Jun 20, 2012

Like White On Rice

hat: f21   bag: thrifted    shirt: c/o Romwe (buy it here)   skit: Nordstrom    shoes: thrifted    sunnies: f21

Here's the thing. It's summer, right? Right. And I'm pale. Right? Right. And the thing is that I used to REALLY love being tan. But now I don't know, I just love being my pale pasty self, its my dumb way of sticking it to the man I geuss. Showing  the world that I'm comfortable in my own skin. Not trying to be something that I'm naturally not you know. I don't know, it's silly really. But having pale skin is my way of telling the world that I like myself just the way I am, and I'm comfortable being me. Is that silly? Yeah it's silly right. Anyways, world meet the real Sarah, pasty white and not afraid to do an elfish jig to turn your frown upside down. Huzzah!

*P.S. All you tan people out there look bad-a. I'm not trying to say anything bad about being tan, so please don't stone me with your bottles of self tanner, 'cause I love you like Indie loves a belly rub .kthanksbye.


  1. Katrine - make it and fake itJune 20, 2012 at 7:59 AM

    As I was admiring your pictures today, it struck me that one of the main reasons for why you look so beautiful is that you look so comfortable with who you are and what you look like. And then I read the text and was like "whoa, it's almost like I'm psychic" Second thing this week that proves I might be able to look into the future (at least a couple of secs...) Anyways, you are truly an inspiration, as a person and as a stylista! Thanks!

  2. You look beautiful, as always. And you're right it's important to be comfortable in your own skin. Kudos to you for standing out as an individual.


  3. Marie @ Lemondrop VintageJune 20, 2012 at 10:24 AM

    Love that blouse! And summer is rarely comfy so do what we must.
    Marie @
    Lemondrop ViNtAge

    I am having a fabulous giveaway right here.

  4. Man I love that outfit. Awesome :)

  5. yeaaah girl get your pasty on!

  6. i am so freaking obsessed with this outfit, sarah! everything about it is PERFECT.

    i'm perpetually pale, while my sisters who were lucky enough to get dad's genes, get DARK. jealousy.

  7. Haha. I'm pasty white too so I love this post! I'm happy with my pastiness as well! :)

  8. Stick it to the man, girl!
    I'm naturally dark, so I'm still showing the world that I'm comfortable in my skin :)

  9. Kelly @ Fashion or FictionJune 21, 2012 at 4:42 AM

    I don't think it's silly at all. I like to think pale is my "signature look." The other version is not worth the time, chemicals, and/or sun damage.

  10. Meredith PaulsonJune 21, 2012 at 9:48 AM

    This is such a cute outfit!! Love it :) I think pale skin is very classic! Flaunt what you got.


  11. don't worry, my pale self is embracing it this year as well. or maybe that's just my defeated self realizing that seattle won't give me the tan i would see around utah. plus, a bright red lip always looks fabulous against a pale complexion. it's just a fact. second, i'm absolutely adoring this look!!!!
    xo TJ

  12. We will all be jealous of you when we're 50 looking like we're 90 and you're 50 looking like you're 40.

  13. love your vintage style!! that hat looks great on you!


  14. Hi! Im new to your blog! I really love this outfit from head to toe!! But I still love allof your outfits! I love how your style is really trendy but wearable and doesn't get too complicated. :)

    Kristine from www.realasianbeauty.com
