Nov 9, 2011

Santa Does Exist I Tell You

sweater: F21  blouse: thrifted  trouser: c/o EShatki  shoes: thrifted

 Such things as walking and running are done a lot these days by the Indian and I. We also enjoy the frequent gallop, trot, frollick and skip as well (if you're wondering what the difference between a gallop and a trot is then you should know that in my mind a trot is much clunkier and manly than a gallop, and now you know the difference) so me and the Indian were enjoying a walk together, on such occassions I always bring with me my handy dandy roll of poop bags (sorry there's just not an elegant way to say poop bag is there...dung holder?? no, no elegant way) because walking does a magical mystical thing to Indie, all of the sudden she just has the need to poop on everything. So anyways, I indeed, forgot the wretched sack for crap. So as my luck (or terrible lack therof) would have it, Indie starts to doesie the twosie in someones yard. I'm thinking, "Well this stinks (literally), but at least no ones here to see it." Then, I hear a rattle...and a jangle...and a fumble. And I see a man, in the driveway of the yard my dog is currently dumping on, and he's getting something out of his car. I froze. I mean really what do you do in this situation (PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME!!!). I held my breath. I didn't move a muscle. And my mature brain exited my skull and my five year old brain entered and all of the sudden it seemed completely rational that if I didn't move, he couldn't see me. He got out of the car (indie still pooping), walked up the driveway (Indie starting to waddle away from the poop awkwardly), he opened his front door (indie now kicking at where she just pooped) and walked in the house, all without a glance, or hint that he'd even known we were there. IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! SANTA DOES EXIST AND GRANT EVERY GIRLS HOPES AND DREAMS! So Santa, if your reading this (wouldn't it be awesome if Santa read fashion blogs! His suit is rather dashing) I would also like a garden gnome for my bookshelf... oh and for Indie to start speaking in spanish only. Good tidings of joy and what not. Sarah.

*Also. do you like my pantalones? Eshatki gave them to me, and they also gave me a pair to give to one of you! Just visit their store and tell me something you'd pick back her in the comments section and you're entered!


  1. well aren't you just a model!!!

    ♥ allister bee blog

  2. Victoria Paige @ Boutique UniquelyNovember 9, 2011 at 7:43 AM

    Can I just raid your closet? Or you come here and take me thrifting. I seriously need some help with my wardrobe and you have great taste!

  3. I love eShakti and I love a good Indie story! These pants are amazing on you! So great!

  4. Haha, that's hilarious!

    I had never heard of eShakit, but I love their stuff! Thanks for sharing!
    I love their Pintuck front gathered sleeve blouse and Asymmetric collar felted pea coat. So cute.

  5. Yay! So glad he didn't see you! Haha! I've definitely had moments like that before.

    And I would pick their black maxi skirt do I can stop stealing my moms. Haha!

  6. Love your blog. I would pick the asymmetric pleats knit dress. I just love a cute dress for winter.

  7. Your pants are adorable.

    If I could have anything off that website, I'd totally go for the military long jacket. Or the Falling Leaves trench dress.

    And I'm glad he didn't notice the pooping! Haha

  8. oh, those pants are fantastic for fall/winter! I also love the herringbone weave military long jacket. It's the perfect blend of vintage, classic, and sass (all of which are essentials in a winter coat).

  9. I would choose the button tab herringbone tweed cape. I've wanted to try a cape for a while, and this one's cute and neutral.

  10. Worst nightmare ever! I had one of my neighbours bang on their window and shake their fist at me while my dog pooped on the city-side of the curb. Unfortunately, I forgot poop bags that day, so I'll I could do was shrug and motion that I didn't have a bag. The least they could have done was come out and offer me a plastic bag or something! Sheesh, it's just a little poo people.

    Love the pants, they look super cute. Very granny-chic :)

    I love the Mrs. Draper Day Dress at eShakti.

  11. Yeah, you could have asked the man if he had a bag you could borrow, but that wouldn't have been half as funny a story! Keep the poop bags next to where you keep the leash, then you won't forget them!

  12. I would pick the herringbong weave military jacket super cute. Also those pants are super cute. You wear them well.

  13. Steffys Pros and ConsNovember 9, 2011 at 9:13 AM

    that is the cutest cardi! youre a dream gal!!

    <3 steffy

  14. I am equally in love with the yellow poppies silk top and the autumn leaves silk tank! Both would go equally well with the teal skirt that I feel I do not wear often enough!

    I do love the pants, though, and would probably get more use out of them, too!

  15. Ana from Sweet SerendipityNovember 9, 2011 at 9:34 AM

    I would pick their darling skirt :)

  16. oooo i love the dulcimer print fake two piece dress!! so pretty!
    [email protected]

  17. I've wanted the purple pleated stretch poplin dress for a while now, but it's out of stock :(

  18. The Pearl detail floral embroidered dress is LOVELY.

    So is little Indie. What a charming lil pup??! ;)

  19. I love this dresss! :)

  20. Oh my goodness that may be my new favorite online shop! So adorable! Your pants are darling! If I could get something, I would get the dot clip art top for sure-ive been looking for something like that or a while.

  21. Ah that may be my new favorite online shop! I definitely plan on checking it out more. If I could get anything from there, I would get the "dot clip art" top, so pretty!

  22. I love your outfit! That sweater is adorable!

    As for Eshakti, I love this dress!
    Sooo pretty!


  23. I love the cherry blossom dress!! so cute :)
    [email protected]

  24. ooh i like your trousers! i'd love to win some! and the sweetheart of a dress on eshakti's website - they have great clothes!

  25. Your new bangs just bring an element of sophistication to your outfits- LOVE THEM!

  26. Oh I love so much from Eshakti! I keep waiting for the perfect special event to order a dress from them. I'm digging the Grecian Grape dress, love the color!

  27. I love hearing about all your funny adventures with Indie. I love the Bloomsbury dress from eShatki! So cute!
    [email protected]

  28. That poodle print is super cute, and I like this cardigan:

  29. Hey, I am having my first giveaway ever!... :) Wanna join it?

  30. Those shoes are perfect! I love the pants too. Just great :)


  31. i LOVE the bows a whistles skirt

    [email protected]

  32. Wow super cute!
    It's funny because I JUST discovered how much I appreciate the Thrift Store when I went Halloween Shopping. I was looking for pieces and I ended up walking out with a sweater for work. I definitely love the sweaters at the Thrift Store.
    You have excellent style!

  33. How nice clothes they are. So beautiful pants. I love the assmetric collar coat also

  34. Those pants are awesome on you and I love the shoes! I would pick the Hummingbird embellished skirt - because come on, who doesn't need a skirt full of hummingbirds now and then?

  35. Mr. Taylor and his LadyNovember 10, 2011 at 10:36 AM

    i'm kind of adoring this. dear santa letters are the BEST! and all of your wish lists are so perfect!
    xo TJ

  36. Alycia (Crowley Party)November 10, 2011 at 2:45 PM

    love your shoes.

  37. Um hi let's swap clothes. Deal? okay great.

    OH my goodness!!!! I would love love love the bows and whistle skirt. I would seriously die. so maybe I shouldn't win... WHAT! that's crazy talk.

  38. i love all of their stuff, pretty much, but this olive dress is particularly yum: :)

  39. I love their outerwear! There is a particular charcoal pea coat that would tickle my fancy :)

  40. It’s hard to find knowledgeable people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks for sharing this with others.looking great in this outfit.
