Jan 24, 2012

Tis A Slippery Slope....Literally though

Guys. This is what I'm living in right now. No but really, this video is from here in Utah just yesterday and it hasn't stopped snowing since so let's just say things just keep getting worse. Watch the whole video, I'm telling you it just gets more ridiculous the longer it goes on.
And que multiple bowls of chili and hot cider. I'll be over here in my camouflauge snuggie watching movies and refusing to go out in this cray cray weather...wait you don't really believe I have a camouflauge snuggie do you? Do you?!


  1. Oh No! Drive carefully! Hope it gets better, I feel like we are going to be getting hit very soon.

    xoxo, Jjanga

  2. omg that is scary!

  3. haha i grew up in bountiful and that's TOTALLY how it was on those wet winter days! it's an ice rink!

  4. Oh my gosh! Stay in your house! That is so scary. I had no idea it was that bad.

  5. Omg! That's insanely scary!!! TN is so bipolar with weather so when it barely starts misting every person just forgets how to drive like a normal human. It's really pathetic. I don't even want to think of what Tennesseans would do in weather like this.

  6. Oh My Gosh! I live in Upstate New York and we also get lots of snow each year. You often hear New Yorker's ( and I assume other snow familiar drivers) say that people who don't live in states that get snow have no idea how to drive in it, but let's be real. No-one knows how to drive in snow when it's really bad out. I'm with you. Warm food and movies are the only way to stay safe.

  7. oh my gosh that is insane!!! Yeah I probably wouldn't leave the house!

  8. OMG. I watched that whole video and was cringing the whole time!!! I felt like it was a horror movie or something. Eek! I'm just glad it's not that bad in Provo!


  9. This was one of the most frightening, nerve-wracking videos I've ever seen. Gaahh! So scary!

  10. watching that video gave me maaaajor anxiety. i am one of those nervous wreck snow drivers who grips the steering wheel for dear life and comes out of it with white knuckles, ten million more face wrinkles, and at least a cup full of tears. okay i exaggerated a lot there but driving in the snow really makes me nervous. like reallllly.

  11. This totally happened to my car today and it was so scary!

  12. I have a leapard print snuggie and I LOVE IT!


  13. Just watched the video!! holy cow...thats what happens when it rains then snows!!! Nothing you can do!!

  14. This is nuts. I'm assuming you don't get snow like this very often? This is Manitoba half the year lol

  15. That was CRAZY!!!!! Gahhlyy.. So scary! It never snows here in east Texas! When it does it's wimpy and wet and the whole state shuts down, ha!

  16. Rochelle M. BrissonJanuary 25, 2012 at 6:36 AM

    Oh wow! I'm glad you were safe! Those cars were out of control. It makes me think they aren't used to driving in that kind of weather.

  17. Oh, Bountiful. Ya gotta love Utah. You'd think people have never seen snow before haha exactly how it is in my Utah town too...

  18. This is INSANE! I've never seen so many accidents in one spot before. This is why I don't drive in the snow, haha.

  19. oh my goodness, most of them weren't even going fast! that was crazy stuff.

  20. Oh my gosh!! How did I never see this! CA drivers are the same though, just in the rain.
