Aug 1, 2012

Here's To A Rat

shirt: Old Navy   overalls: ASOS    bag: ASOS   headband: handmade   shoes: thrifted

Do you know Nat? We’ll she’s just a big fat rat, no but really, go ask her, she’ll agree. She’s a rat, but she’s a human…are you following? Anyways, a while back when the news was all fascinated with mormon mommy bloggers I discovered her blog (yes yes I did not know about all things mormon mommy and blogging, and yes yes I live under a freaking Provo Utah rock). And you see, I have this policy that if I am going to read a blog I better do it right, for the written words sake! So I started reading her blog from the very beginning. You know I started at that first post that only our mothers read, and I was like, “Crap I like this chick. She’s okay by me!” you know. Anyways, Nat loves overalls, and so do I, so I mean that practically makes us sisters you know. And to me this outfit is just so Nat. So this one’s to you girl (don’t be too impressed, I also did a Mary Kate and Ashley trash bag ensemble once so just take it for what it’s worth mmmkay.)


  1. oh man adorable!! i follow a lot of mormon fashion bloggers... so whats the deal?! can someone (i've asked this several times to several different mormons on their blogs) please clue me in on the mormon blogging thing? is it just a coincidence?

  2. and here i was thinking i was the only one who started from the beginning of the archives of new-to-me blogs. well i must say, you and nat have got me wanting to add a pair of overalls to my wardrobe pronto.

  3. I may have to go check out Nat's blog because 1. I kind of love most Mormon mommy blogs and 2. these pictures are making me think I NEED overalls.


  4. overallllllls. i have been fighting this trend. but you look so cute i am not sure i can resist much longer...

  5. Okay LOVE this outfit! SO FUN!

  6. You seriously can wear anything. You look absolutely amazing here. LOVE this outfit.

  7. So honestly, when I saw the overalls, my brains first reaction wanted to be 'Noooooo!!' haha, but because of the way you put the whole outfit together, they look awesome! this outfit is cute & fun and I just love it! :)

    Oh, My

  8. I adore your outfit! SO cute!

  9. You look so freakin cute it is crazy!

  10. hahaha, you are too much girl! and you are totally rockin' those overalls. absolutely adore natalie, and you of course.
    kind of wishing i still lived in provo right now so we could go shopping together!
    xo TJ

  11. Nicole - Craft My SoulAugust 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM

    Those suspenders are killer and you wear them well! Wow!

  12. Seriously love your style - clothing and writing.

  13. I do the same thing! And with the rat nat who may or may not be fat, it was the period post that got me. If I remember correctly, it was in the wake of her infertility struggles, so being distraught of its presence, she went to great pains to describe it as such. I mean as a huge waterfall of blood from the devil such. I was sold. Haven't regretted my "follow" decision since.

    And while I'm on the topic, haven't regretted my "follow" decision here either! Something about the way you are oh I don't know just hilarious is a winner to me. And indie barking and stormtroppers helps too.

  14. PensiveFashionistaAugust 1, 2012 at 12:18 PM

    For the first time in a long time, I feel like buying a pair of overalls! Adorable outfit.

  15. a cute little girl :))

  16. they look SO GOOD ON YOU!!! and this was sweet! aw, shucks.

  17. i LOVE your hair like that. you wear it so well :)

  18. Brittany Lew WhooAugust 1, 2012 at 1:01 PM

    i need that bag! so adorable.

  19. you are so beautiful

  20. Haha, I definitely thought of Natalie as soon as I saw the first picture!

  21. Too cute!!!

  22. I would probably hate both you and Nat for being able to look so friggin awesome in overalls...but I just can't help but loving you guys. You are both so funny, seriously many a diet Coke has come snorting out my nose from laughing so hard while reading your blogs. Now I know, no diet cokes while blog reading. :)

  23. LOVE Nat, and you seriously pulled that look off perfectly! Love the colors!

  24. Pink overalls?! You're my hero. Seriously. Obviously you're doing it right (life, that is).

  25. I am literally in love with those overalls. I didn't think that anyone could make overalls look that cute. I am seriously considering buying some!
