Jan 19, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Reads

I took this picture a while back and just wanted to share it with you all. I kind of have a love affair going with reading. Just a few of the books I've finished reading lately:
- The Hunger Games Series 
- The Infernal Devices Series 
- Matched Series
- The Uglies Series

But oh now that I've been addicted I've run out of books to read. Might you perhaps have any suggestions for me?!


  1. From what you listed above, I think "Delirium" by Lauren Oliver would be right up your alley.

  2. From what you listed above, I think "Delirium" by Lauren Oliver would be right up your alley.

  3. It sounds like you like Young Adult dystopias. Try Feed by M.T. Anderson! It's one of my all time favorites.

  4. You should try the immortals series by alyson noel. Or hex hall and demonglass by hawkins.

  5. You should try the immortals series by alyson noel. Or hex hall and demonglass by hawkins.

  6. The Guernsey Potato Peel Pie and Literary Society

  7. The House of Night series by P.C.Cast,
    The Catcher in the Rye by J.D.Salinger,
    or you could go for a classic like something by Jane Austen, or Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, or something modern like the fun novels by Jill Mansell...
    Just some ideas... :)

  8. The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner is my all-time favorite book. It's one of the few books I can read over, and over, and over... Haha

  9. The mortal instrument series by cassandra Clare! Same person who wrote the infernal device ones :)
    Series of unfortunate events series <3
    Flowers in the attic
    Elsie series by Martha finley
    The maze runner :)

  10. House of Night is a pretty good series if you haven't read it yet by P.C. and Kristin Cast... Hannah Swensen Murder Mysteries ( not a teen book but pretty pg13 still ) by Joanne Fluke awesome series if you like to cook! lots of recipes! Immortals series by Alyson Noel ...the Shifters and Soul Scremers series both by Rachel Vincent ( the Shifters series can be graphic though, but pretty dang good! ) I have a bunch more too... ranging from pg rated to not so pg but good stories!!! email me at [email protected] if you ever need anymore! ^_^

  11. Anna and the French Kiss. It's crazy addictive.

  12. I loved the Hunger Games and can't wait for the movie in March! I just got "Room", so I am hoping it is good! After that I want to read "Sarah's Key".

    Jenny from www.modernmodestbeauty.com

  13. Have you ever read anything by Francine Rivers? Her Mark of the Lion trilogy is phenomenal, one of my absolute favorite reads! I also really loved Rebekah by Daphne Du Maurier (don't be freaked out by the 'this looks like an over-the-top romance novel' cover, cause it's not at all- haha). Hope this helps :)

  14. The Mistborn series, by Brandon Sanderson. I'm no stranger to reading and this is the best series that I have ever read. Also, "The Book Thief", "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn", and "Through the Looking Glass" are all fantastic.

  15. Thirteenth Child series

  16. I'm sensing a pattern...that you love dystopian YA novels. Me too!!!!

  17. Dystopian YA! Huzzah!

    Read Divergent by Virginia Roth! Do it!

    I have a list, if you don't mind. Ahem:

    The Giver by Lois Lowry
    Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi, also Wind-up Girl, same author.
    In the Country of Last Things by Paul Auster
    Anthem by Ayn Rand and 1984 by George Orwell are classics, but good!
    Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
    City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau

    I took a young adult literature class last semester, and I kind of listed half of the syllabus. We read the Uglies and Hunger Games series in a college setting. It was the best class of my life, haha!

  18. Love the photo!!!

  19. I'm reading a series called Standing in Holy Places. It is a REALLY easy read and is about the events leading up to the second coming. It is a fictional book but really neat!

    I need to read the hunger games before the movie comes out!!


  20. percy jackson series and the hero's of Olympus both by rick riordan

  21. Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld (such a good author, i loved the uglies series) and basically all of the other books he's written

    The Monk series by Anne Perry (they're mystery)

    I just finished reading the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini

    The Girl and the Dragon Tattoo (it's kind of dark and explicit in some places but really good. the beginning is really dry, but stick through it!)

    The Maze Runner by James Dashner

    ooh jeez this list is long. sorry! I read a lot :)

    The Host by Stephanie Meyer (I know its the twilight person, but this book is actually really good!!)

    Life as We Knew It Susan Beth Pfeffer (SO SO GOOD!! Read it!!)

    yep... that's all that I can think of right now :)

  22. ooh also the Secret Keeper by Mitali Perkins

    Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

    and The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, etc. by Phillip Pullman
    and his other books (The Ruby in the Smoke, The Tin Princess, etc.)

    happy reading!

  23. Oh geez so many books

    I keep forgetting to put them in my comments haha.
    Divergent by Veronica Roth (i think?) is good

    and go check out the blog busy bee lauren, she posted a long list of books that you would like cause she's into YA dystopian stuff too :)

  24. The Red Queen's Daughter is good! I believe it's by Jaucqueline Kolosov.

    Also, in elementary school i read this ridiculous book called The Giggler Treatment, it has to do with getting back at bad parents via dog poop... just a thought (;


  25. Based on what you've listed so far, you should check out the Maze Runner series! I'm reading the Uglies right now and I really like it! :)

  26. I just finished Mindy Kaling's new book if you like funny ones! It was amazing :)

  27. I'm currently working my way through the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanders. So far they are really good, but they may not be exactly up your alley.

  28. I think I've read 90% of the books listed here...so I'll add "Daughter of Smoke and Bone" and "The Night Circus". You might think they are romances like "Twilight" but they are NOT and they're AMAZING!

  29. The IT Girl series by Cecily von Ziegesar. Planning on rereading that series!

  30. Oh hi! I'm a teen services librarian and all I read is teen books. My job is also buying teen books for my library's collection. This is what I do!! I can help!!! Some of these books have already been mentioned but here I go:
    Life as we knew it by Susan Beth Pfeffer, Summer I turned pretty by Jenny Han, Anna and the French kiss by Perkins, Adoration of Jenna Fox, Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer (my FAV!!!!), Ship Breaker, 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes and Deadline by Chris Crutcher, Leverage by Josh Cohen, Heist Society by Ally Carter, Graceling by Kristin Cashore (librarians often wonder who would win in a fight... Hunger Games' Katniss or Graceling's Katsa. As kickass as Katniss is, for sure Katsa would own her :) ). I have loads more but don't wanna bog you guys down!! :D

  31. Whatever Dee-Dee wantsJanuary 20, 2012 at 5:49 AM

    If you liked The Hunger Games I would say Divergent would be a good one to read next. I also really liked The book Thief, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Guernsey Potato Peel Pie and Literary Society, The Thirteenth Tale and Chains.

    Just a few suggestions :)

  32. one of my favorites is the gemma doyle series! the first book is called a great and terrible beauty. :)

  33. Yes! These are some of my favorite books too, although I haven't read the infernal devices series. You should check out So Yesterday, Stargirl, and Fire and Hemlock.

  34. ooo Divergent is just like those books! {but in my heart nothing is as good as Hunger Games :)} i love dystopian books.

  35. {p.s. Divergent is the 1st of a 3-book series, but the 2nd book doesn't come out until March this year I think. That scared me away from reading it because I like reading a series all at once. But I went ahead and read it and I was okay because it doesn't really have a cliff-hanger at the end. So if you go ahead and read it now you will be okay without having the next book RIGHT at your side when you're done.} <3

  36. If you like to read, try Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It is seriously one of the best books I have ever read. I just reread it on vacation.
