Nov 14, 2011

Flop Flop Flop

cardigan: thrifted    dress: thrifted    tights:c/o We Love Colors     shoes: Call It Spring

Oh you guys. I failed you. 11:11 was a total flop. I got to work at precisely 11 and then at 11:11 thought to myself, "Don't I need to be doing something right now." It wasn't until  I was eating lunch scarfing down my avocado grilled cheese while walking on campus  that I yelled "AHHH FREAK!" because I'd completely forgotten about it,( the yell was promptly followed by a dirty look from a googly eyed couple beside me). But then I remembered that there were two eleven elevens in one day! Ahhh such luck! There was hope! I vowed not to miss it. I crossed my heart even, it is true! So then during the second eleven eleven I was watching The Big Year and eating fistfulls of blueberry sour punch straws and simultaneously wondering how a movie about birds could be so dang interesting. It wasn't until one in the morning as I was falling asleep that it hit me that I'd missed it...AGAIN. I rolled over and woke Indie up to tell her the devastating news, "I missed the most triumphant day of my life Indie." to which she responded by halfway opening one of her eyes and snorting, only to fall back asleep again within the second. Obviously Indie felt my pain too. I missed it??? I missed it dang it!! Oh heartbroken am I. Will I ever have such an awe inspiring opportunity again? And also, what are Indie's dreams about? These are the things that haunt my mind.


  1. that dress is totally gorgeous!! I love the colors and the fit and it is perfect on you!! the green tights add a really fun POP also!! Happy Monday! J

  2. Aw man! I'm sorry :( I missed the second one but remembered the first one.

  3. Steffys Pros and ConsNovember 14, 2011 at 8:42 AM

    that dress is stunning and i love the green tights!!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  4. I stopped thrift store shopping when I came out to Utah because I was so used to thrift stores that were never picked over. You give me hope again.

  5. That dress is amazing!! And with the yellow cardi...beyond! While 11:11 is the time everyone always focuses on, you still have next year: 12/12/12 at 12:12. Start planning now!

  6. I forgot as well...I think I was in a plane. I have to tell you that I love all of the fun, bright colors you have been rocking lately.

  7. Nina @ Momma Go RoundNovember 14, 2011 at 9:44 AM

    I can't believe you thrifted that totally amazing Anthro worthy dress! Awesome!

    We totally failed 11.11 too. I wanted to do all kinds of fun 11 things with my

  8. I missed it too!!! What a bummer. But on the positive side, you look adorable! I love all your colors and the cute fishtail braid :)

  9. Awww that sucks! I went to an 11/11/11 party so i didn't miss it :)

  10. I feel so much better now because I forgot about it too and I tried so hard to remember! Both times I was in the middle of doing homework! I got so upset the next morning when I realized! I tried to justify it by saying that doing homework at 11:11 is sort of like wishing to get a good grade...right? I hope so! Just know that you were not alone in your forgetfulness! (and also, your outfit rocks!)

  11. Oh no! I made wishes but I kinda cheated by setting that cheating? I don't know.

    Anyway, I absolutely LOVE everything about this outfit! The colors, the floral, the tights, the shoes! LOVE IT!

  12. Seeing everything adorable you find thrifting makes me want to work harder at being thrift-competent! Such a phenomenal outfit!

    & I too totally missed out on the 11:11 extravaganza, but you were one step ahead of me in that you actually had a plan for it :)


  13. You find the best items at the thrift store. Or maybe you just make it look good. :)

  14. I don't mean to trivialize your pain, but at least your outfit is off the hook! But, there there.

  15. That dress is beautiful, I love the green tights with it! I feel your pain at the 11:11 thing - I've tried to celebrate each year in the noughties since 01:01 onwards...I have failed every year!
