Bam! revelation! I know where I'm going! I roll my window down (because unfamiliar cities are always better with the windows down) and a wave of heat hits me and I smell mexican food and dirty socks and keep pressing on (I hope all of Vegas doesn't smell like this).
All day I wander around, from street to street, but my goals were not the usual goals of tourists, no no, they were to go to every thrift store in Vegas (yes you may say it, I am a PARTY ANIMAL). Salvation Army (is pure awesomeness), Goodwill (makes me cry with joy), Savers (is overrated), Savers (Is overpriced), Savers (Is huge) Goodwill (some more). I now have filled the car with a GIANT bag of stuff that I only shelled out a whopping twenty buckaroos for. I feel the sweet burn of success and when I pick Matt up, I proudly present the loot. He laughs and we make our way to the strip...and that was the last of our happiness.
See this Matt, he's not such a fan of Vegas. So I was out to prove him wrong, I told him we'd have fun, see shows, take funny pictures. So we park and start meandering and we get to our first cross walk....big mistake. These tiny little men with neon green shirts start coming towards us, clicking their cards together, and shoving their cards in our hands, the sidewalk is completely covered with the cards. What are these mysterious cards I wonder? I take a glance and see filth, total filth with terrible with pictures of nude girls on them that say, "Girls directly to you." (or something unremarkable and stupid)
I'm completely filled with anger, "This is my husband your trying to give these cards to" I think in my head. "Your handing these out to little children!" my mind screams. We keep pushing our way through the crowd hoping that we can escape the reach of the pushy neon men. I considered taking their huge stack of cards and do something drastic like throw them in trash but decided that might be a little too bold so I just quicken my step. Finally we make our way to get our tickets to Cirque De Soleil and their sold out (sold out? sold out???). So we ask what tickets are left, "Playboy is having a comedy skit." oh why yes please, because we haven't had enough porn shoved in our face yet. We walk away defeated and the rest of our night was spent walking through the pushy neons, clicking their cards like a little field of crickets
I'll just put it nicely and say the best part of the day was eating nutella ice cream and playing I spy with street performers (best entertainment of the night, I REALLY need to know how to get a hold of a transformer suit.)

So the rest of the trip we steered clear from the strip, ate ourselves some sushi and got the heck out of there. Sorry guys, but I am no longer a fan of Vegas. We're not going back any time soon.
Glad I'm not the only one who hates Vegas.
ReplyDeleteHi - new fan/subscriber to your blog (loving it btw - great job!). I just had to chime in & say I felt EXACTLY the same way about Vegas. I didn't have the fun of thrift store adventures while I was in town, but I definitely left with a "get me the hell outta here" feeling. Oh & a super bad case of sinusitis from the ultra smokey atmosphere everywhere you go. I'm always kind of amazed whenever I hear a friend or acquaintance talk with enthusiasm about repeated visits. Hmmm...
ReplyDeletei've never been to vegas, but now i see that i'm not missing out on much...except for amazing goodwills?
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry yo had such a horrible time in Las Vegas! I do have to say being a Vegas resident there are alot of nice people and great beautiful sights outside of the "strip". I've lived here almost 8 years and the last time I was out there was nearly 6 years ago, that place is a mess!! About thrift stores, I always find them over prized too:)
ReplyDeleteHow trashy! At least you hit some good thrift shops, so a major SCORE! You look adorable, I love you in white!
ReplyDeleteI hate Vegas too! I have never understood the appeal. Especially with other LDS people. It only seems like it would be fun if you wanna gamble and get totally wasted, which we don't do...So yeah. I'm with you on that.
ReplyDeleteick i was never a vegas fan!
ReplyDelete<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
Okay so because I am a huge dork and my ex-husband was big into comics, I have to point out that it's Iron Man, and not a transformer suit. Unless I'm a huge idiot as well as a dork. But I think I'm right.
ReplyDeleteAt any rate - you look GORGEOUS in that white dress, I'm so excited for all of your new stuff and proud of you for roaming around by yourself (I wouldn't have left the hotel) and I hope you had some quality time together anyway!
Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet
I'm really sorry that happened to you two. I know that is considered "normal" there which is pretty sad. At least you got to spend some time with your hubby, thrift, and have some sushi.
ReplyDeleteAwww, I'm sorry your trip isn't the bestest but it'll be nice coming home now!
ReplyDeleteI should have warned you about how trashy the stip is after say, 3pm. There's not much that brings us there either, besides a concert now and then.
ReplyDeleteso funny because my husband and i just went there, and he finally asked one of the neon men, "why would you hand that to me when my wife is right here?"
ReplyDeleteunfortunately he didn't speak english, so we just hurried back to an air conditioned is definitely gross.