Feb 8, 2011

A Legacy

 Outfit: Dress: Grandma'd, Belt: TJ Maxx, Tights: Kohl's, Sweater: Thrifted, Pin: Homemade
When I was just a  ornery little girl concerned with whether or not my barbies shoes matched my mom showed me a picture of a young woman. Her hair was wound tight in pin curls, her lips scarlet red, and the look in her eyes made you wonder what she had seen in her life. It was the prettiest woman I'd ever seen. As I brushed my finger tip over the textured lines in the picture I thought that she had to be a star. The only people that ever looked like that lived in movies. I begged my mom to tell me who it was because I felt like I knew her. I knew that look in her eyes. That beautiful woman was my grandma.

Yesterday me and Sir Matt went to a dance performance. Matt in his shnazy leather jacket and me in one of my Grandma's old dresses. And strangely I felt so powerful. Ready to take on the world one scarlet lip at a time. Thanks for being so inspiring Grandma. Now if only I could learn your flawless pin curls.
I had to include Matt just staring at the white canvas. There were people there playing the "What does this painting make you think of" game. Seems like Matt's ready to take the prize with his furrowed brow.


  1. Grandmothers are often wonderful, powerful people. My mom's mom had a huge platinum blonde bouffant {we're talking a cross between Marge Simpson and Marilyn Monroe} and drew in a beauty mark over her lip. She's a wild creature. :)

  2. ohh i've been looking for a belt like yours.. i really like it!

  3. That's such a sweet story about your grandma. You look absolutely lovely in her dress!

  4. Melissa: Write it in LipstickFebruary 8, 2011 at 11:59 AM

    oh how sweet. Your grandma had great style. You look fab.

  5. Oversized clutches are great, aren't they. As for the messenger bags, shopdixi.com usually have some nice ones or ebay have some great finds!

  6. What a beautiful story. Your grandma must have been so lovely.

  7. What a wonderful story! I am told I look a lot like my Granmother so am alwasy happy when I can see pictures her wehn she's my age! I love the red dress and the picture of Matt being the Thinker!=)

  8. I love all the artwork. But, there is something so very special about wearing you Grandmother's clothing, or something they have given you.
    My Heart Blogged

  9. nice dress:)
    http://allmyhappiness.blogspot. com

  10. What a sweet story...and an equally sweet dress!

  11. lovely dress... your grandmother must be very lovely... sweet story...
    View Blog

  12. Past generations are just so glamorous. We could learn a lot from them. Let me know if you make the cupcakes and they turn out cute-looking (and delicious)!


  13. Love that dress! You look adorable!

  14. That is so awesome, how you're reusing your grandmother's dress! It looks great on you, too! What a lovely way to pay homage to someone you hold dear.

  15. Awww I love my g'ma she is an amazing woman but, she's also less that 5' tall to my 5'8 soooo yeah I couldn't really wear her old clothes. She did have some great style though kind of like yours :)

  16. Nice post. I saw that exhibit too and loved it! The paintings are so huge :)
    My grandma just passed away and she was the same way. A total rockstar. She wore deep redlipstick and didn't let anyone mess with her.

    whenever I wear red lipstick I think of her and feel powerful :)

  17. What a sweet story! How cool that you are wearing your grandma's dress - and it's so cute!
