Dec 13, 2012

Come Join Me At The Renegade Brigade This Friday!

Hey guys! I had to invite you to the Renegade Brigade handmade pop up shop tomorrow night! My good friends Brittany from No Two Fish are Alike and Claire from Belle and Whistle are friends from BYU and they both have creativity and style oozing out of them. I tell you what! This Friday from 7-9, they are having a handmade pop up shop. I'll be there, and I will most definitely be buying this little beauty, its pretty much the comfiest, softest thing, and my neck longs for it daily. I mean I  practically tried to steal it from Brittany last time I saw her so I better buy one for myself eh?

Claire & Britt are also offering an additional 15% off one item* to anyone who blogs about the event!  All you have to do is write a blog post (include the above image, if you'd like, hosted HERE), make sure you include a link to either Claire'sor Britt's post, and then simply leave a comment on either Claire's or Britt's post telling them you did so!  They'll gather the list of bloggers who helped spread the love, all you have to do is come to the party and claim your 15%!
*must be used on the night of the pop up shop, December 14th, 2012

see Claire's shop here & blog here
see Britt's shop here & blog here

1 comment :

  1. Heck yes! Totally coming to this, thanks for letting me know.
