shirt: thrifted (GAP) skirt:c/o Mikarose (buy it here) shoes: Urban Outfitters necklace: DIY
Can I be completely and totally honest with you. I feel like I've been utterly failing with Wearing It On My Sleeves lately. And I can't help but feel like I'm letting you all down, I pull disappearing acts, sometimes I wonder if I'm posting things because I'm really passionate about it or because I just need a post to put up, and where I used to open up and tell ridiculous things that happen to me I find myself with a lack of words, I want to let you all in on my personal life but for some reason that wall is still definitely up and I"m still trying to figure that whole "lifestyle blogging" thing out. Basically I'm feeling like this blog isn't up to not only my expectations but yours too. So can we be real for a sec. Can you just help a sista' out. What can I do to make this blog more enjoyable for you? What would you like to see more of? And what for the love of all that is good and wonderful should I absolutely stop doing? And no, "I love everything!" answers because I really want to make this space better for all of you, so here's your chance to rant and rave!
And can I just say real quick, thank you guys so much for all of your support. You're the reason I still have a blog at all. To be honest I never thought I'd blog for this long, I thought it'd be a month long experiment tops, but being able to relate with others that enjoy fashion/awkward stories/Nutella made me fall absolutely in love. So I guess I just want to say thank you, and also HELP ME!!!
I love your blog! Seriously I come here everyday to see if you have posted something new. My favorite posts are the revival files. I love it when you show a totally hideous dress and then remake it into something beautiful. I love when you teach how to make a sleeve on a dress or take in something. Just seeing you make something new makes me want to try it out myself. In fact, I have went out and bought a ton of dresses from the thrift store just to see if I can make a dress that is cheap and beautiful. I gotta keep within my budget. :) I also love your true, but hilarious stories about how your husband farted in your face or how you happened to trip and fall in front of tons of people. Those stories make me laugh so much because they all happen to me too! It's nice to know you are not alone. :)Please keep on writing. I love hearing and learning from you!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you know I'm a huge fan/supporter of your blog! You have not been letting me down in the least! Second of all, I love the revival files (I'm a sucker for a good flip) and even though I don't watch the bachelor, I still lol at your recaps. I get blog-bummed sometimes too so I feel your pain, but you'll get no complaints from me!
Take time off if it will make you feel better, blogging should be fun. That said, you have some of the best refashion ideas I have seen. Love seeing old baggy dresses turned into cute day dresses. It is hard to find cute outfits that aren't overly reveling or expensive!
ReplyDeleteTake time off if it will make you feel better, blogging should be fun. That said, you have some of the best refashion ideas I have seen. Love seeing old baggy dresses turned into cute day dresses. It is hard to find cute outfits that aren't overly reveling or expensive!
ReplyDeleteI have to add another voice of support for the revival files- I really love them, that's how I found your blog! But, I stayed for your sense of humor- I love the real-life hilarious stories you share. I really appreciate that you're not afraid to remind us that no matter how put-together we look we are still living in a crazy world filled with teasing husbands, weird strangers, and embarrassing moments. Speaking of looking put-together.. I want to hear more of your tips on choosing and wearing lipstick! You always rock it and I've never figured out how to feel confident that I'm not going to smear it everywhere..
ReplyDeleteIn short, please keep writing! I am always happy to see your new posts!
I've just recently started following fashion blogs (my first obsession was interior design blogs)...and I have become a huge fan of yours for the hilarious jokes and accessible style. I would agree that I like the revival files, but would it be possible for you to show some how-to (photo) instructions with them? See...I'm awful at sewing but I would love to learn how some day...and seeing some instructions that show how easy everyone says it is would be great motivation to get me going.
ReplyDeleteOh...and keep posting updates when you put new items in the shop. Seems everytime I remember to check, a new item was already added and purchased before I could get to it :)
So I could pretty much ditto what's already been said. Revival files - YES! That's how I found your blog. I love love love your stories. They make you seem so real and I love your sense of humor. I'd hate for you to keep blogging just for the sake of everyone else though. Only continue if you like it. Your fashion is crazy awesome. I'd love to know more about what you're learning in school and where you plan on going with it. I would also love to see more refashion tutorials. You know, if that's something you want to do and have time for it. I really need to know how to add sleeves onto an existing dress or how to take an 80s thrift store dress and update it so I don't look like I live in the 80s. Or any other era. Hope that helps! Mostly I would stick around just for the stories though cause I really do lol when I read your posts.
ReplyDeleteI'll add my support for the revival files, but I would also love to see more of your sketches, stories, and ideas from school. The fashion school world fascinates me, and I think your readers would love to see that creative inspiration. I also enjoy your little crafting home-decor projects. It's nice to get cheap ideas! In the end though, I come back from creative outfit ideas and fun stories, so keep doing what you do!
ReplyDeletelove your blog! and you look so stunning!
I adore your outfit posts, but I would also love to see more posts about your everyday life. Oh! And I would love to see a tutorial on how you style your hair. :)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog, but if you do not want to do it anymore...don't do it. Blogging should come naturally. It shouldn't be a burden. Take a break. Sit back and relax. The blogging community will be here if you ever want to come back. Honestly, I want to see more DIY and outfit posts. Telling us more about fashion school wouldn't be so bad either.
ReplyDeleteBring back revival files. They are my favorite posts of yours. And hey, get personal if you need to.
ReplyDeleteI think your blog is fantastic....I would love to see you do some hair and makeup on here....I found you through Beauty and Truths blog and saw what an incredible job you did on the hair and makeup. That inspired me so much...just warmed my heart!!!
ReplyDeleteKeep it up lady, I will always read whatever you post!!
xo Dinah @ sunshine super glam
I love your funny stories! I'd love to hear more about your fashion school and how that is going though :)
ReplyDeleteI honestly haven't noticed any change for the worse around here! I know you don't want to hear this, but I do love all your funny stories and outfit posts! Your pics are always great and you keep the look of them consistent :)
I love the stories and weird conversations between you and Sir Matt. I love blogs that I can relate to, and I swear you're the only couple that make me think we're not the craziest people out there, that we might actually be tied with you!
ReplyDeleteI seriously love your blog! I used to follow a TON of blogs (like over 30) now I only follow 6. Just so you feel good I'll tell you who the others are and I think you're right up there with them. "A Beautiful Mess", "The Daybook", "Bleubird Vintage", "Chalk White Arrow", and "LIttle Green Notebook"...keep doing what you're doing and if you don't wanna get all personal. Don't. You're awesome and hilarious. Keep it coming. Love it. Love you. We should eat some lunch toghether and have you make me laugh till I spit milk out at you.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI agree that showing us how you do your sewing is great. I like tutorials because they make your pictures and style seem attainable and real. When you can't afford to experiment with every product that is available, it is nice to find recommendations from people with similar skin or hair texture and that is often a motivation for me to look at blogs. I'd also be interested in your approach to shopping because I love cheap finds but I don't always have the energy to sift through rack after rack and go back and forth to the dressing room. I find myself watching sales online more often than digging at the store. I'd love to know how to make that experience better. Your commentary is also hysterical, I didn't watch the Bachelor but I loved reading your take on it. It would be fun to hear your thoughts about other books or movies. Thanks for blogging, I always look forward to your posts.
ReplyDeleteyou go glen coco, you're doin just great.
ReplyDeleteLove revival files! Talk about your school. You are doing fashion school right? Talk about assignments and things you are making!
ReplyDeleteyou definitely aren't failing, you are a WINNER! I think you're doing everything perfectly, for reals. you is kiiiind, you is smarrrrt, you is important. (just roll with that)
ReplyDeleteFirst off, you mixed these patterns BEAUTIFULLY!! And I have major skirt envy right now. If this beauty ever ends up in the shop, I plan on swooping it away first thing. I love your hilarious stories and most of all your beautiful outfits. I'm sure doing school and being married drains you though, so I don't expect perfection. I've been enjoying going back in your archives to the beginning...where it all began. ;) I appreciate your honesty most of all. And not to say you're doing it all right, but you sorta are. Keep it up! :)
I personally love DIY projects and the revival files. I love your blog site .
ReplyDeleteI am loving this skirt!I can't wait for it to warm up already! Spring dresses are the best!
ReplyDeleteFirst: you are gorgeous girl. Second: love your fashion posts and clothe refashion even though i'll never be able to make any of it haha :)
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah, it was a real surprise to read that you don't feel happy with the blog, because none of that has come through in your previous posts!
ReplyDeleteLike other people, I really enjoy the revival files and the tutorials, but I also really like it when you recommend books to us! I read the Infernal Devices because you recommended the books here, for example, and I really loved that series (did you know the last book came out a few weeks ago?).
I love the revival files and would love more tutorials. I found your blog because I wanted to learn more about accessible, modest style, and your blog consistently delivers. I even name-checked your blog yesterday when I was writing about fashion. Don't let the stress of school get you down--you are doing great work!
ReplyDeletehi im new with your blog and i think you are doing great! just keep posting all these inspiring outfit for us! another thing, are you using a camera remote? just wondering what that clicker thing your holding
ReplyDeleteDelightful Ideas
Hmmm...first of all cute outfit!
ReplyDeleteSecond, I can't really think of anything!
I like your blog, sometimes the outfits aren't my style-but most people don't have the same style, and shouldn't!
I do think more personal stuff is good, it makes your readers feel like they "know" you. I find it very hard to read blogs that have a professional tone to them. I never feel like I'm reading a blog of a real person, I feel like I'm reading a website on the latest trends. So I guess my advice to you is: be yourself, don't let the numbers drag you down (I just wrote about this yesterday!) and remember why you started blogging. If it was for fun, keep having fun! Don't worry about how many comments you get, it's not about the numbers.
A Modest Fashion Blog:
I appreciate the fashion, and the fact that you seem to actually have a unique style instead of the cookie-cutter jcrew thing going on lately. You always mix it up which I love.
ReplyDeleteBut mostly I think you're darn hilarious and that's why I keep reading. I love the little insights you give sometimes on your marriage with Sir Matt. The first time I found your blog I read the entire thing. That's how funny it is.
You're a real person! And thanks for not trying to hide it.
I would love to read more about your everyday life and ridiculous or ordinary things that happen to you. And definitely hair/makeup stuff because you always look flawless.
Thanks for blogging!
you've been my favorite blogger from the very beginning. anytime i wanted to show my friends what the heck a style blogger was, i was like 'you have to check out wearing it on my sleeves!!1!
ReplyDeleteyou have incredibly dynamic photos and always have. how do you do that? you take them yourself, don't you? how are the angles always so good, darnit!?
i've also been really interested in your journey to fashion school. a lot of your readers, myself included, are in the same age range--finishing college to a few years out--and a lot of us are remembering that our love for fashion is burning inside and might need more than just a style blog to kindle it.
i love when you write about fun things that you and sir matt do. remember when you did the fun date ideas thing? i loved that.
also, you're just a funny girl with a funny writing voice. the post you did recently about the elderly people almost made me pee and i read every single one to my boyfriend. he loved it.
tell me about how you decided to style your hair differently or how you chose your new favorite color of lipstick. but tell me about the *real* stuff once in a while too, because you're remarkable and we are all invested in you as a person, not just a blogger.
you're just so wonderful, sarah. i look up to you so much (in the least creepy way possible).
xo nicole
I love your outfit posts and your random rants (they are so funny). You have a great sense of humor and it's fun to see that side of you!
ReplyDeleteI just discovered you blog recently, and I stick around because I DO enjoy it. I love your stories, and your outfits are adorable. I know you said no "I love everything!" but it's true, I do.
ReplyDeleteI just redesigned my blog - check it out! 2ndhand Knowledge: A Style Blog
Don't feel disappointed at all! I can say, I agree, I haven't "noticed" the lack of posts (life happens man). I just get excited when I see your posts pop up in my feed! :) You are raw, genuine, and hilarious. I love your writing voice, as well. I am not bored by the "mundane" activities of make it so interesting. you definitely bring a smile to my face.
ReplyDeleteAlso, a word of encouragement, don't feel pressured to post personal things just cause "we want to know." Your blog is your blog and you get to decide what to put on it.
I've appreciated and been inspired by your DIY posts.
you're one of my top favorite blogs, ever. I love your hilarious take on life & your unashamedness to share the embarrassing moments that most of us are too scared to talk about! it's really refreshing. also it doesn't hurt that you're incredibly beautiful in everything you wear!
ReplyDeleteYou blog is one of my favorites. I enjoy your sense of humor and like your outfit posts because they are so relate-able and achievable. NO ridiculous designer labels I can't afford or overpriced boutiques. You wear REAL clothes :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite post are the revival files. FAVORITE! Keep on keepin on lady! Your readers love you!
I'm going to be very honest... I also really like your blog. And you are extremely talented and I especially also like the revival files. However...since I started reading, you seem like you care less and less about your readers. People who comment want responses. You seem like you're trying too hard to be funny every time when really it feels forced sometimes. Be genuine, let people know you.
ReplyDeleteTake that how you will...I'm not trying to be mean.
@T-rudy I definitely appreciate the constructive criticism. Your okay by me:) Just wanted to let you know that I enabled a "reply to" feature so that hopefully I can join the conversation with you guys. That was always one thing that bugged me, because I figured, who the heck would ever check back to see if I wrote something so I always felt silly. Anyways, giving this a try so I hope it works!
ReplyDeleteAlright, cool :) Thanks for responding and looking forward to it ^^
what are you studying? What does your husband study? Who are you? how close are you guys to finishing school? need a little more context on you life