Jan 11, 2012

How To Get A Complete Stranger To Walk Your Dog

 Jacket: a thrift miracle   dress: thrifted   tights: c/o We Love Colors   shoes: thrifted

How To Get A Complete Stranger To Walk Your Dog
1. Go take your lunch break at your usual spot. Sit on the bench, you know that bench you just love, the one with the beautiful view of the tree and the mountains. Yeah sit there.
2. Eat your apple and peanut butter while Indie frolicks in her very favorite field....let the Indian sneak a few licks of peanut butter for herself.
3. Get completely entranced by Clockwork Prince and start wondering what Tessa has that you don't...I mean really I'm good enough for Will Herondale!
4. Get so completely wrapped up in your book that you don't notice Indie meandering over to a man walking his dog.
5. Pretend not to notice when the said man starts walking your dog along with his.
6. Start to wonder where the heck your fluffy pup went.
7. Look over to see said fluffy pup wooing strange man.
8. Watch yet another heart be captured by the Indian.
9. Give the man an awkward, "Hey we both have dogs!" kind of wave as he says goodbye to your pup.
10. Watch your scruffy ball of fluff tucker out on the grass from walking exhaustion...and then continue to contemplate that you love apples, and peanut butters and Will Herondale's... and also strangers that walk your dog for you.
11. Oh also...eat a brownie. I mean it's not crucial for getting someone to walk your dog, but it makes the journey that much sweeter. Just sayin'


  1. Lol! Your posts never fail to make me laugh!
    BTW, absolutely love your shoes in those pictures! So pretty!

  2. Haha! I'm reading Clockwork Angel right now! SOooo good!

    p.s. Your dress. I love it.

  3. I'm obsessed with the colored tights trend. You pull it off so well!

    Also, YOUR HAIR. It's gorgeous. Gah.

    'Tis all.

    Happy New Year!

  4. Those shoes match that outfit perfectly! They're adorable!!


  5. Love this dress and those shoes are AMAZING!

  6. Jess@craftiness is not optionalJanuary 11, 2012 at 1:16 PM

    I'd say your whole gorgeous outfit is a thrift miracle! love everything!

  7. The Creative MuslimahJanuary 11, 2012 at 1:35 PM

    What a great idea. :) Maybe I should get a dog. You know, just so that I can get a stranger to walk it *__*



    The Creative Muslimah @ www.thecreativemuslimah.blogspot.com

  8. Oh that little Indian. She's a crafty one she is. I love your shoes and cannot believe that you thrifted them!

  9. Steffys Pros and ConsJanuary 11, 2012 at 8:42 PM

    gorgeous colors ! :)

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  10. No stranger can handle my dog. He is very alpha.

    Nice jacket girl! Very vintage.


  11. Ah! Super cute :) Love the outfit. Funny you mentioning the 'sweet day', it reminded me of my day yesterday which you can read here if you wish...


    I'm just wonk on in my posts, nothing all that interesting x)

  12. Haha that's funny! I would recommend eating a brownie in any scenrio too ;) Super cute dress!

    xo Jennifer


  13. haha i love that your jacket is a "thrift miracle!" so cute.

  14. Ahhhh! You look so beautiful!

  15. Modern Modest BeautyJanuary 15, 2012 at 9:20 PM

    New follower here...I love these colors together and you pull it off perfectly! If you have a minute please stop by my brand new beauty/fashion blog!

    Jenny from www.ModernModestBeauty.blogspot.com

  16. ok so i just love your style. You live in orem/provo area right? Can i totally tag along next time you go thrift shopping?! I need to see how its done by the best! :) Haha. But seriously. :)
