Jul 14, 2011

A Conversation of Sevens and Elevens

Sir Matt: "Sweetie guess what today is?"
Me: "A day of love...for you and me?"
Sir Matt: "No.What? It's 7-11...you know what that means?"
Me: "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that we're going to 7-11."
Sir Matt: "Yeahhhhh IT'S FREE SLURPEEEEE DAYYYYY!!!" (slurpee's and snow cones are Matt's favorite thing on all the earth you see.)
Sir Matt: "So can we go?"
Me: "Yeah...but only if I can get one of those delicious donuts."
Sir Matt: "But that's not free."
Me: "Neither is my love. So I'll get a donut."
Sir Matt: "Do you know that on 7-11 that 7-11 makes more money than they usually do because so many people come on 7-11 and end up getting something OTHER than a free slurpee??? We CAN'T be those people. Not when slurpees are free!"
Me: "I've never heard 7-11 used so much in one conversation. Donut or bust I say!"
Sir Matt: "Eh okay I'll pick you up after work."

I mean are we romantics or what. There's no denying it right?!


  1. Love it!
    One year, my husband (then boyfriend) & I drove around to about 5 7/11s to see how many different free slurpees we could get.
    We're such adventurers! ;)
    Love, Leigh

  2. I am a firm advocate for the free slurpee on 7-11 day. However, my son and I were heartbroken this 7-11. We went to every single 7-11 in our town only to find paper signs plastered to the front doors saying they were out of the free cups so we couldn't get one. We were disappointed, but amused at the umteen near riots we saw from people nearly threatening lives of the attendants for a free 7.11 oz. slurpee. The things some people will do for a free purple drank . . .

  3. i love this. that is all.

  4. And THAT is why we chose that day to get married! (Ok, not really, but it's a perk!) ;)

  5. My son was born on 7-11 and we did get our free slurpee. Why is it that when something is free, it just tastes better?
    BTW your outfit is adorable!

  6. Oh to be married on free slurpee day. That might be the most romantic thing I've ever heard.

  7. Your blog is GREAT! Love your dress revivals. Im trying to learn to sew, but not without struggle...


  8. I've never heard (eh, read?) a more heart-warming conversation than this. :)

    I now need a striped skirt so I can recreate this. You look awesome!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  9. hahaha! you rock. PS: love that top and the fact that we both made this list!! http://bit.ly/oUmiSx :)

  10. i love your skirt! it's way too cute!!

    ♥ allister bee blog

  11. Steffys Pros and ConsJuly 14, 2011 at 1:29 PM

    i love free slurpee day!! cute top!!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  12. Oh wow! 7-11 does bring back memories! Bags of penny candy and slurpees! Yes! I'm old enough to remember when Bazooka bubble gum was only a penny! ~Serene

  13. Did you get your donut?

  14. Lovely outfit !!!

    Please visit my English Fashion Blog:



  15. I totes missed it this year! I even drove by 7-11 thinking there was something I needed from it but then thought, 'Nahhh, what am I thinking? What could I want from 7-11?"

  16. Just found your blog and I love it! You have great style. I'm a follower now!

  17. Rachael: Whatttt?? How could you forget slurpee day. I'm sorry but we just might not be able to be friends after what you have just revealed. I'm shocked and appalled.

    Katie: Thanks for following and introducing yourself! I love getting to know other bloggers so e-mail me or somethin' girl.

    Jentine with a silent J:): How can you even ask me that question. Of course there was some major donut fondling involved on 7-11.

  18. Karoline KalvøJuly 16, 2011 at 11:50 AM

    So beautiful! Love your blog.

    Come visit me
    Karoline Kalvo

  19. you're so pretty :)

