Dec 1, 2010

Flannel Every Winter Day Keeps The Doctor Away

 Outfit 19: Jeggings: Charlotte Russe, Flannel: Target, Vest: Kohl's, Boots: Vintage Thrifted, Pin: Homemade
I pinky promise that I will do a tutorial on how to make this flower when the challenge is over. I swear, this challenge is sucking the life out of me, I have to show discipline and also deny doing wonderful tutorials, whatever will I do.
I feel as though you need to be warned that....the angry Wal-Mart man is running rampant! The other day I was at Wal-Mart, trying to find an incredibly random placed item, raisins, (for homemade granola of course, oh and it's in the baking section in case you don't want to wander around Wal-Mart for thirty minutes like a lost little kid snot running down your noes hair disheveled and shoes untied). Anways, back to looking for the raisins. I innocently had my cart pulled to the side like every genuine American citizen should do for others when OUT OF NOWHERE Mr. Stompy Stomp comes galumfing down the aisle and shoves my cart out of the way with a little "Ughhheh". The eh at the end is more like a finishing breath to the ughhh but never the less I heard it. My cart went soaring through the air, spilling my delicious crunchy raising bran and strawberry yogurt and I fell to my knees crying "Why Mr Stompy Stomp? Why?" Okay so the second part didn't happen but he really did make my cart go flying. I feel violated, trespassed against, the ridiculousness of this mans shove. And so to put this behind me I have written a poem to constructively work through my dissaray.
There once was a man named Mr. Stompy Stomp
Instead of walking normal he went ker-PLOMP
I don't feel like rhyming  because you made mad!!!


  1. i love your cute glasses and that plaid button-down combined with the preppy sweatervest. i would come hunt mr. stompy stomp down for you if i was there! grrr.

  2. Please do a tutorial soon! I love the flower!

    I considering boycotting Walmart. While there are many good reasons to boycott it, the people seem to top my list!

  3. Dude. Thank you for the early morning giggle! That pin is uber adorable, tutorial please!

  4. i love your shirt, but especially the pin! please post a tutorial :-)

  5. What a rude old man. Holidays sure can bring out the best in some people.
    I love the yellow and blue together. I always forget about it and then I see your posts.
    I can't wait for the flower tutorial!!!!

  6. what a simply lovely blog. :)

    thanks for making it!


    read me at:

  7. lolol, angry Wal-Mart man...don't feel bad about not locating normal, everyday items in Wal-Mart in places where you think they would actually be. No lie, I probably spent an hour one day looking up and down the aisles for Facial Tissues - and were they in the paper products aisle like every other roll of toilet tissue and paper towel and napkins and etc? No, they were on the other side of that aisle, hidden obscurely from my view, so that I felt like an idiot for having just spent all that time trying to locate this item.

    And um, I can't wait for the tutorial on that flower pin because that thing is AWESOME!

    Small Time Style

  8. that was uncalled for mr walmart man, completely uncalled for

  9. sssooooo cute :)

  10. I really love this outfit especially the flower! I will be looking for the tutorial on how to make it! :)

  11. Okay that poem is hysterical and would have made me laugh out loud if I wasn't at work and trying to conceal the fact that I'm reading blogs here. :)

    You look super cute! I love the pop of yellow and the color combo in general is awesome.

  12. Rude i say Rude!!! nough said

  13. Simple Subtle StyleDecember 1, 2010 at 3:32 PM

    Girl, that's why you need to go to Target! Team Target! Also, please put up the flower tutorial soon! Super cute.

  14. Simply BubbleliciousDecember 1, 2010 at 3:55 PM

    Ugh, rude old man! His day will come!!! Love the flower pin.


  15. i always love some flannel.

  16. Hi Sarah! Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog. I love this look - very hip and chic. The primary colors are such a lovely palette and that flower - perfect!! Ugh, i loathe rude people. I'm following you too:)
    Xx Marisa

  17. Love love love the pop of color that flower brings to the look!


  18. Sarah--thanks for your visit to Rags! Your flower is beautiful and I definitely want a DIY. Mr. Stompy Stomp is a good reminder to avoid Walmart, unless it is 3 a.m. on a weeknight.

  19. I need a pin like that !

    Just Better Together

  20. That flower is so awesome! You should definitely do a tutorial :) I"m really loving all the primary colors together in this outfit!

  21. Sara-Jane ElizabethDecember 2, 2010 at 12:47 AM

    How cute is this outfit? Love it!

    sara-jane elizabeth

  22. I really like the unique way you put things together. Very nice!!
