Apr 22, 2013


dress: F21         undershirt: F21        belt: thrifted         hat: F21         shoes: F21  (basically my whole outfit is from F21)

 Do you remember when I told you about that old lady that asked if I was new at church, to which I said, "Ummm no I've actually gone here for about two years." Well she did it again today. Same. Exact. Thing. And it just sucked to feel completely invisible again. There is nothing worse than feeling like nobody notices if you're there and nobody notices if you're gone. Humans in general just want to be noticed, I mean don't we, and I don't think that that's too much to ask ya know?

Anyways I didn't handle it well. I looked at her and said, "You already asked me that last week, and no I'm not new, and I'm not the twin of some girl." I was actually kind of mean (not my best of moments) and then instead of going to my next class I just walked out of the building and went home to eat some tacos, BECAUSE AT LEAST THAT DANG TACO WOULD KNOW I EXISTED IF I ATE IT!

This is completely ridiculous, I get that. It's nbd really. And next week I'll go to church with a smile on my face and really enjoy it. But that doesn't mean it didn't sting, and unfortunately this time I just didn't have the energy to laugh about it. I'm just sharing this hoping that maybe if you feel invisible at school/work/church/life. I'm right there with you, now let's go eat some tacos!


  1. I think perhaps that the old lady is senile. If you were in my ward I'd be going to church every week wondering, "I wonder what Sarah is gonna wear today and how in the world is she so cute in everything she wears?!!"

  2. a slightly similar thing happened to me.
    yesterday at church they were recognizing people graduating in rs, including their husbands.
    they got all the way done and were moving on, when i mentioned to the old lady next to me that my husband i were both graduating this semester.
    here i am after being in the ward for probably 7 months and completely forgotten.
    made me sad.


  3. You have amazing style, how would that old lady not remember you?? This dress is absolutely GORGEOUS on you. Those shoes are just plain awesome. And I can't think of another adjective to describe that hat on you. L-O-V-E.

  4. @Kirsten Wiemer girl I found this at f21 and fell in love. It's a rare gem, I'll be wearing it all summer.

  5. darling I bet she has dementia. If she's old enough or she has just forgotten. I'm sure your relief society president knows you, and so does the bishop so you are noticed and known. it still sucks I know

  6. LOVE this outfit!

  7. I hope she's not your VT. What terrible luck would that be? Same thing happened to my roomie yesterday. She called the boy out on it too.

  8. I'm sorry that happened again, hopefully she remembers next week. Love your shoes and that hat!

  9. Oh that sucks, I hate when comments that shouldn't really hurt do. But she's probably just as embarrassed that she forgot you - it's probably just her age. It will be kinda funny if she does it again next week... :)


  10. @Kirsten Wiemer I think it's the typical Provo situation. A lot of times people are moving in and out so fast that its easy to get overlooked. I feel ya sister.

  11. @Life etc...I know right, I should have a better attitude and just make it a fun game of will she remember me this week?!

  12. I'm sorry it made you upset :( but since she is old it is very possible she has Alzheimer's or dementia. I hope that possibility helps you feel better. There must have been something about you that made her want to talk to you in the first place so there's no need to feel invisible :)

  13. Ow, ow girl! Look at you being quite the stunner! Sorry I was MIA and missed the boat on your blog recommendations - school has been completely cray cray. I have to say that your blog is fabulous of course, and I really like your remakes - so great. I would LOVE to see some remixes from you too, those are always inspiring.

    Sorry to hear that the lady from church, that is no fun at all and I would probably feel hurt too. You should trying wearing similar things from week to week and see if that helps!


  14. I know the feeling! I seriously had a different person ask me every sunday if my husband and I were new to the ward after we'd been going there a year. We even spoke in sacrament and gave a musical number. Of course everyone was really old. Once they forgot to tell us we were speaking in sacrament. Another time somebody forgot to tell us we were in charge of the christmas party. Talk about invisible!

  15. @Lauren Gardner touché Lauren. Touché.

  16. @Laura isn't school just the pits sometimes. But hopefully a break is coming soon yes?!

  17. If she asks again next week, just say "Yes! I'm the evil twin..."
    Also, how old is this woman?

  18. Lauren {Awkward Girls}April 23, 2013 at 1:32 AM

    I would always notice that hot piece of sexy meow in my life.

  19. What the heck, I can't believe she didn't notice you again! That is absurd! You are gorgeous girl, and don't worry, we all notice you! I'll eat some tacos with you the second you hand over that dress and hat. STUNNING! ;)
    xo TJ

  20. Oh. Ha ha. I'm in a weird ward right now too. Before my husband and I were married my girls and I moved into his ward boundaries. We didn't live together BUT...now that we're married no one talks to any of us...I think they thought we were being "naughty". He he. The bishop at least knows me...he called me to primary. Kids never remember you but they always like you.

  21. This happened to me last week. But it also came from an older lady and I laughed about it. I told her I'd been here for a year. We have given talks before but old people just lose their memories and minds. I didn't take it personally. But I will say, that whenever I see someone at church that I don't recognize, I never come up and ask if they're new in fear of the same thing happening to them! I wait awhile until I KNOW they're new when they introduce themselves in class. :)

  22. I totally understand this. My husband and I have been in our ward for a year.....and most people still don't know our names. haha BUT on the bright side. Heavenly Father always knows our names and knows we are at church. (yes I went spiritual on ya)

  23. Shannon WillardsonApril 23, 2013 at 8:49 AM

    Loving this long dress! Such a great look!


  24. The exact same thing happened to me almost every week in our last ward. Granted, it was a student ward and very transitional, but there were definitely people that asked me multiple times and we were in the ward for 2 years! And I taught Relief Society... It makes it so hard to feel connected. I feel ya!

  25. You are just so beautiful and adorable I don't think it's possible for someone who has not alzheimer not to notice you! So don't care and eat some tacos for me too (in Italy we do not have them)!!!

  26. Well...you looked fab regardless ;)

    Old people have terrible memories. Pay her no mind.

  27. @A J Guys we're not alone! Look at all of us invisible people banding together:)

  28. Love this dress on you! You look smoking! In a non cigarette kinda way;)
    And that old lady? Maybe she has dementia and she is reaching for her old standard introduction line out of comfort and habit... I am sure she meant no offense:)

  29. Love these photos! I dream of lighting like this {or maybe I should stop being so lazy and just go find it}...

