Apr 14, 2011

Suit Yourself

You guys my pasty legs are coming out of their hiding place to go swimming, yes it's that time of year again....looks like I'm going to need some seriously awesome swimwear to distract from their blinding whitness...okay and a razor because these puppies have been hiding all winter. I mean let's be honest with ourselves, it's total common knowledge that a little extra fur just keeps you warmer in the winter. 
Am I right or am I right?
Can I just share with you for a second a few of my favorite pieces this summer. I found this awesome swimwear company the other day that sells vintage inspired pieces, and for such unique swimsuits their not too terribly priced, I would totally splurge on one of these beauties. Let the glory begin.
Seaspray $80
Buy it here
Paisley $49
I'm sorry but that's a dang steal
Buy it here
Moncherry  $65
I would like to be fed cherries and fanned with a palm tree leaf in this.
Buy it here
Ebony and Ivory $49
Buy it here
Okay are you guys in love yet? 

I'll be showing you some of the swimwear I'll be wearing this summer...but you'll just have to hold your little horses for that one.

Until then. Suit yourself.


  1. The first one is so beautiful!

  2. Steffys Pros and ConsApril 14, 2011 at 6:15 AM

    the cherry suite is so so cute!!!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons
    Follow Me!

  3. these are SO darling! i'm so glad you shared this. I've been searching for new swimwear :)


  4. I've wanted a vintage style swimsuit seriously since last summer! I just refused to put up the large $$ for the ones I saw. These are cute & really not bad prices! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I'm really digging Moncherry! Adorable suits. Modcloth has several vintage-inspired suits this season too. Seems like they're cropping up everywhere!

  6. Griffin and GretchenApril 14, 2011 at 8:21 AM

    Vintage swim is the best! thanks for the tip!

  7. KatySue PillsburyApril 14, 2011 at 8:23 AM

    WOW! Those are amazing! If I was 4 or 5 cup sizes smaller I would be all over that cherry print one. But my girls need more support then that, they are very insecure during bathing suit season.....

    I totally agree about the extra warmth from the fur. Though am I the only one who gets hair headaches on my legs from tights when I haven't shaved in a awhile? ;-)

  8. Ok, I absolutely love these one pieces. So many people don't like them, but they're so classy!!! Great picks!

  9. I can't believe it'll be swimwear time soon! I think the paisley print one is beautiful.
    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  10. Ana from Sweet Serendipity DesignApril 14, 2011 at 11:25 AM

    Oh my gosh I'm in love. I just spotted a yellow polka dotted one on there. I might have to get it ;)

  11. ummm i adore that last suit. but am using all self control NOT to buy it. or not...(as she clicks on the link)

  12. Aleisha Z. ColemanApril 14, 2011 at 12:37 PM

    so...i, myself, have been wondering how i am going to fashion blog during the summer---since i am a teacher i have it "off", maybe i will have a swimsuit of the week? with these beauties you almost could! (how indulgent would that be?)

  13. Completely love these! I could use a new top BAD!!! WEll and a new body to look good in a swimsuit ;)

    Meet Virginia Design
    Check out my Blowfish Shoes GIVEAWAY!! Free shoes up for grabs friends!!

  14. I am totally loving vintage style swimsuits at the moment. There are some gorgeous ones in the shops here. I saw a great black and white gingham bikini last night that I so want. And my old swimmers are dying so I am in desperate need of a new pair.

  15. Oh my goodness! These are adorable! Thank you SO much for sharing because this is one website I have never heard of! I love that first and third one. So cute!!

    amy day to day

  16. I really like the last one. I tend to wear a swimsuit with a swim skirt. I'm super pasty, and I always feel so naked at the beach.
    My Heart Blogged

  17. Loving the inspiration here! Great for spring and summer!
    xo Lynzy

  18. Alicia@ eco friendly homemakingApril 14, 2011 at 7:02 PM

    These all look awesome!! I especially like the first one!!So glad I found your blog!

  19. Oh my LORD the first and last ones! Get on my BODY!

  20. OMG! Cute, affordable swimsuits! Thanks for posting some options.
