Jun 19, 2016

Why Bloggers Keep Blogging

shoes: Kohl's (here)   dress: Asos (similar here)   jacket: Nordstrom Rack Bebe (similar)   hat: Nordstrom Rack (similar)

I've been thinking a lot about why bloggers keep blogging...or I guess in modern times right now why all of us keep up with all of the Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat/Periscope blah blah ect ect hulabaloo along with our blogs. Because truly blogging used to be so simple. I used to sit down, write a post, take a picture, share it with anyone that wanted to read and that was it. And now it's turned into a monster. If you're not constantly promoting on all social media outlets you're not considered a valuable blogger or asset to anyone. If you're not making an income off of it, if millions of girls don't want your life, body, husband, house than you're not worth anything because you can't SELL anything for other companies. Somehow blogging stopped being blogging and it just became another advertising medium. And it's really sad because we all let it become that way. We wanted something in return for sharing with others, I guess we got a bit greedy. It's lost so much of its originality, creativity and fun. 

I realized the reason that I keep blogging is because I feel this need to keep fighting all of these super bloggers that are making all of us buy into the fact that what they are doing is blogging "success". When it comes down to it I like to take photos, I really like to buy clothes, I like being creative and I like to share my thoughts and I like to think that my thoughts can connect us and create friendships. It's really that simple. To me I feel successful and I think anyone should feel successful blogging, not because they have millions of followers but because it feeds their soul and makes them happy.

I don't know lately I just can't read/follow a lot of the people that I used to because somewhere along the way we all got a little lost and caught up in the social media business of pushing products instead of sharing life and lifting each other up. And also I definitely stopped following you because I didn't win your stupid giveaway (insert cry laugh emoji here).

So I want to re-introduce myself. In case we've gotten a little off track along the way.

My name is Sarah. I'm married to a really goofy guy named Matt that has always hated blogging. In fact picture taking of any sort is his nemisis which is why in all of my photos I use tripods. Because if our marriage was going to make it than I better stop asking him to take ALL THE PHOTOS.

I have a little girl named Jocelyn who is 2 going on 16. She is all about the drama, but she's also the coolest and funniest human being ever.

I'm 30 weeks pregnant with our second girl. To be honest I'm terrified that I won't be able to love our second as much as Jocelyn, but I hear this is a common mom worry so I'm trying to keep my crap together. Being a mom is the best, but it can also be really really isolating and I just don't think any person wants to go through anything feeling alone so I want to connect with you just as much as you reading this is you're way of connecting with me.

I want to make you feel better after reading about/seeing my life.
I do like to wear clothes, but I swear I buy them. You can ask my husband, he's super pissed about it.
Every once in a while people give me clothes to wear in posts, but I'm never ever paid, because honestly not enough people read this blog for enough companies to actually pay me money (sob face emoji). If I'm sharing clothes or products with you it's because I really actually like them.

I like to think of this blog as my little tribe. We are small but fierce guys.

Besides all of the fashion/makeup/lifestyle stuff I'm just a mom who is trying to stay herself and not get lost in the title "mom". Don't get me wrong, I love being a mom but rarely does it permit me to pursue art, photography, get dressed every day, and so I come here to share that with you.

I write with every post because I think that everyone has something to say. So when I have something to say, I say it. And I really hope that you'll talk back to me, because I think we could be good friends. If you DO want to chat, please oh please come find me on Instagram, because that's where I get to take a peek into your life too and get to know you! Someday I'll get onto Snapchat but us grannies we don't take to new things easy, ya know what I'm sayin'.

I WANT to connect with you, I want for all of my posts whether it be blogging or social media to make you feel good about your life, or at least to give you a good laugh at mine.
Now let's hold hands and run off into the sunset together. 

Jun 13, 2016

Good As New

dress: Thistle and Finn (here)

This weekend Matt and I went on a real life proper date. We got a babysitter, I changed out of my leggings (whoa I know) and Matt found a nice restaurant for us to go to ahead of time. Let's be honest, our dates usually consist of hey someone volunteered to babysit for a half hour let's run, like right now, 7-11 for an ice cream bar? That sounds amazing! You guys it's depressing. Anyways, back to the romance. So we ate at this amazing place that wasn't a total dive, walked along the beach at sunset, I mean we literally skipped rocks, who has time for that??? and guys we like remembered why we liked each other!

Going out made me realize that it's so freaking easy to get wrapped up in letting everything be about your children/work. This happened at the doctors today, I'm working on this project at work, she misbehaved and you should talk to her about this, why won't she eat dinner, I'll be working late tomorrow night, tell her she can't sass me back like that. 

I don't know if it's a problem for all parents/married couples but for us Jocelyn and this babe on the way are our world and forgetting that for a night and making each other laugh until we peed just made me feel so at home and content. Like we've both had all that we needed I were just choosing not to see it because motherhood can be so all consuming for me and work can be all consuming for Matt. 

Anyways, it was nice. I just wanted to remind you that whatever situation your in you should take some time for yourself and your loved one. Forget about whatever is always pressing on you and do something that will make you feel giggly. You'll feel good as new:)