Sep 5, 2011

I Hab A Pregunta...

Dress: Thrifted and Revived   Shoes: Thrifted

Total Cost = $4

I was so excited about remaking this dress last night that I completely forgot to take a before picture and I'm kicking myself for it! It looked a lot like this one know frumpy..sack o' poop, the usual. So here's the thing, we're tight right? because I need your guys' opinion on something (and really in the comment section feel free to be totally honest with me). Say I started making revival files to sell in my shop. Would you perhaps buy them? And what would you guys be willing to pay for them? I want to keep them affordable but at the same time, a lot of personal time and work would go into them so they would have to be a bit more expensive to make it worth all the work. I'd really appreciate an opinion. I'm toying around with a few business ideas and I would really love your guys' input!

Oh and also. Our 'lil pup has a name thanks to you guys! 
It's official she's our little Indie!


  1. Aww, it's so cute! Pssh. Who needs before pictures? It's the finished product that counts!

    I'm horrible at naming animals. I have goats and it takes me months to name baby goats...and usually I just end up calling them 'baby'.

  2. I have pretty much been coveting everything you make. So I think that would be awesome if you started selling stuff.

  3. You look gorgeous girl! Im lovin the red lips!

  4. that is so cute! i would definitely been interested in your remade items!

  5. I've been wishing you would start selling your dress revivals ever since you started making them! Please do! I would pay good money for dresses like yours :)

  6. Steffys Pros and ConsSeptember 5, 2011 at 8:58 AM

    it is GORGEOUS!! i love the black tie!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  7. you look absolutely gorgeous!!i love your hair straight
    kisses from prague and have a great day!

  8. i would totally buy your stuff from revival files. i say make them like $15 bucks or so, depending on how much you pay for them.

    so....when are you selling this one? hahaha you look fantastic!


  9. Cute! You did a wonderful job. Love it.

    check me out!

  10. Way cute :) And also I think your hair is just absolutely gorgeous! So shiny :)

  11. I would love it you sold your dress revivals! My only concern is that they'll be so popular I'll never get a chance to buy one!! They'll be out of stock in a flash. P.s lurv the blog.

  12. You look so gorgeus in this pics :) if you were little closer to me i would deffinatly be interested to buy those gorgeus dresses :) and pay for them a certain price.... i'n not so good at giving the prices :p

  13. super cute! I love the red lips and soft pink combo. I'm not so sure how much you can charge? but it deff. needs to include shipping and sales about nothing less than $15??

  14. I totally hear you guys and I would never want to pay over fifteen for a dress myself. But when I incorporate both how much I pay for the dress and about four-five hours worth of alterations, I probably wouldn't be able to charge any less than thirty. Ahh which seems overpriced, but for hand done alterations I guess thats kind of what you get. Is that way too much? I've been wanting to sell them for forever but I also don't want to be that overpriced there a solution?!

  15. you look gorgeous

  16. Ok I've been lurking for a while, and that isn't very nice of me, but I'm a huge fan of your revival files, so I think it'd be a great idea! I have no idea how much it should cost, though, sorry... :\
    Indie is such a cool name! :)
    - Laura S

  17. Love the outfit! :)

  18. I love your hair so straight! I couldn't tell you how much I'd pay for the dress, but it's definitely worth a shot. You never know until you actually try and you can start small and see if it takes off!

  19. This new revival is beautiful! I love the pale pink dress with bright red lips. I'd be willing to buy a revived dress. I've been selling on etsy for over a year, and this is my formula for pricing my items:

    Cost of materials + Hours spent working(Amount you "pay" yourself per hour of work) = Price charged.

    I "pay" myself $10 per hour. So if I spend $5 on materials and work for 2 hours, I charge $25. Simple, right? Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions about setting up your etsy store. The book How to Make Money Using Etsy by Timothy Adam is a very useful guide for the new seller. :)

    - jen @ Stuff Jen Did

  20. Oh yay! I love that name! Our puppies should have a play data, slash, I would love to thrift with you and learn your mad skills! You look like a dream in these pictures btw!


  21. And I would TOTALLY buy remade dresses from you. And ps, I would LOVE to take a sewing class from you too!


  22. The hard thing about handmade, non massed produce stuff is that it costs more, but your outfits are worth it. And you have to charge something per hour you work on it otherwise you end up running a sweat shop with yourself as the only laborer.

  23. Adorable, I would buy them if they were in my size for sure!

  24. So happy that you picked the name Indie!! I always love love your revival files!! If you started selling them I think you would prosper ;) I would be willing to pay $20-30ish for a re-worked dress....just my thoughts, good luck;)

  25. I love the name! Adorable!

    And yeah - I reckon if you kept the prices down it'd be a great business idea - would you make different sizes other than just your own?

  26. I think that would be a great idea and what ever you charge will be okay. Since it's your time and effort going into it!

    Lovely dress! I really wouldn't mind owning something similar to that. Hmmmm...going to be hitting my local vintage spot! :)

  27. Yes! You should sell them! I'm not so sure about the price though, since I'm all the way from the Philippines...but yes!

    I love the name Indie I always panic when I have to name a new pet, you did well! :D

  28. I would totally buy them! I always wish I owned every revival file dress you post, so that would be beyond awesome. :)

  29. You look amazing! Also, I miss having you in our ward!

  30. I love your revival files chica!!! They all look like things you would get from Anthropology but even better and completely original. Because of that and the time you spend creating these beauties I would say you should charge $35-$50.00 depending on the difficulty and how much time it takes to create.

    I know it might be a lot for some but it just wouldn't be worth it to you to spend all this time creating these and then sell them for $15.00 you would actually be loosing money on it and no one wants that, especially your adoring fans! And $35.00 or even $50 for a beautiful dress that no one has is a freaking steal! You could go to forever 21 and pay 35 for a dress that every girl has, I would totally pay $50.00 or more for one of your creations and I'm your sister! But they're amazing and well worth it!

    Love ya-


  31. I think $30 is reasonable with the amount of work you've put into it. And currently on etsy there are non altered vintage clothes (some from the 80s) selling for way more.

  32. Cuuuuute name for the pup! I approve. Not that you needed my approval but it does feel good, no?
    I'd totally buy a dress/whatever from you if it was in my size! I love the $30-50 range but i know it's a lot of hard work so if it's more, I'd be flexible.

  33. Well, because of the UK-US exchange rate I'm not going to give you an exact figure, but I would agree with the lady above who said that you should pay yourself an hourly rate. Bear in mind places like Red Velvet, who customise a lot of their second hand clothes, must be selling at quite a mark-up, but they are still hugely popular because people will pay more for a unique item. If people don't want to spend more than $15 dollars, then they should put the time in like you do, to find the dresses and fix them up themselves! I think you have an obvious talent in this area so I wish you all the best with your new business endeavours!

  34. I just now read this post for the first time. I recently found your blog and have loved reading back through old old entries. I was really surprised when people said around $15... it is obvious that, because of the work you put into the revivals, they are worth much more than that! I agree with what your sister said about the F21 comparison and how yours are more unique and sometimes vintage as well. I think between $35-50 is reasonable, and if you were to go higher you could still find people who'd pay more. I understand that people want a good deal, but when something is handmade or altered to fit just right, it is worth paying more. I handmake crafts and stuff sometimes and have had people offer to pay me for them, but when I tell them how much it would be based on the time I spend (I "pay" myself about $10/hour) they're always like, "Ooohh... nevermind." I'm just amazed that people think you should give away your talent for free. You should charge what you sincerely feel it's worth and you'll find people who are willing to buy it. You could even have a separate "page" on your blog just devoted to selling the clothes you revived and once people see how cute they are on you, they'll be sure to pay whatever you charge. Anyway, sorry this is long but these are my thoughts.
