Nov 14, 2012

Shop Till You Drop

cardigan: H&M       shirt: Target       jeans: Urban Outfitters       boots: thrifted       headband: F21
You guys Thanksgiving is upon us! Only one week until the festivities begin, and then the REAL festivities begin, oh you think I’m talking about Christmas? No no, guys I’m talking about the holidays of all holidays, the holiday that didn’t even exist 15 years ago, the corporate holiday, that’s right BLACK FRIDAY. And can we just ponder on this here holiday for one second. Let me see if I can get this straight.
1.       Sane people wake up at 5am and then sit in the cold until a store decides to let the poor freezing people in.
2.       These people generally look insane, because they are in sweats, their favorite pair of Ugg’s and have bed head that just won’t quit.
3.       It’s really just a parade of morning breath if you think about it.
4.       These people then rush into the store, find something they want to buy for themselves, forget about buying something for others for Christmas, black Friday is about that Kitchen Aid you’ve always wanted!!!
5.       Said people then stand in line for three hours to buy their own present.  
I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to black Friday, I’ve been there with my baggy eyes and baggy clothes and baggy life (what??? Yeah that’s right baggy life) and spent way too much money on things for myself that I didn’t need, and I guess I just never really thought about it because I was getting “good deals”. But this year I read that stores are now opening at 8pm on Thanksgiving because of all of the demand for Black Friday deals and I just got super solemn and sad. All of the sudden this beautiful holiday that is about taking a look around and being grateful and satisfied with what you have been given, is completely overtaken by a day of I WANT I WANT I WANT!!! I want to hear what you guys think about it, am I being totally ridiculous that I want absolutely nothing to do with Black Friday this year, I just want to sit around and enjoy being with loved ones and basque in my gratitude and most importantly SHOULD I go buy that mint green kitchen aid I’ve always wanted???? And what sweats and uggs should I wear??? What’s the verdict friends?


  1. Carlee, Almost EndearingNovember 14, 2012 at 9:56 AM

    I have never done Black Friday before but I heard it gets super crazy! I love your outfit. It looks so comfy.
    Almost Endearing

  2. haha! I have never been a fan of black friday. ever. Last year on Thanksgiving night, my sister and I decided to run to walmart to see if we could find a movie we really wanted to watch (I don't even remember what it was). As soon as we walked into walmart we realized our mistake. How could we have forgotten about the "almost black friday" sale? It was insanity!! So we went home. haha! We didn't get the movie, needless to say.

  3. You know my stance on this...I would rather the extra cash then wait in a line for 3 hours!

  4. I am totally guilty, I love black friday. I like to go to the mall at midnight on thanksgiving. hahaha It is ridiculous but I think it is all part of the fun of the holidays! I am not into the way crazy stuff though, just out to shop and find good deals.

    Ps. your outfit is to die for!!

  5. Sarah! You look soooo pretty! I love this outfit,and the wintery background is beautiful (: I love black friday especially this year,since it is on my birthday (;

  6. I think it is strange that we are willing to sacrifice time with our loved ones to hustle into a store to buy things for ourselves and the people we just ditched. Maybe I'm crazy but more and more I see Santa and his bag of toys being celebrated rather than the real meaning of Christmas. I've thought about protesting and donating money in behalf of friends and family to people who really need it but I'm still a little too scared that I'll be labeled nuts. Maybe next year...

  7. Every year my friend and I go out on Black Friday BUT we wait until like 10am or 11am to go to the stores to avoid the real crazies. By that time things have slowed down a lot but there are still some good deals and we have a fun day of shopping. It makes me really sad that they are opening stores on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving should be a time for giving thanks but instead it's being mowed over by greed. I love seeing Christmas stuff out but it's always bothered me how stores push Christmas earlier and earlier each year. Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only one who agrees about Black Thanksgiving... but I'm still going shopping with my friend late Friday morning. :)

  8. I hate black Friday with a fiery passion. It makes me so angry every year, but now that stores are opening even earlier on Thanksgiving day...I just can't even bear it. Especially since 2 of my family members have to leave our get together to go work at a store so people with nothing better to do can be greedy and annoying. No offense to those who like the day. ;)

  9. I have actually never participated in black friday...i'm not a morning person and I hate black friday isn't a good combo for me haha!

  10. I absolutely detest Black Friday! You're right, it completely ruins the Thanksgiving mood...8pm are you kidding me?! So materialistic. So greedy. So dumb. I'm just going to ignore the fact it's even happening :)

  11. so cool :)
    love the outfit

  12. I'm skipping out on Black Friday this year. My grad student budget won't allow for anything but a homemade Christmas. Luckily, the 90+ hours I spend painting/drawing/sewing each week is going to make for the best homemade Christmas yet. sisters are actually starting to prefer it over store bought gifts. Huzzah!! Happy Thanksgiving :)

  13. it is seriously SO crazy!! last year people started lining up outside of our Best Buy on the WEDNESDAY night before! in tents!! these people literally sat on concrete in the freezing cold and snow allllllll day on thanksgiving. seriously so nuts. i hate it! i have never participated. PLUS has black friday deals! shopping in your pjs without people seeing you :) i like it.

    xo dilyn

  14. I actually avoid black friday like the plague. It just gets too nuts.

    And, oh my goodness, look at that snow!!! Can you mail me a snowball?? It looks like a lot of fun :)

  15. Ana from Sweet SerendipityNovember 14, 2012 at 11:37 PM

    I'm currently doing "NO SPEND NOVEMBER" so I am staying the heck away from black friday! Went last year and realized I bought way too much crap I didn't need and lost way too much sleep over junk I can't even remember this year.... seriously what did I buy last year that was so important? I hear crickets, that's how important the stuff I bought was. haha

  16. Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) is like that here in the UK. I never bother. It's an extra day off work - why would I get up early and leave my house? (Why would I EVER do that if I didn't have to?!)

  17. AHHH, I love this outfit! I'm such a sucker for flannel!

  18. LOVE this outfit!!!!!! xoxo, Tiff Clothed

  19. we always go thrifting on black Friday instead because it's usually the last Friday of the month and the thrift sales are insane!!!

  20. such a cute outfit. following you!!! so glad i stumbled upon your blog.

  21. Where do you live that it is snowing already? It looks beautiful!

  22. Girl, I've been flicking through your blog and I think you're amazing. Love your style. Really inspiring plus I love the modesty in all of it. Keep up the excellent work!

    xoxo Gozika
