Sep 17, 2012

Walgreens and Gremlins

sweater: c/o OASAP (buy it here)       shirt: f21      jeans: American Eagle      belt: thrifted      bag: thrifted   shoes: f21

So the other day Matt and I were at Walgreens browsing the Redbox selection, because it was one of those nights where a crappy movie would suffice our need for entertainment, you know that kind of lazy Friday night. So I’m browsing and wondering why Zac Efron is in like 92% of these movies and also, why he ever had to go wreck his entire career with high school musical when he is SO DANG FINE! And I turn to Matt and say, “Oh Efron. Get your head in the game!” And my Sir Matt was gone, nowhere to be seen. The sneak had snuck away, and during one of my witty comments (oh the pain of a witty comment wasted on the air!) So without my trusty Matt by my side, I was bound to make a bad decision and I went for an Efron movie anyway (stay away from The Lucky One, far far away!). So while the Netflix machine was regurgitating my movie I saw Matt walk out of Walgreens with a huge grin on his face and he said, “Guess what I found for only six dollars!?”  Now, this you must know, when Matt asks you to guess something, this my friends is not a rhetorical question, he REALLY wants you to guess, and rapid fire guess at that. And so the game begian, “Efron? Efrons blue eyes? Another Efron movie? You bought a child?! Did you buy me a child that looks just like Zac Efron?!!!!” Well he was clearly disappointed in my guessing ability, so he quickly opened up the bag and out popped a little green and yellow furry gremlin, with red horns…..and then he squeezed it. And the little gremlin with devil horns started to speak in tongues. Like people, could I make this up? Could I??  And Matt so proudly said, “Can you believe it was only six dollars?!” and I mumbled, “Can you believe that they didn’t pay you to take that disgusting thing of their hands.” Anyways, Matt’s pride could not be destroyed on this night. He marched right in the house, gave that satanic stuffed animal to Indie and then just watched to see what Indie would do. Of course she took his side, she has been carrying it around and making it speak in tongues for THREE.DAYS.STRAIGHT. THRICE DAYS. So help me if I see that little furball (the yellow devil one not the Indie one) one more time, then I might just grow red horns, you know. So here’s the thing, who’s against secretly throwing away six dollar Walgreen’s treasures, because this girl has no shame!


  1. hahha, this is cracking me up. Can someone get the girl a Zac Efron baby?!?1

  2. that movie was HORRIBLE. ugh zac efron is horrible

  3. LOL if it were to accidentally find it's way into the trash can... there really isn't anything you could do about it now is there? Love that bag and sweater :)

  4. A netflix machine? It wasn't a Red Box? And hey, was that toy those ones that open their mouth as you squeeze their belly and play a note of a song, so that when you squeeze it multiple times it'll play the song? Naw meeeeeaan? Those are fun :)

  5. you are so gorgeous. and witty. and everything cool.

  6. Totally sounds like something my boyfriend would do. I love this outfit! So cute

  7. what if... Indie just happened to leave it on the lawn... and you just happen to decide to mow it?

  8. Ugh... nothing more painful than wasted smart ass comments... Is the open air going to giggle and applaud my wittiness? No. Didn't think so...

  9. This is so cute! Loving the fall colors.

  10. you look amazing, so casual :) My kind of style ^^


  11. I say you throw it away and then just prentend like Indie ate it or something. Why do guys always buy the weirdest things. And oh Zac Efron. I met him in person, and seriously he has the most gorgeous eyes. But shhh, don't tell my mister!
    xo TJ

  12. "Harry Potter loves Zefron more than anyone else on the planet!" (I hope that you have seen A Very Potter Musical - because that would make so much more sense then - also, if you haven't seen AVPM, watch it! It is worth it just to see a Zefron poster be a Horcrux.)

    I am now going to get off my Harry Potter/AVPM rant to exclaim how farfin' adorable that bag is!


  13. In what thrift stores do you shop?? I noticed another one of these messenger bags just in a different color. they're amazing!! I need one for school!!

  14. Hahaaha I can totally picture her carrying that around too! Lol!!! Well funny thing, I actually secretly through Jared's awful worn out clothes when he's at work. I 'take them to the laundry' and then they're never seen of again. Does that make me bad? I just don't want my husband wearing white-trash hole-y t-shirts that look cheapo!

  15. hahaha THROW IT AWAY! I've totally done that before with ridiculous items that magically appeared in my home, no shame : )

    xoxo andrea

  16. Oh man, you are both so hilarious. There could be a reality show about your lives. I mean, I guess the blog is somewhat like one but I could do with some more. And videos.
