Jan 9, 2012

Times They Are A Changin'

skirt: thrifted   blouse: Target   jacket: Macy's    tights: Kohl's    shoes: thrifted

I'm feeling a little somber today. Can I just make a list? Is that legal? It helps me feel at peace with things.

1. Friday I left my job of three years. But more than that, I left behind the absolute best boss and coworkers in the world. I don't think I know just yet how much I'm going to miss seeing them everyday.
2. I was so touched when my boss gave me a vintage brooch as a going away gift. She knows me way too well.
3. I sobbed in my car after I finished my last day of work. I mean cried like a baby. It finally all hit me that I'm moving on to a different stage in my life and it will never quite be the same again. I'll miss so many things about it.
4. Also. I cried in front of my co-workers when I had to say goodbye to them, I felt like a total blubbering blubberer. Crying Sarah lacks composure.
5. I'm graduated. GRADUATED!! Graduated? It seems like just yesterday that I was moving into the dorms and scared to death of being so far from home.
6. I have a brand new job. A really challenging brand new job. An amazing new job. I'm excited, terrified, a bit intimidated. I really don't know how to feel.
7. I'm so grateful for the friends I've made along the way. And while my life is changing, there's no way I'm letting them go.
8. Is this what growing up feels like?....but wait. I'm way to immature to be a grown up.
9. I have so much to look forward too. I have so many great things ahead of me. But today I just want to feel a little reminiscent and sad. 
10. I feel like a Wicked quote would be very appropriate in this last line. Something about changing for good. Yata yata yata...I'm a better person because I knew you.....the wicked witch of the west is misunderstood!!!!


  1. Stephanie and SuchJanuary 9, 2012 at 6:40 AM

    Love the skirt :)

  2. Leaving a job you love is so difficult! Congrats on making such a big step! Hang in there!

  3. Congratulations for graduating!! It's so exciting! I know how you feel--I worked at my community college for 2 1/2 years and when I finally graduated and transferred to CSUSB, I was so sad to not be working there anymore--and I was super nervous about having new roomates (that I didn't know), having to find a new job (nothing could compare to my boss and coworkers at the community college), and beginning classes at a new school with higher expectations and new faces...Nerve. Wrecking. But I wouldn't change a thing! It was the BEST experience ever!! And now I welcome changes everytime they present themselves. There is nothing more exciting! Congratulations and things are going to better and better!

  4. Aww Sarah! Changing jobs is always hard! I always get so attached to the people I work with. I cried like a baby for a week straight after I left my last job.
    But congrats on graduating and the new job! Now go take the world by storm!

  5. your hair is beautiful straight!
    so sorry it was difficult to leave your job! You were super blessed to have one that you loved so much. Hope the next one is even better!

  6. Congrats on moving on to a different part of your life.
    Hopefully I'll be starting grad school in May. I know I'm going to miss my friends and family but it will definitely be a welcomed new chapter of my life.
    If you don't mind my asking, what kind of new job is it? Fashion marketing? Stylist?

  7. Man, I really want to come to Utah. Is the weather less bi-polar? The mountains look so gorgeous. TN is trying to be my nemesis with it's crazy weather.

    Also, I think it's a wonderful thing that you feel that strongly about leaving a job like that. I think we all miss certain things about stages like that in our lives. Even if at the time we can't wait to be done with it. But you're moving onto bigger and better things and you will find love in the new things you're doing even more :)

    whew, what a pep talk :) haha

  8. i love that skirt!!!

    allister bee blog

  9. Sarah, we miss you already! I'm so sad I wasn't there to say goodbye! Also, I already know I'm going to cry when I leave that job...seriously the best job I've ever had. HANDS DOWN.

    Also, I will never forget the "bun" story when that girl commented on your hair. Killed me. Good luck with everything you do--I know you'll be amazing!

  10. I LOVE Wicked! Totally appropriate there! Congrats on your graduation and new job! I feel the same way about growing up :/

  11. I wish I could pull off that lipstick! Love it!!!

  12. Good luck with your new job, I know how you feel because i´ve just moved to a new city to start a new job next week !! :) All the best xoxo

  13. Congratulaions on your new job! And don't worry about the old one: it's always better to leave a nice job before it starts winding you up!

  14. Your hair looks so good. Good luck on the new job :)

  15. I am so sad. Everyone who knows me knows I'm sad that you're gone -- my husband, my kids, my co-workers, my church friends... So sad. The only thing that makes it better is that I know you're on to an exciting adventure. You're my third daughter and I love you dearly. Take care and for sure, FOR SURE, keep in touch!! Aloha!
