for sprucing!"

  2. That jacket is cute. I'm looking forward to the tutorial.

  3. beautiful jacket.

    im loving your new header!

    <3 dennica pearl
    - through the eyes of a pearl
    - vintage shop

  4. I have been wanting a military jacket for months. I'm very excited for the DIY. I'm also interested in the DIY necklace you are wearing as well!!!

  5. 28, 2010 at 8:05 AM

    beautiful jacket.
    love your style specially in the last post.
    ciao from Milan
    Nicola freshONpr

  6. omg, i love mom bloggers :D

    you're absolutely breathtaking.
    im a new follower [:

    <3 dennica pearl
    - through the eyes of a pearl
    - vintage shop

  7. Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice CreamSeptember 28, 2010 at 8:15 AM

    love love the details on the jacket and how you paired it with stripes and the tassle necklace. good luck with the contest!

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  8. Cute jacket...I love clogs too!

    Enter my F21 Giftcard Giveaway!!
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  9. Nice DIY.
    I'm glad you entered a contest where no urine sample was needed.

  10. I have those same clogs! Love the way you paired them here

  11. Amazing DIY skills! Love it xxx

  12. Oh wow, all your pictures are so cute! You are adorable.

  13. What a cool jacket, I can't wait to see how its a DIY! And the military look is great! Good luck with the contest! I definitely plan on incorporating some of the military trend this fall, but I'm not sure how yet! :)

  14. Hi Sarah! I think you're so pretty. You remind me of my gorgeous colleague :) I'm so glad I visited your blog! I am following you now :)

  15. daisymay aka ChanteleSeptember 28, 2010 at 5:49 PM

    Wow, love the jacket, its beautiful.

    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home
    Daisy Dayz Day Zero Challenge

  16. What a great blog! def. following you!=) Thanks for dropping by on my blog!!=)

  17. nice military diy styling! looking forward to the tute!

  18. This look is great! I'm dying to try the new clog trend! And thanks for your comment! I use photoshop to put a vintage haze on all of my photos. I know!...I'm a cheat!
    I'm your newest follower :)

  19. i love the military trend and i can't wait to see your tutorial on it!

  20. Wow! Cute Outfit. Love the Clogs
    & your Blog is amazing!:) Ouuuh.. thank you sooo much for the super cute comment on my Blog. I love receiving cute compliments like this.
    You have great style too! xx, Alice
    from bells and whistles.
    Ps: I would be so honored if you want to follow my Blog. :)

  21. ummm i think i NEED these clogs!! i've been seeing em on alot of blogs. w/ my luck i'll get to target and they'll be sold out bc i waited too long :)

  22. Omg, Sarah! Adorable! I wish I could channel an ounce of your creative energy!!

  23. I also love the clog. I think the color makes it so approachable.

  24. Nilcha's Fashion ChroniclesOctober 4, 2010 at 3:23 AM

    wow, im so gonna do this to my jacket.
    nice one!
    it looks like MJ's :)


  25. super great idea! And your outfit so cute!
