Mar 4, 2013

Let's Save Some Money on This Fine Monday

dress: E Shatki (buy it here)  (use code WERNGTNMYS for 20% off!)          belt: thrifted         shoes: thrifted for me by the amazing April!!

Monday stinks. period. So I just want to turn your Monday right side up by starting it off with saving you some Moolah. Mkay? So a couple of months ago I saw this dress from Modcloth and I became OBSESSED. I mean REALLY. But here's the thing about Modcloth, they carry amazing stuff but I can rarely afford it, so usually I just stare at stuff that I want on the site for long periods of time typically around 2am in the morning and tears stream down my face as curse the day that online shopping was ever invented! This was the case for this dress, the most depressed I have ever felt, the hardest thing I have ever been through in my life, THE MOST TRAUMATIZING was seeing that dressed for $95 and knowing I could never justify buying it. So then, I did a bit of rummaging to see if I could find a similar dress and I ran into Eshatki's site, because they have some pretty rad vintage dresses themselves and I spotted this beauty that was pretty similar but I loved the pleats and fun pattern even more and hello is was $64 instead of $95! Things were already looking up right?! But guys, $64 wasn't enough for my cheapo ways. So I talked to the nice people and EShatki and was like, "Hook a sista UP!!!!" and they said okay. So they gave me and now all of you 20% off of your purchase (use code WERNGTNMYS at checkout). So I did the math and what not and now this dress is only $51!!! How's that for brightening up your poopy 'ol Monday?! Guys I just saved $44 and it's only Monday morning! Huzzah!


  1. you're amazing. love this look.

  2. If you ever sell that dress I dibs it right now. So darling. Everything feels better when you find something on sale. Love it!

  3. Ana from Sweet SerendipityMarch 4, 2013 at 10:24 AM

    You're too gorgeous, Sarah!! That dress is perfect for you!!

  4. Bravo girl, bravo.:) Monday is looking up!

  5. So cute thank you!

  6. great dress! love the color :)

    C's Evolution of Style

  7. Statements in FashionMarch 4, 2013 at 12:18 PM

    SUPER cute!! Just what we need for a slow start to the new it:)

    A Lifestyle Blog where Fashion, Decor & Cooking “Connect”

  8. I was going to get this dress too.

  9. The Braided BanditMarch 4, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    That dress is definitely on my eShakti lust lust, its gorgeous! Did you customize it to have sleeves? I think the original one I saw was sleeveless but I like this version even better. Thanks for some much needed Monday cheer :)
    xo Hannah

  10. That dress is adorable and I love that website, so many cute dresses!

  11. I like your more than the Modcloth one! Great find!

    2ndhand Knowledge: A Style Blog

  12. Rena and Jesse FreyMarch 5, 2013 at 5:59 AM

    Love the orange with light blue. So cute.

  13. Shannon WillardsonMarch 5, 2013 at 6:59 AM

    That dress is so cute! Love it!

