Aug 16, 2011

Homemade Mask Recipes

So today I thought I would share with you some photos of Sarah before she was a blogging fashionista! She would probably never show these to you, but since I'm her guest blogger I can do what I want, hahahaha (evil laugh). No, they aren't even bad at all, but it's crazy to look back and see how much Sarah's fashion has changed. She went from short short hair to long flowing locks, and tomboy to sophisticated lady. My little Sarah Bear is all grown up.

I'm about 6 yeas older than Sarah, so when I was a teen she was just my pesky little sister who drove me crazy!!!I had a temper, she had a temper, and together we would get into the craziest fights ever. And do you know what they were!Ha ha, but now I can honestly say that Sarah,and all my sister are my best friends in the entire world. That's why we have sister shirts,watches, rings, really anything that we all can get our hands on.

One of our favorite things is to have girls nights where we do facials and paint our toes. Today I'm going to give you a few of the facial recipes I love to do. So go grab your sister, brother, friend, boyfriend, whoever! And gosh dang it PAMPER YOURSELF!

So to begin put on some nice relaxing music, maybe some Enya, maybe something that mimics ocean waves. my personal favorite, the soundtrack to Penelope! Whatever it takes to go to your happy place.

Next take out a pot of water, fill it about half way and then add some Thyme, if you have essential oils add some Lavender and eucalyptus. Place on stove top until boiling.

While your concoction is boiling wash and exfoliate your skin.

Now that your water is boiling take it off the stove and place it on the table, (make sure to place a hot pad underneath!) Get a large towel, drape it over your head and the pot of hot water and steam your face for about 3 to 5 minutes, NO LONGER!!

Once you've steamed your face now it's time for a face mask!!!! Here are a few face masks depending on your skin type and what you're looking to achieve.


The Aspirin Mask 
This is great for acne prone skin. Those of you who can't use salicylic acid on your face, this mask is AMAZING!

To create a mask first, dissolve aspirin into one tablespoon tepid water. Typically, you will need three or four normal sized aspirins. Be sure that they are not enteric coated, since they will not dissolve in water. If you are using enteric coated aspirins, you will need to grind them up first before adding to the water. Otherwise, simply drop the tablets into the water and watch them dissolve. You can also add Yogurt and Honey in addition to the dissolved aspirin. Mix in a spoonful of yogurt and a few squeezes of honey and you are good to go. Yogurt and honey are great in this mask because Honey has healing properties while yogurt smooths and moisturizes your skin.  

Once the mask has been sitting for a few minutes, you should wash the mask off. This is a great way to remove the excess dirt and grime from your face as well as any dead skin cells that can potentially clog your pores.

Honey Mask Veggie Mask
This type of mask is great for normal to combination skin and it's easy peasy to make.

To create this mask mix together a dash of cayenne pepper, 2 vitamin E capsules, 2tbs of Honey, and 1/2 avocado. Slather on your face and leave it on for 30 mins.

Ultimate Facial Mask
This mask is great to give your skin a nice pick me up, and is incredibly healing.

To create this mask mix 5 vitamin E capsules, 2 tbs of Honey, a dollop of olive oil and 1 tbs of Aloe Vera gel. Slather on face and leave on for 30 mins.

Now that you have your mask on grab some cucumber water, sit on the couch and relax while all those yummy ingredients absorb into your skin.

Isn't pampering fun!!! Do you have a favorite mask that makes your skin rejoice?


  1. pretty sisters :)

  2. Great post. I'v never heard of the asprin mask before. I'm going to have to try that one out.

  3. I need a big sister like you!!!

  4. OOoh, I love it! I love reading about Sarah from YOUR perspective, the old photos and the fun facial recipes! Great guest post!
    Just judge yourself by how many exclamation points I commented with!

  5. Thank you for giving me the perfect recipe for the rest of my evening.

  6. ha ha Jen remember that time that I found out that you took my favorite sweatshirt from me and had it for like a year. ha ha we fought so bad that day. Always about clothes and shoes! I love our face mask girl nights!

  7. señorita lupita(:August 17, 2011 at 7:56 PM

    oh sisterly love. reminds me soo much of my sisters! we always like to hang out every weekend!! Anywho, I found this really awesome facial online where you mix a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of olive oil, and an egg yolk in a bowl and spread it on your face for 20-30 minutes :) It is oh-so very lovely! battling acne for years, it has helped a lot! :)
