Feb 3, 2012

Polkie Dots

Blouse: F21    Cardigan: F21     Purse: c/o Francesca's Collections (use code SARAH for 30% off)    Jeans: American Eagle     Shoes: Thrifted

I always wonder who really reads what I write. Because I mean really, I'm not writing about life changing stuff here. Just regular weird things that keep me entertained in life I suppose. So anyways, I was thinking about this and it got me thinking and I would like to propose an experiment. I want to test out who reads my random comings and goings, so if you're reading this, write a comment about your least favorite thing that bloggers do (just you know because, I mean don't we all just do the weirdest stuff on our blogs). And well if you're not reading this, than we'll know by your comment and giggle over our little inside joke because your comment will say something like, "What a pretty outfit! Come enter my giveaway, kisses hugs, love love XOXO Gossip Girl" you know...or something like that. Okay experiment....BEGIN! I can already tell this is going to be fun. I may or may not just go write my own comment.


  1. Aren't your feet cold with no socks on?! I'm wearing socks, tights, and trousers today. I'm not joking.

    One blog habit that annoys me is when people publish recipe posts which go along the lines of "ingredients: pasta, jar of pasta sauce from Trader Joe's" and then they swoon over what a delicious "recipe" it was. Like I couldn't figure out how to dump a jar of sauce on top of some cooked pasta before I'd read their blog. Does that make me judgemental?! What do bloggers do that annoy you?

  2. Nikki @ The Ginger DiariesFebruary 3, 2012 at 6:49 AM

    My personal least favorite thing that bloggers do is never comment back to loyal readers. This might sound like I need attention, and maybe I do. I just hate to get the feeling that I am beeing ignored and it has actually made me unfollow a lot of blogs.

    I must say that 9/10 comments left on my blog can be considered more as spam than as a sincere comment too :) I've seen posts where the blogger talks about serious things with comments about "enter my giveaway now" and "i folluw yuu, yuu folluw me". No respect at all! Not that I always read every letter or word in a post, but I do try to get what it's about so that I can react appropriately :)

    Anywhoo, I do love this outfit! It's really cuet and lovely and I adore everything from Francesca's :)

    XO Nikki

  3. first one to write a comment. Holy smokes. I think its funny when bloggers post videos of themselves and they have really different' voices then I'd always imagined. Its sort of like when leia from star wars talked the first time.

  4. Ba Ha Ha Ha HA. I love it. Hilarious.

    I think the most annoying thing that bloggers (female ones) do these days, is I feel like they can often be not very honest with their readers. Sometimes it comes off as "hey I'm perfect. Look at my perfect outfits. I always look this incredible. And look at my beautiful children, aren't they perfect? And look at my amazing husband. He NEVER pisses me off. EVER!" Do you know what i mean??! Haha.

    But seriously. I do freakin' love this outfit. You look beautiful!

    xoxo gossip girl

  5. Guys I totally agree with you all! Okay one of mine is when girls refer to their significant other as Hubsy or the husband or whatever. I mean I know I call Matt, Sir Matt, but that legitimately existed before I ever knew about blogs and also. People your husbands have names!!!

  6. It bugs me when bloggers aren't real and only highlight all the fantastic things about their life. I'm all for being positive, but c'mon...

  7. I don't think there is a single word out there in the universe that bothers me as much as "hubby" or "hubs." Hearing someone (including my mom) refer to their spouse like that makes me want to punch a baby.

    Not a cute baby, mind you. More of like... an ugly ish one with a squishy face.

  8. my least favorite thing? when bloggers don't put any effort into their design!!

  9. well i have a while without blogging so i don't have an annoying thing list that bloggers do or don't... but I get what you are saying I also think that I don't write about big important things but that's blogging right? is an space where you can share the things that you like and you find out that other people around the world like them too :) and well I DO love the outfit jajajaja :)

  10. I love that top! You look great!

  11. I hear you on the calling husbands by their names, but I call mine hubs because he refuses to be on the blog in any way (paranoid that he'll somehow be discovered. Not sure how having a super stylish wife would be a mark against him, but whatevs.) Personally, I hate when bloggers shorten their feeds for more clicks. I unsubscribe immediately.

  12. Kayla @ Freckles in AprilFebruary 3, 2012 at 7:14 AM

    Oh man, soooo many pet peeves. I hate when you have to be a public follower or like them on facebook in order to enter a giveaway. I hate when people steal other people's content or don't properly cite or give credit to the original creator. I hate when bloggers mooch off more popular bloggers just trying to get traffic.

    Aaaand now that I've made myself look like such a lovely little ray of sunshine, I love your blouse :)

    Freckles in April

  13. Ugggh I know this doesn't have to do with blogs, but I hate it when I follow a blogger on twitter, and then all they do is post photos of their cats via instagram. The worst.

  14. I love love love this outfit so much. The mint cardigan is perfection!

    xoxo, Jjanga

  15. You look adorable and I love some of the posts you write. My best friend and I are both at BYU and when you wrote about trying to pay at the bookstore with a can of soup, we both died laughing. Anywho, it bugs me when people are self righteous and put on an air like they are perfect and that everything has to be perfect all the time. I think the most entertaining blogs are the ones that show they are human.

  16. Bad grammar drives me crazy and I figure if someone's going to be a writer they should at least make an effort. Oh... and.... uh... judgmental people....hahaha.

  17. your outfit is adorable!

    drop by allister bee soon!

  18. It just really irks me when bloggers presume they're "blog famous" and don't actually try to interact or be friends with their followers. It's not a fame thing, it's a community, people! But that's really it. That whole hubs, hubby thing bothers me too but it's so overdone now I'm getting used to it!

    by the way, I always love your outfits but I do actually read your posts. You make me laugh! :)

  19. hahahahhaha! jk jk jk. i had to do it! but seriously - your outfit is gorgeous! BUT - one of my pet peeves is when people are CLEARLY at my blog, leaving a comment just to ride off of my marketing/visitors.

    i work at an internet marketing company and so i do know how to market myself and have a decent pr. so when other people come and are clearly just leaving a comment to bank off of that, it makes me super frustrated.

    great post! you're so funny!

    drop by allister bee soon!

  20. Okay, I have to admit that I don't think I've ever commented before, but I have been reading the blog for a few months now. (Hopefully my first comment won't make me sound *too* awful and judgmental.)

    I don't know that I could pinpoint one thing that irritates me most about bloggers (it's kind of a love/hate thing, I guess) but I have a hard time with people portraying their lives as perfect. "Yes, I always just happen to roll out of bed with my hair oh-so-perfectly messy! Isn't the hubs such a stud?!" Ugh.

  21. I hate when Bloggers post a teaser picture of a tutorial yet to come, which gets me all excited and I blog-stalk them until it is posted and the ‘tutorial’ is super redonkulously vague and completely unhelpful. :( It’s usually when I stop blog-stalking them.

  22. i hate when bloggers leave their url in their comment.


    and you also look cute.
    the end.

  23. I dislike when, actually I can't think of anything. I will say a blog has got to engage me everything single post though. I don't follow a lot of blogs because I have limited time and am really choosy about what I spend my time on.

  24. Hey cute oufit.

    I don't like it when bloggers say how dedicated they are to their followers and talk about all the wonderful emails they get and blah blah
    and then you email them and they dont respond? like what is that all about?
    such an act

  25. Oh I hate receiving those "enter my giveaway" comments but I'm liking the cute outfit :)

  26. i think what i dislike most is when people give TMI stories in an un-classy way...some people can do it right and be funny (like you) but for example, at the daybook, most of her TMI stories come off making me cringe and feel weird rather than laugh. and i just want to laugh, you know!

  27. ha. just like you said ... the not reading posts and leaving gratuitous comments about their blog/giveaway.

    Sometimes I'll write about something unfortunate with a photo of of my kids and ppl will just respond .. "SOOOOOO cute!!" etc. or "sweeet!"

    and I hate word verification :)

    I did read your post but I also love your outfit .. if its okay!

    and no giveaways to plug. sorry.

  28. This outfit is lovely! I don't know, maybe I havent been around the blog world long enough to get annoyed.

  29. My least fave thing bloggers do is exactly what you said...the whole "come enter my giveaway, cute shirt." But I also dont like when pple post random pictures of half eaten food from a meal they just had a restaurant. It grosses me out...at least t ake a picture BEFORE they eat...haha!

  30. I HATE when fashion bloggers post 9 million pictures each post of their outfits! I think 5 ish is plenty to get the point across!

  31. Oh, and my "hubs" does not like his name on my blog, so I refer to him as the hubs as well! Ah, well....

  32. Hehe! Looks like Kimberly Horne didn't read your post! :)

    Unlike some others I don't mind when bloggers only write about the good stuff in their lives. What's wrong with focusing on the positive? Weird nicknames for children and husbands do annoy me. But my biggest pet peeve is having to jump through 20 hoops just to enter a giveaway. Why do I have to like you on facebook, follow you on twitter, pick up your dry-cleaning, AND dance naked under the full moon whilst promising my first born to you? Keep it simple!

  33. First off I love the outfit. mint green cardi, YES!
    My pet peeve with bloggers is when the post videos and you hear their voice...
    it's so strange...

  34. I like when bloggers talk about what they're wearing and kind of dissect their outfits! I mean, they are fashion blogs after all, so talk about fashion!

  35. Oh this is fun stuff here! I love everyone's comments so far! My pet peeve is when bloggers post outfits then write about the things they don't like about their outfit. Drives me bonkers! And the "follow me/enter my giveaway/ check out my blog" comments are a little annoying. I know they'll never stop, so I just let it happen. It just seems like spam. But the readers that leave sincere comments really stick out to me and I always do my best to check out their blogs and comment back. The best part of bloggging is the people you meet.

    And your outfit really is pretty :)

    Lazy Saturdays

  36. I LOVE your blog. So quirky and so fun!

  37. One thing that really irritates me is when bloggers host giveaways but have all these things you need to do or join to participate. Hm, doesn't that defeat the whole point of the giveaway?... I rarely enter them unless all I have to do is leave a comment answering a quirky question.

    On the other hand, the blogs I really enjoy reading are ones that are honest and real - I love your blog because of the short insights into your life in every post. You make me laugh, and that's why I follow you :) ...No one is perfect and pretty all the time, so why pretend to be on their blog?

  38. I hate super loooooooooong posts! love the mint and polka dots!


  39. I Hate when Bloggers skip a few days to write. if You are going to be a serious blogger, dont make us serious readers wait for days or even weeks to read a post! haha

  40. LOL! I am seriously dying over here.

    Um I think I hate when people do the "I'm following you, you follow me" thing. That has happened to me at least 3 times within the last 2 days. It's really discouraging for someone that has not even 20 followers and just loves to write (and read people's randomness like yours).

    But I do love the bloggy community! The ones that are there for the right reason and not just to gain numbers ;)

    PS: love the polka dots. Big polka dots like that could easily be done wrong and turn into a clown costume. Good job doing everything right! haha!

  41. What a pretty outfit! Come enter my giveaway, kisses hugs, love love XOXO Gossip Girl

    Lol... I'm kidding... :)
    I agree with what people have said above, about the whole having to like on facebook and become a follower and this, that and the other JUST to enter a giveaway! The point of giveaways is to give from your heart because you are being nice, not doing a giveaway just to get more followers or likes or whatever! That's just selfish, like you are asking for compliments or something... :(

    Anyway, sorry for the rant, but it bugs me. :P
    Have a nice day!

  42. Steffys Pros and ConsFebruary 3, 2012 at 9:19 AM

    so in love with your blouse! you have the best f21 finds!

  43. I for one really love how creative you are and how you don't take yourself too seriously. When people are the opposite, I get kind of annoyed!

  44. I have to agree with alltumbledown. i hate having the- more after the break- click! Just show me the post people! By the way that cardigan is the best color in the world and I am jealous!

  45. I love a good giveaway, but it's annoying when a blogger posts one where there's 15 steps to enter! :) love your outfit and blog, and I love your silly posts the best!

  46. I'm going to agree with Heather B. Being happy is great, but we're not always little Ms. perfect. I love seeing the reality through blogs. Brings the writer's back down to earth.

  47. I think the most annoying thing to me is when bloggers pretend everything is all sunshine and roses. I mean, I know you might not want to share your entire life with the world and that's absolutely your right. I'm not saying I want to hear about the bad times. It's just nice to know they're human sometimes because when all they write is how amazing their life is and how happy they are it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong for not being happy all the time. I guess I'm kind of just seconding Katie's comment haha Anyway, I luurrrrve you and I like reading about all your random thoughts and adventures. You make me smile, and that's why I keep coming back.

  48. I love your blog.. things I hate it when people pretend that their life is perfect.

  49. This is a comment

  50. clothing and shoe reviews.... i just cant take it seriously.....

  51. ha ha you guys there are some hillarious, "cute outfit comments xo xo!" And I cannot stop laughing. It's true!!! I totally agree about the giveaway stuff. Giveaways have turned into a bloggers way to make their blog bigger, get more traffic, and to up their other social media participation. Hello, it's a giveaway, not a please make me famous and I'll give you an old stained shirt that I never wear.

    And the perfection thing, don't even get me started. I've stopped reading a lot of blogs that do that because blogging is about sharing, and making people feel good. Not comparisons and bringing others down. So glad you all agree.

  52. I hate it when there are like 100 pictures of the same outfit in one post. I think a couple of pics should suffice.
    Love the top btw :)
    Is that bird cardi still for sale?

  53. Okay, I hate it when bloggers complain-I don't want to read negative stuff, I get enough of that.

    On a more important note, did you just recently get your blouse at F21? It's absolutely darling. And just know that your clothing is an inspiration to me! I always look forward to what you're wearing!!! It gives me good ideas!!!

  54. okay. love this idea. so i hate when bloggers pose a question at the end of their blog acting like they care. i kid i kid, i know they care, but it's a little cheesy, isn't it? but i still love em i do! hope you, indie, and sir matt have a good day.

  55. I can't think of anything I hate that bloggers do. I do like to know that they're human beings to-they have ups and downs. I also like it when they comment on some of my posts, it doesn't have to be EVERY comment but it would be nice to know that they're reading it.
    I really like that purse! It's too small to be an everyday purse for me but it adds a nice pop of color to your outfit. =)

  56. Okay I totally agree that no one wants to read about how sucky everything is. But there definitely is a lack of reality. I mean, those perfect pictures of their hot chocolate with the creamer in the pattern of a leaf. Are they really enjoying their life, enjoying their moments. Or just worrying about getting the perfect picture for their blog ya know. It's the portrayal of perfection that bugs me, I love the positive but it's nice to see that they are real people.

  57. cute shoes!!!! xoxo ;)

    Personally, i dont like it when bloggers use 'presents' given from compaines that are either too expensive to the followers or they were them all the time and we can't get hold of them....but I do know that this isn't an issue for a lot of bloggers though
    ps. i really do love the shoes :D and sorry for the anonymous comment can't figure out which of the things to use :L xxx

  58. Van @ The Clothes We WearFebruary 3, 2012 at 10:53 AM

    The color combination is just so good here. I love that polka dotted blouse. Inspiring me pull out a dotted blouse that a bloggy friend sent to me, but I've not styled yet. Love everything with bow-ties!

  59. Love the outfit! I hate when bloggers use cutesy language like 'totes adorbs' and junk like that. C'mon, people-the English language has already gone downhill enough; let's not make it even worse! And I echo what others have said about giveaways. Annoying.

  60. oh my goodness, the worst is when bloggers make almost every other word a different color and justify every other differently!

  61. Cute! I have a very similarly colored cardigan that I should dig out one of these days!
    My least favorite thing that bloggers do is when they blog about nothing at all, like for no reason other to get a post out there every day.


  62. Lauren {Awkward Girls}February 3, 2012 at 12:11 PM

    I can't believe no one has said this yet, but i hate when blogs have music that plays automatically. Seriously, there's nothing worse than having a nice chill session with your own music, then being blasted with the latest Ingrid Michelson or Taylor Swift on top of that. Then not being able to find how to turn it off. It makes me so mad. There are blogs I refuse to read because of it. I love when people blog about music, just not when I'm being forced to listen to it.

  63. Monique J. RovelskyFebruary 3, 2012 at 12:33 PM

    I dislike when people curse on their blogs, it's such an easy edit!

  64. I dislike that bloggers aren't more like you! You make your posts fun and I have to say you're one of the few blogs that I will read every word instead of skimming through a blog.

  65. You make my laugh my socks off. Freal.
    I really don't like it when people are like, "Hey, I'm perfect! Tralala!" And then I think, no. No you're not.
    The end.

  66. I hate when bloggers wear "dresses" that are really just tunics/long shirts. Sorry, but wearing tights with that does NOT make it acceptable.. I don't care how short you are! haha.

    But I do love that top! haha ;)

  67. I love your "refashion" posts. It is so intriguing that you can take a horrific DI dress and make it fabulous. I don't like it when bloggers do posts without pictures. You've got to be a well-trusted really really compelling writer for that kind of thing. Keep on keepin on!

  68. I think its annoying when people do giveaways but make you follow their blog... mostly cause I link to people from my blog but I don't follow a lot of people out of laziness. And lots of times I won't enter because following them seems like such a commitment. Even though they're up in my blog links and I read their blog everyday. I'm ridiculous. But so is forcing people to follow your blog. If they wanna follow they will.

  69. Claire Andra WhiteFebruary 3, 2012 at 2:46 PM

    I like a blogger who seems sincere and true to themself. So many blogs these days are "copycats". they see other blogs being successful and think "oh if i just blog like her..." But if it doesn't come naturally, it shows and reads as insincere. AND not all bloggers need to be a fashionista, photographer, artist, graphic designer, poet, etc. They don't all need to shop at anthro and have lovely homes and birds on everything. there is nothing wrong with exploring other things or even liking them, just be true to yourself. For example, I LOVE fashion, but the few times I've blogged about it, it just doesn't feel "me". I'll stick to my art :) and I'll leave the fashion tips to pros like yourself.

    also, If one's intention for blogging is to gain a following, I lose interest. I want good writing for good writings sake. I want lovely photography just to look at, with no strings attached. My absolute favorite blog has no sponsors. It doesn't even show their followers! It's just raw goodness with no ulterior motive.

  70. I don't like it when bloggers post about one thing. Example: "my baby did this. my baby is this. my baby blah blah blah" or "this book/movie is so awesome. seriously you need to read/see this book/movie. book/movie blah blah blah." Therefore, I love that you post about random happenings in your life that make me laugh or agree or go "awh". You're awesome! :)

  71. Ha ha this is creative. I have to think of the most annoying thing bloggers do. Ok, i hate when people gush over their romantic relationship and don't ever tell about day to day stuff that makes the relationship amazing. i don't think you do this fyi. i like reading about quirks and things about your relationship that make it unique or funny

  72. I think one of the strangest things I've ever seen on a blog was just recently when I clicked on this blog and this girl had pictures of herself ALL over her template. Not only that, they were all the same picture with different faces. So strange.

  73. I have not hates....I only follow you and Melanie : ) I look forward to reading your hilarious perspective and your experiences.

  74. First off I love reading your blog! It's one of my faves just because you are so funny!

    My biggest pet peeve--"Mindless and totally general comment followed by "FOLLOW ME!"

    I really do love your outfit today, though. The polka dots are great! And I love the pastels.

  75. Things that make me gag:
    -"I loved (insert trendy something here) even BEFORE they were cool"
    -posts "written" by child or dog
    -just blogs that in general are created solely to prove something (i.e. I'm cooler/prettier/richer than you) rather than to inspire or record memories.
    I'm amazed at how childish and attention-hungry adults can be.

  76. Hi,I'm your follower.I'm Asian and love outfits like you do.I hate when peoples comment on my blog about "Please follow me and I will follow you back".I have few readers but I don't think I deserve this kind of comment.They can just compliment or walk away..

  77. I dislike when bloggers post the same outfit pictures in the same post, but they mirror it or have a couple of lines of text or other pictures in between. Like we wont notice then?

  78. Ha ha I'm loving the comments on this post. I agree with you about the husbands name thing. I've always referred to Corey by his name on my blog.

    I hate it when bloggers try to pass of sponsored posts as just a regular post. We all know you didn't just happen to stumble across that new brand of laundry powder that works wonders on your whites. We're not stupid!

  79. least favorite thing is when bloggers promote themselves in their comments. "oh hey nice blog - come follow me!" "i'm having a giveaway today, come check it out" no thanks. but really. it has become one of my biggest pet peeves. and same with the over cluttered blogs. i understand why people get sponsors or ads but some of them are overloaded and it makes me cringe.

  80. Hmm.. I'm not sure if this is a peeve, but I only follow wearable fashion blogs. I hate reading someone's blog and they're like.. so just pair your Louboutins with your Chanel blah blah blah.. Stop throwing your labels around because no one can relate.

  81. I don't like it when giveaways have tons of steps to enter- for example, "post a comment on my blog, then the sponsor's blog, then your best friend's cousin's sister's blog, then like it facebook, then tweet it, and then click your heels three times and swallow a live goldfish"...but then again, it is a giveaway...so maybe if I weren't so lazy I'd win something!

  82. Good question... I'm a blogger too and now I am wondering if I do something annoying too.. I guess when bloggers are OVERLY happy EVERY post they make... OR when they are super angry every post... theres got to be a good middle ground.


  83. One of the things that drives me crazy is really weird pictures. Like the ones of just their midsection or from their waist to their thighs or their boobs. I understand that frequently they are trying to show details of the outfit but there is no detail that I want to see on your groin!

  84. I hate when bloggers have 50 million photos of them self and you can tell you think they're hot shniff.

  85. my least fav. thing bloggers do is when they use super nasty, unreadable fonts. seriously, dudes, i'm reading your blogs at the end of my work day. my eyes are tired and bleary. i've been staring at a computer for hours. help me out here people. choose a nice tidy fun font please!

  86. great top. lets follow each other? xx


  87. Wow...I'm pretty sure this made you my new favorite blogger. For realz. (did I successfully pull that off? no? darnit.)

    I dislike the way that some blogs feel like high school...you have to be part of the J. Crew or something (see what I did there? yeah?). I also hate "follow me!" comments. I actually prefer when someone links back to their blog in the comment they leave...it makes it easier for me to find their blog to comment back! That's why I do it...like this!

    XOXO, Lindsey

  88. I just realized I wrote that whole comment and did not say anything about your outfit. Sorry! I wanted to say that it made me think of ice cream. Which is a wonderful thing.

  89. Your outfits are pretty distracting compared to your writing, mostly because they are always so cute, like today's dots. But yes, I do read your whimsical daily happenings at times. I especially like when you write about "Sir. Matt."


  90. I AM DROOLING OVER YOUR BLOUSE/CARDI. seriously smitten.

    i'd say my pet peeve for blogging is one with bad design, it's amazing how much a little effort can make!

  91. I think what bugs me the very most is exactly what you talked about - "Hey, nice post, you should check out my blog." It's so annoying! There have got to be better ways to get your name out there than being a pretentious little stinker.
    Another thing I can't stand is when bloggers talk about their beliefs in one post and then post about doing things that are blatantly against the aforementioned beliefs. Fake people like that bug me in general though.

    Psssssst this outfit is beautimous. I love it.

  92. hahahah! OMG this post and all the comments have me cracking up! I actually really love your blog and outfits because you are so cute and funny, and REAL. I buy a lot of F21 stuff because you can get cute stuff, it's affordable, and every other girl/woman I know does too! I mean I'm sure there are some women out there who wear Chanel and Louboutins every single day, but I don't really know anyone like that IRL. And I might cringe if I did.
    RE: the husband/BF nickname stuff, I admit I do that because of privacy issues.
    Lauren (Awkward Girls) had me laughing out loud! Yes - I HATE the music because I usually have multiple web pages open at a time and I have to go figure out who has a song playing all the sudden?

  93. I think people leave comments that seem so over the top and thus insincere..."Omg!!!!!! I love it!!!! Girl you look soooo hot. ...blah blah blah.". That's not really the blogger, per say, but the readers, but still...

    I like to give and receive sincere comments/compliments!

  94. I don't enjoy long detailed stories.
    I love the way you post. Fun, quirky, and to the point to stories. No more than I need to know. I hate when people go into all that detail that I don't really care about!

  95. Hi, i don't like blogs without good shoots, but it is not the case of your blog :)

  96. I hate when other bloggers comment just to try and drive traffic to their blog. "Lovely blog. Follow mine and enter the give away." Thanks but no. Also can I just put out there how incredibly photogenic you are. Every pic of you looks so cute.

  97. It's just a personal preference, I don't hate it necessarily, but when bloggers call their husbands 'hubs' 'hubby' 'husband' 'the husband' instead of my husband or calling him by his name it makes me cringe. I'm getting married this Summer (July 7th :) ) and I will never refer to Gary with those nicknames.

  98. I hate when bloggers act like they're perfect. Like their life is oh so wonderful... And speaking of, I actually just wrote a 10 Things I Hate About the Blog World on my blog! Hahaha. Another thing I hate? Shameless promoting. And Iiiiiiii'm doin' it. But hey, it relates, right? :)

  99. I dislike it very much when bloggers avoid talking about the struggles they face in their lives. I mean, I'm not expecting to spill their soul to the internet, but acting like everything is always peachy perfect(always dressed perfectly, fantastic makeup and hair, and talking about the weather and musing on and on about how lovely everything is) It get's old and is really fake. You don't do this dear, and I love you bunches for that=)

  100. I am having so much fun reading these comments!
    My least favorite thing is when a blogger has automatic music that starts blasting! I can't tell you the number of times I've had the daylights scared out of my by some super loud music suddenly playing on a blog!

    My number 2 pet peeve is grammar mistakes. I don't mind one now and then but consistent ones are irritating. For example, there's one blog that I enjoy, but the author always writes "thru" instead of "through" and it is so annoying!

  101. I am having so much fun reading these comments!
    My least favorite thing is when a blogger has automatic music that starts blasting! I can't tell you the number of times I've had the daylights scared out of my by some super loud music suddenly playing on a blog!

    My number 2 pet peeve is grammar mistakes. I don't mind one now and then but consistent ones are irritating. For example, there's one blog that I enjoy, but the author always writes "thru" instead of "through" and it is so annoying!

  102. BAD GRAMMAR! Seriously. I really don't like it either when there are so many buttons and sponsor pictures and just CRAP on the sidebars that I can't focus on what the post is actually about. Also, like so many others have said, when the blogger makes it seem like their life is perfect. "Oh, my kids NEVER throw fits or get applesauce in their eyebrows! My husband cooks me dinner, takes the trash out, lets me shop anytime I want and we never fight! Our wallet is bottomless!"

    I wonder all the time how much debt the bloggers I follow are in. I mean, really. You'd have to make like 5 zeros to afford most of the stuff they wear!

    I swear I'm a happy person. :)

  103. This is the only blog I read regularly.... BECAUSE of your stories :)
    also the fact that your clothes are completely adorable and inspirational.

  104. bahaha, some of the comments of the non-readers are hilarious and exactly like XOXO GG.

    my least favorite thing bloggers do is take/post bad pictures. you take great pictures. they aren't over edited and you're posed really naturally.

  105. My least favorite thing that bloggers do (fashion bloggers, that is) is copy the exact outfit somebody else wore. Yeah, it can inspire you, but does it have to be the same?

    Also, I hate when they spell something wrong, use bad grammar, or use a word to make them sound smart but does not make any sense. That's just me.

  106. I don't know what my LEAST favorite thing is.
    I have a few dislikes. all the c/o clothes that are clearly out of the person's style.
    the comments that are clearly not even based on your post at all.
    I also hate when I comment (and comment and comment) on a blog and never once get a question answered in the comment.

  107. I read about 3/4 of these so far and see some some pet peeves are the opposite. Some people don't want to hear about the bad while some do.
    And also a ton of people have the same ones. These are fun to read.

  108. I must say the thing I hate most are the comments that are sooooo thoughtless. If you care enough to comment, make it worth while! Write comments that you yourself would like to see written on your blog and ones that would make you feel good about your post.

    Also, I will check out someones blog simply because they commented on mine! Not because they left 8 zillion links or said "please check out my blog." Also, if I then LIKE someone's blog and it inspires me in some way, I will probably follow it. I will not follow it just because someone says, "I'm following you, follow me back," blah blah blah and basically BEGS me to follow them - not classy. It irks me. To. No. End.

  109. Also, I hate it when you have to click "Keep Reading" to see the whole post! I never bother with that! What's the point?

    And...(I thought of a few more things :)) I hate the word verification - ahhhhhh it's annoying.

    But, having said these things I should say that I love your blog - you are so original and have such a great voice. I love reading what you write and looking at your pretty outfits and totally rad altered dresses. You are a very beautiful and talented woman!

  110. I don't really have any blog specific dislikes, generally bad spelling (especially since we live in a day of auto correct and spell check) and grammar. I also don't like it when pPlZ tYPe lYk dIS <--- ok, I don't even think I did that properly! But I haven't seen any blogs like that recently.

    There is one thing that I've thought of that is annoying, which is is when a blog doesn't have a mobile friendly view. A lot of people I know do the majority of their internet surfing on a phone so it can be really hard sometimes - even when you zoom in to the main body of a page. It would be GREAT if you could enable this option for your blog or just increase your font size to what it was before because at the moment, I have to change the orientation on my screen and even then, the text is tiny! But I haven't really thought of telling you before since I suppose I just like your blog too much! Hahaha.

    As an aside, I love how easy it is for me to relate to you (I'm young, married, say and do bizarre things - it's kind of weird because I feel that I know you and it would be awesome sauce if we hung out together, but you would be thinking right now WHO IS THIS PERSON?!?!) Anyhow, you and two other bloggers have inspired me to overcome my fear of blogging (I have no problem in real life being out there and telling my life story to everyone but putting it on the internet where it is immortalised, in public, really freaks me out) and so I'm now looking into creating a blog. Just need to find a good graphic artist first!

    PS. Does Matt (does he get weirded out if people refer to him like you refer to him? ie. Sir Matt) take your photos or do you take them yourself? I always like your poses (wow I never thought I'd make a comment like that in my life haha) because they always seem genuine and not too cheesy. Haha.

  111. Oh my gosh Sarah. This is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! hahahhaha. I LOVE your outfit btw. Super cute.

    What annoys me about bloggers... is when they comment on my page and ask for "a follow for a follow". Duuude. Lame. I also hate when people ask to trade buttons with me when they have like 4 folowers,because I feel like they are just using me!

  112. I love your blog and I really love this outfit! I always get excited when I see you've posted something new because I love the outfits you create - they are always so fun, inspiring and cute! I love your red lipstick, too. Every time I see you wearing it I remember that I want to try that out on my lips!

    Things that bug me about blogs/bloggers.... I can easily name a few things... I don't like when bloggers share TMI, like especially about their love lives. There is this one blog where one time she talked about her and "Husband" having a fight and then "making up"... and she made sure we (vaguely) knew what "making up" entailed. We already know you have sex with your husband, you don't need to drop hints about it on your blog - I just think that's really weird and gross.

    Another thing that really bugs me in the "Mormon Fashion" blogger world is when people post outfits wearing skirts or dresses that are obviously too short, but they just wear leggings and call it good. Leggings are great with skirts, but I still think the hem of the skirt/short/dress should be to the knee. But then, at the same time, I get annoyed when I read comments from people who call them out on the length of their hem. I know it's ironic because I'm complaining about it now, but I would never call someone out on it on their blog because it's their choice how they want to dress, and it's my choice to think what I want about it. I just get bugged inside when I see that, but I don't feel the need to tell someone else what modesty means to me...

    PS - I read your ramblings maybe 50-70% of the time... sometimes I just like to check the outfits out and go. But every time I read, I laugh. I think you're hilarious. And I LOVE when you post pictures with your dog - he is so cute!

  113. Hahaha. This is a cute idea. I agree with many of the above, especially the "follow my blog" comments. Even though it's usually the photos that spark my interest in a new blog, I will not be a devoted reader unless I like your writing (I'm talking punctuation, spell check and proof reading, people!). I tend to come back to the blogs with "quirkier" styles of writing and definitely some humour....like yours. Sooo....point being I actually READ what you write :)

    P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your purse. Very cute outfit, well put together! Sorry, couldn't help myself ;)

  114. Oh I just love your little experiment...you are so clever! Obviously lots and lots of people really do read what you write! Duh! So my blogger pet peeve is when people leave a generic comment on your blog "Love this post..." and then they go on to say "Please follow me back." Obviously they commented so you would comment back. That's not why I blog!

  115. I don't like it when bloggers pretend there life is perfect on the bloggy. Real is good (:

    Love your blog by the way.

  116. things that bug me in blogs:
    -over using the word "lovely"
    -auto music
    -tons and tons of HUGE pics (like more than 12 in one post)
    -and the phrase "may or may not" i know you just used it in this post and i'm not calling you out BUT it is so over used. i'm sure i do it all the time too. trying to stop! love you + your blog. duh :)

  117. One thing that I really dislike that bloggers do is when they put themselves or their outfits down. Like "the longer I wore this outfit, the more I hated it." If you hated it, why are you trying to show it off? It doesn't make sense to me. If I don't like an outfit one day, I don't post it.

    The thing that annoys me the most with blog readers is definitely the insincere comments. I don't get a lot of comments, so when I do, I get really excited and genuinely care about what people have to say, and it's really disappointing to get a "Cute! We should follow each other" kind of comment.

    I love reading what you write, by the way. I always get a good chuckle out of your posts.

  118. I've always thought the point of blogging is to communicate with others. So I'm annoyed by bloggers who are too good, special, or important to interact with their readers. Blogging doesn't make us saints or supermodels. We're just people! And people who only want to soak up attention and compliments are annoying. That said, you have always accepted my feedback very graciously. :)

    Also: Some bloggers are enthusiastically supportive of other bloggers. But many are like, "Oh my GOSH, I'm so INSULTED that so-and-so asked to swap links with me!" Those people are missing the point: If someone likes your blog enough to support you, and she also thinks your blog is so cool that she would appreciate your support, that's a huge compliment! I never ask to swap links because I'm aware of this attitude. But it still irks me.

  119. The Adventures of AmandaFebruary 5, 2012 at 6:16 AM

    I can't stand it when I read the same post (from the same blogger) again and again. It seems like all they do is change a word or two, throw in some new pictures, and call it a day!

  120. Negativity is a huge pet peeve!! Being real is one thing, but being a debbie downer all the time will quickly make me click unfollow. Life is just too short to constantly rant about how terrible you are or how terrible everyone else is.

  121. i hate it when bloggers leave a comment on my blog just saying oh i love this! and BY THE WAY come check out blah blah blah.

    but one of my favorite things is when people tell funny little stories about their life on their blog, like you!

  122. Haha...this is the best idea ever.I generally like all the blogs I read but there are a few peeves.Such as giving the facade of a perfect life...while I do love up beat and happy post I also like a blog with a little realness too.

  123. bahaha omg i have to agree with Ben and Brittany, blogger voices are the worst! totally shatters the illusion. (but no offense meant, i bet you have a totally nice voice) =)


  124. Okay I commented on this already but I'm dying that in the middle of the real comments where we all read your actual post there are a few of those fake comments sprinkled in that we are actually talking about!!

    *hilarious* #dying

  125. I see a few comments about using "read more" and I have to say I use it when I have an obnoxiously long post about my running (and pictures) but not in all my posts. Is that OK with you guys or would you rather a person never use it?

  126. Hey Sarah, I read what you write, although I don't say that I always understand all of it because I don't have a little Indie in my life. I strongly dislike when bloggers act like life is always perfect cause then I think something is wrong with my life.

  127. The least favorite thing bloggers do is disappearing for months... Nice outfit :))

  128. ... least favourite thing... they post pictures off of sites like flikr... because I read the blogs on my break at work and flickr is blocked so I can't see the pictures if people do that... =(

  129. you're a blessing in the blogland. seriously.

    (i hate it when people use your photographs without linking back to the source!)

  130. I hate when bloggers are too "professional", I like made up words and silliness. I hate text book outfits that I would see on a mannequin at the mall. I love your blog so much!!

  131. i know this is a bit late but i'm playing catch up on my blog reading so here i am.

    first of all i seriously laughed out loud at your example comment lolz

    second, i hate when post are just a description (and a bad one at that) of what the person is wearing. "today i'm wearing a shirt that is blue and some pants that are jeans. also i put shoes on and they are leather." boring, please be mildly entertaining or else don't say words at all.

  132. Uhm, hello! I just found your blog....and I think I love you. But like not in a creepy way. Because I'm married too. So yeah. NOT CREEPY. I just love blogs....

    One of my biggest pet peeves is when people are WAAAAAAY open on their blogs, and then get upset when people "all of a sudden know their business". Uhm. Dude. You put it ON YOUR BLOG. Which is NOT PRIVATE. And then you LINKED TO IT ON FACEBOOK. And TOLD PEOPLE TO READ IT. So....of course people know your business. You told them!
    Also, I hate it when people do that because I get addicted to their blogs like I get addicted to crappy television (like Degrassi. Or Laguna Beach. Or America's Next Top Model.) I just can't turn it off, even though they make my brain die a little bit every time. Yeah. It's bad.

    Okay well that was a novel! Hahaha. Can't wait to read more from you :)

  133. hate it when blogs have no variety... or don't tell you where stuff is from. what's the point?
    on the other hand-- I LOVE it when fashion bloggers post outfits with affordable clothes. like you! :D

    you are my fashion "one day i wanna be just like you" hahaha :P

  134. I despise guest blogging. I read your blog because I like YOU!

  135. I despise guest bloggers. I read your blog because I like YOU!
