Apr 12, 2011


When finals week rolls around you would think I would actually be studying for finals...but instead I procrastinate with filler shows like America's Next Top Model
This weeks show was so applicable to real life...I mean come on isn't it always.
 I learned that pictures should always tell a story or else you're just drekitude...I don't know  it's Shrek's cousin or something.
 Like the above pictured storyline: Sarah a 50's housewife, is twirling in a field because you just won a brand new Honda from the street.The story line is so obvious right.
 Next thing you need to learn to be on top. Smeyes. I know it sounds like a disease but apparently it's desireable. It has something to do with making your eyes smile when your mouth isn't smiling even though eyes lack the capability of smiling...yeah still not quite.grasping. this. concept. Oh nope totally got it, my mouth just blinked so it all makes sense now.
  If that doesn't work just look all pouty and stuff, and if that doesn't work just make yourself cry because you just don't know if you have what it takes to be on top. Yeah that'll really get 'em.
Look I'm smeysing!!!!! Thanks Tyra. Life.Changed. 

Dress: Thrifted (rampage), Sweater: Head Over Heels, Necklace: Bijou Market, Watch: Antique


  1. nice, your pics do tell a story ... :)

  2. So cute. You look so pretty in your lace dress :)

  3. Camille @ NeverNakedApril 12, 2011 at 6:16 AM

    Fabulous dress! I love it you, the red sweater makes it pop!

  4. You totally crack me up! I am also guilty of wasting precious time watching that show. I think your smeyes is great! You dress rocks too!

  5. Yeah, you have to smeyes!!!

  6. Steffys Pros and ConsApril 12, 2011 at 7:09 AM

    you're so cute! haha none of my pictures tell any story really!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  7. Ahhh these pictures are so cute!!! I love the dress and red sweater, you are awesome. =D

  8. I don't know how Jay or Miss J would feel about that last pic...it's a little too "catalog". Can you do a covergirl commercial for us next please?

  9. Gosh you look like a toothpick in this dress! It is super super flattering! I love it!!


  10. hahaha you crack me up everyday!

  11. Gorgeous dress!

  12. Lol, I totally understood that story and now I must watch Tyra to grab my modeling pointers. Fabulous dress and pictures!! :)

  13. good ol' tyra and her super model jibberish...

    like i've said before, hedy lamarr had it right: "any girl can look glamorous...all you have to do is stand still and look stupid!"

  14. You are seriously hysterical and always, always make me laugh. I love it.

    That dress is GORGEOUS! Absolutely gorgeous and you look incredible in it. The pop of red is phenomenal on you, too. I love this!!!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  15. I looove the whole outfit!
    Your blog is amazing! Following! Follow back? <3

  16. I am positive that if I owned this dress, I would never wear it for fear of looking overly dressy for a normal day. But look how great it looks on you! So sweet and (might I add, it is very slimming! Hot stuff!) cutesy. Good work, you.

    I think smeyesing is actually when Tyra opens her eyes WAY TOO WIDE.

  17. Oh what a pretty dress!

    Relatable Style

  18. Man Tyra taught you well. She better watch out! You are smyzing all over the place. I'm also not sure if I can even pluralize that word.
    My Heart Blogged

  19. why is it that when finals roll around it seems impossible to focus on school? story of my life right this second. i choose to blog stalk instead of study.

  20. I LOVE that dress!! It is beautiful and you look beautiful in it!! And I am a horrible picture taker- all mine are the same. No story there. I need to work on that....

  21. love the dress and the smeyes. :)
