Jun 19, 2016

Why Bloggers Keep Blogging

shoes: Kohl's (here)   dress: Asos (similar here)   jacket: Nordstrom Rack Bebe (similar)   hat: Nordstrom Rack (similar)

I've been thinking a lot about why bloggers keep blogging...or I guess in modern times right now why all of us keep up with all of the Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat/Periscope blah blah ect ect hulabaloo along with our blogs. Because truly blogging used to be so simple. I used to sit down, write a post, take a picture, share it with anyone that wanted to read and that was it. And now it's turned into a monster. If you're not constantly promoting on all social media outlets you're not considered a valuable blogger or asset to anyone. If you're not making an income off of it, if millions of girls don't want your life, body, husband, house than you're not worth anything because you can't SELL anything for other companies. Somehow blogging stopped being blogging and it just became another advertising medium. And it's really sad because we all let it become that way. We wanted something in return for sharing with others, I guess we got a bit greedy. It's lost so much of its originality, creativity and fun. 

I realized the reason that I keep blogging is because I feel this need to keep fighting all of these super bloggers that are making all of us buy into the fact that what they are doing is blogging "success". When it comes down to it I like to take photos, I really like to buy clothes, I like being creative and I like to share my thoughts and I like to think that my thoughts can connect us and create friendships. It's really that simple. To me I feel successful and I think anyone should feel successful blogging, not because they have millions of followers but because it feeds their soul and makes them happy.

I don't know lately I just can't read/follow a lot of the people that I used to because somewhere along the way we all got a little lost and caught up in the social media business of pushing products instead of sharing life and lifting each other up. And also I definitely stopped following you because I didn't win your stupid giveaway (insert cry laugh emoji here).

So I want to re-introduce myself. In case we've gotten a little off track along the way.

My name is Sarah. I'm married to a really goofy guy named Matt that has always hated blogging. In fact picture taking of any sort is his nemisis which is why in all of my photos I use tripods. Because if our marriage was going to make it than I better stop asking him to take ALL THE PHOTOS.

I have a little girl named Jocelyn who is 2 going on 16. She is all about the drama, but she's also the coolest and funniest human being ever.

I'm 30 weeks pregnant with our second girl. To be honest I'm terrified that I won't be able to love our second as much as Jocelyn, but I hear this is a common mom worry so I'm trying to keep my crap together. Being a mom is the best, but it can also be really really isolating and I just don't think any person wants to go through anything feeling alone so I want to connect with you just as much as you reading this is you're way of connecting with me.

I want to make you feel better after reading about/seeing my life.
I do like to wear clothes, but I swear I buy them. You can ask my husband, he's super pissed about it.
Every once in a while people give me clothes to wear in posts, but I'm never ever paid, because honestly not enough people read this blog for enough companies to actually pay me money (sob face emoji). If I'm sharing clothes or products with you it's because I really actually like them.

I like to think of this blog as my little tribe. We are small but fierce guys.

Besides all of the fashion/makeup/lifestyle stuff I'm just a mom who is trying to stay herself and not get lost in the title "mom". Don't get me wrong, I love being a mom but rarely does it permit me to pursue art, photography, get dressed every day, and so I come here to share that with you.

I write with every post because I think that everyone has something to say. So when I have something to say, I say it. And I really hope that you'll talk back to me, because I think we could be good friends. If you DO want to chat, please oh please come find me on Instagram, because that's where I get to take a peek into your life too and get to know you! Someday I'll get onto Snapchat but us grannies we don't take to new things easy, ya know what I'm sayin'.

I WANT to connect with you, I want for all of my posts whether it be blogging or social media to make you feel good about your life, or at least to give you a good laugh at mine.
Now let's hold hands and run off into the sunset together. 


  1. Carlee, Little SlothJune 19, 2016 at 4:06 PM

    Ahhh I love this post and totally agree with you. Definitely the big bloggers are all over and kind in your face but I still have found really good small blogs that feel just like the way you described above. The old times. I just think they are harder to find and a little digging has to happen which can be hard. Also, love that color dress on you.


    1. I'd love more reading recommendations! I'm always on the hunt for those blogs too!

  2. THANK YOU! I feel this exact same way. My blog is very small, but what I write about means something to me and I hope it helps others along the way. I enjoy sharing my struggles and triumphs because it brings me closer to those around me. Thank you for being genuine, because you truly are hilarious. All of your tweets and instagram posts and blog posts make my day. Thank you for keeping it real.

    1. I find that when I write something that means a lot to me it feels like i'm physically feeding myself ha ha. It feels so good! Those are the ones I look back on and smile and those are the ones that I think mean the most to people. Keep on keeping on girl!

  3. Girl! It's been so fun following your life via blog/instagram/youtube for the past few years. I appreciate this post and I agree. The "real people" blogs are always better.

    1. And I'm so glad you do! Teach me snapchap, it gives me anxiety thinking about it I swear!!!

  4. ALSO- I think you'd love/thrive with snapchat! To me, it's kind of like vlogging, but better, because you can't second guess yourself and it's so instant and real and just fun. I'll be waiting for you to get an account.....

  5. I'm always so happy to have you on my Internet, Sarah. Thanks for writing this and for sharing your life with us for all these years. And thanks for reminding me why I do what I do too!

    xo nicole

    1. Thanks Nicole! I really appreciate that!

  6. Exactly! I remember those good 'ole bloggin' days. And, seriously, Snapchat makes my brain hurt. I downloaded it ages ago because all the cool kids were talking about it, and I was all, yeah I'm young-ish and hip I can figure this out... NOT. I just don't get it.

    Kayla @ closencountersblog.com

    1. I downloaded it to and tried for a day and felt like a complete idiot. Helppppp!

  7. I literally have a draft post about how I miss when blogging was just fun. Anyone could do it and it wasn't such a popularity contest. I've always loved your blog and I'm so happy you still post!

    1. Katherine, first of all I have always loved your blog and style and I had sooooo much fun reading your posts! I'm so glad I get to keep up with you on Instagram. Let's fight the power girl, we are small but fierce! ...also when are we going thrifting?!

  8. I am with you in this fight. I feel like blogging has lost its real concept, which is to share what's within us. I still really like doing it anyway.

    Cheers to this great blog post!


    creative Gen Z lifestyle blog

    1. So true Bianca! You keep on keeping on!

  9. Number one reason why I never started a blog, even though I always, always wanted to. I felt like there's no way I could ever measure up
    Or say anything that mattered or I had to work with companies in order to be successful (Which is way too stressful for me.) It is a sad state to be in. Thanks for keeping it real, and for sharing your life. I've been a fan for years and I think you're great!

    1. Isn't that so sad that instead of making it an inviting community it's become exclusive feeling. I think it takes lots more effort to be kind than it does to let all of those other emotions take over but there are still lots of good ones out there for sure!

  10. I hear you girl! Although some days I dream of it being the source of my income so I could say goodbye to my 8-5ish gig, it's not so my blog will probably always just be my own little creative space where I take my own pictures (bcc same here with the husband opinion), talk about clothes and sometimes about being a momma. Thanks for your post and I'm loving your outfit too! Such a cute look and the perfect example of why I'm trying to convince myself that I can wear hats! :)

    1. I think we all wish it would pay the bills ha ha. Yes girl hats! They are the best when you're a mom because people don't look at anything but your hat when you wear one! It's instant chic:)

  11. I love this post! I have to agree with your comment about blogging becoming a new form of advertising. I can't wait to see where your journey takes you next.

  12. I swear you are my soul sister... but seriously though. I was literally just having this conversation with a friend I've met through blogging. The types of blogs that I read have changed so drastically over the years. What it boils down to is if someone isn't genuine, I stop reading their blog. People can get so caught up in the "aesthetic" of blogging that they forget about the fun side of it. It's so easy to compare my blog to others, but at the end of the day I'm just going to do me and if people want to keep reading then that is just a bonus :)
    I've been reading your blog for years and your posts always make me smile. You're the best!
    Also my husband is the exact same when it comes to pictures!!! Don't know why he married a photographer, because all I do is take pictures! ;)

    1. That's exactly what I do too. And it's actually become pretty easy to tell if someone is genuine or not through their posts and pictures. Ha ha we have the same struggle. Matt's always like can't we just not take any pictures and my answer is, I'm a photographer, you know this!! Get over it!!

  13. Hi Sarah, a fan here in Nova Scotia, Canada. Your blog has been one of my favorites for a couple years now. I have stopped reading so many but keep yours because it makes me laugh and I love how real you are. Keep doing what you're doing! And please post for video blogs when you get the chance to, those are my fave :)


    1. Thank you Lorrie I really appreciate that. And yes the videos will keep coming!

  14. I absolutely love this post. Whenever I look at "blog help" posts, they're constantly saying don't blog about your personal life, no one wants to see that. And how you shouldn't blog about everything. I hate that! I hate how the blogging world has become so centered on making money and getting more followers. So grateful for bloggers like you that stay true to yourself! You're a big inspiration!

    [email protected]

    1. I've heard that same advice over and over. My advice is the opposite. Write and do what you love doing without any expectations. If it makes you happy than naturally people will be drawn to that and you'll feel so much more fulfilled in what you're doing!

  15. Ioua & Glenna LagazoJune 20, 2016 at 8:24 PM

    All of this is perfect. Including your outfit! But seriously, I ised to love reading blogs and writing on my own but I haven't because I became burnt out. I don't want it to be a big machine. You are so right that motherhood is isolating and I need blogging as a space to feel connected to 'real' humans. Keep it up, we all appreciate the work and the honesty you put into this space and the universe!

    Glenna Lagazo

    1. Yes I can totally relate, I've been burnt out countless times and that's when I just quit, live life for a minute and then when I find that I need it back...which is usually a week or so haha I go back inspired again. I think that's how art should work, we shouldn't have to force it just for numbers sake!

  16. Ioua & Glenna LagazoJune 20, 2016 at 8:24 PM

    All of this is perfect. Including your outfit! But seriously, I ised to love reading blogs and writing on my own but I haven't because I became burnt out. I don't want it to be a big machine. You are so right that motherhood is isolating and I need blogging as a space to feel connected to 'real' humans. Keep it up, we all appreciate the work and the honesty you put into this space and the universe!

    Glenna Lagazo

  17. YES to all of this. Yay for you and for your sweet, genuine corner of the interwebs. I currently have an 18 month old girl (named Violet who is also into drama!) and am DEF not ready to go for number 2. I love the peeks into your life so thanks for sharing. Also, your sweetie named Jocelyn is so dear. Thanks for still blogging. I love being a member of this little tribe.


  18. Yes to ALL of it! Still trying to figure out the whole balance thing between being a mom and being myself. You just said it way better. Love your voice, girl. And your favorites videos are my favorite to watch.

    Snapchat is great, as much as I hate to admit it. I had to read a bajillion tutorials to figure it out, but it's quickly becoming my preferred social media.

    Love being part of your tribe!

  19. Marci LeBaron WatsonJune 23, 2016 at 2:16 PM

    A to the men. I have been feeling this way for quite sometime now. I think the moment was when I noticed the #ad at the end of a post. I was turned off. I didn't feel that this blogger was genuine and actually wanted to be posting a picture of herself rubbing #aveeno all over her bodess. Or, throwing a random ice cream party #hershey. It was getting all too random and advertisey for me. I'm so over these bloggers because it doesn't come from their brain. It's so that they get paid. Which is great that they can turn what they're doing into a business and make some extra caish while being a mom. I get that part. But, none of these moms post the reals of parenthood. Just the pretty side of everything, making us moms that don't get to live in this false virtual world feel bad. It just comes off a little show offey and vain. Sorry for the ramble. I admire you and love following you because you are real and post things because they just make you happy. I stopped following all those bloggers months ago and have found myself happier and my bank account a lot fuller. ;) Thanks for keeping it real girl.

  20. This is a lovely post. I've followed blogs since blogs became a thing, and they've slowly morphed into advertising and lost a lot of soul, and made me feel like my life isn't full / creative / exciting enough. So I stopped reading most of them. But (here comes the sucking up), I've continued to read and love yours as it's funny, it's real, it's a delight to read (and obvz you yourself are also all of those things). I hope you keep doing it, because I'd miss you very much if you didn't.


  21. Thank you for this! It's so true! And I started looking at all these 25K instagram follower bloggers and I'm like but this isn't me. I won't ever be that way! I'm so not perfect, my hubby doesn't know how to take pictures and I just love sharing my love for fashion, food and my life! I am so so glad you wrote this because this is what I've needed to hear! I already follow you on insta (I'm @ruthyannie) and I love your blog! Thanks for keeping it real!


  22. Laydey KatabellaJune 29, 2016 at 9:11 AM

    And this is why I love you and come back time and time again to read your blog posts. You're a real bloody person and relate able and funny! You actually make me LOL. Big love, Kat xxx


  23. Laydey KatabellaJune 29, 2016 at 9:12 AM

    P.s those shoes are fabulous. I wish they sold them in the UK *crying emoji* xxx

  24. This post just makes my heart sing! Everything you said - amen. I love that you blog because you love it and that you blog authentically! Love, love, love it! :)

  25. long time reader, several years now. (heart eyes emoji for all your doggie posts prekids) I've always enjoyed your silly humor and vibrant posts--not just with pictures but you convey your personality in your words. Only recently did I see a youtube video of you; you definitely speak how I imagined you too. :)

    I'm with ya, girl! blogging has changed a lot...I miss the "old days" (sounds like I'm 80 yrs old hah) thanks for sharing your thoughts, for wanting to connect, and ultimately staying true to your blogging-self ;)
