May 13, 2011

I Tell You What...

I've been sewing like a maniac lately and this green skirt is one of my latest creations. It wouldn't have taken long at all had I not cut half of the fabric on the wrong side and half of it on the right side (leave it to me to make a ridiculous rookie mistake). 
I had a few nights of fury, picking seams and muttering rude comments to my to be skirt as I went. Sir Matt had to use ice cream to bribe me into happiness. 
After a few, "You don't get how frustrating this is!" and "I put so much time into this!" and then some consequent hysterical laughing after realizing how dumb I sounded, we just made an ice cream night out of the whole fiasco. 
Thank you chocolate peanut butter ice cream for saving me from my sewing demise!
Blouse: Thrifted, Vest: F21, Skirt: Homemade, Shoes: Thrifted, Belt: TJ Maxx

Here's the pattern number just in case you want to give it a go:)


  1. Love the girlie full skirt. And what a great way to wear it.

  2. Reyna @fashionmist♥May 13, 2011 at 3:03 PM

    Cute post! xx

  3. wow that is so impressive! I've just recently ventured into dress making, and would LOVE it if I could one day make this! also, that ice cream sound delicious :)

  4. It is meltdowns like these that make me fear sewing . . . although I am all to eager to take it on as I just got the sewing machine I have been asking for for Mother's Day! Your skirt is beautiful and between the lovely skirt and the ice cream, I'd say it turned out pretty darn good! ;-)

  5. ashley in wonderlandMay 13, 2011 at 3:26 PM

    oh my goodness! it's so great, good job! the whole outfit is beautiful, as are you!

  6. Oooooh yeah, chocolate peanut butter will do the trick every time.

  7. I need to get back on the sewing wagon. Like for realz. LOVE the color of this little beauty!

  8. Short Sister StyleMay 13, 2011 at 3:44 PM

    Wow, you're talented! It looks lovely.


  9. Gorgeous skirt! I made this skirt last year. I made the one with the stripe on the bottom. My main colour was grey and the stripe was purple. I want to make another one but in a lighter fabric. Something a bit more summery I think!

  10. that skirt is lovely - i want to make one now too!!! (too bad i don't own a sewing machine and my sewing skills are nonexistent. it's on my to-do list though!!!) i love that blouse too!!

    caroline - pictures & words

  11. Cute outfit! That skirt is great, glad to hear you persevered (I guess we have Sir Matt and ice cream to thank as well).

    I've gotta say though, my favorite part of this outfit is your AMAZING shoes!

    :o) Renée

  12. you look like a Snowhite :)

  13. Isn't it insulting when the "Fast and Easy" patterns kick your ass? Or the one hour patterns take 5? Alas, your skirt turned out well! Great job!

  14. This outfit is so so cute! Definitely one that I would go for, too! :)

  15. I love everything about this outfit! The proportions, the colors, the patterns. So adorable.
