May 21, 2013

My Sweet Cheeks and I

jeans: Target         top: c/o Sheinside (buy it here)           purse: Asos           shoes: Forever Young  

Sometimes I take the Indian out on dates. I realize that this is pathetic, nevertheless, it is still true. So the other day I took Indie on a date to PetSmart; we were roaming the aisles, flirting with all the other pups, and of course browsing through the generous selection of squeaky toys and then I snagged her one of those ridiculously fancy cans o' meat for the really hoity-toity dogs, because a girl needs to feel special you know, and we were off! I decided to take a quick gander in the store next door and left the Indian in the car with the sun roof rolled down and that delicious can of chicken right in front of her. Well...after my quick trip in the store I came back to a very strange sight that will not leave my mind. I got into the car, and there Indie was, just sitting on the full can of chicken, not even touched. Just sitting on it like she was trying to lay a can of chicken egg ya know. I was weirded out so I pulled her up, grabbed the can of chicken and she got a tid bit frightened and hopped into my lap in the driver seat. There we were playing this game of, "Do you want to drive home or should I???" in the front seat when she backed up and honked the horn with her butt. YOU GUYS. My dreams came true in that moment. It was a rare sight to see a dog honking a car horn with her rear. And so I just sat there and laughed over: A. Indie hatching a chicken can egg and B. My weird dog that honks horns with her sweet cheeks. Dog dates, they keep the heart healthy I tell ya what.


  1. Haha love this story!!! :) dogs are the weirdest. And I love this outfit!

  2. I'm not a dog person, but I love your Indie stories!!

  3. hahahaha i love this so much. man, the best things happen to you, i swear. (and those shoes! gah!)

  4. You are very beautiful, I always look forward to your outfit posts because I love your style.

  5. Shannon WillardsonMay 21, 2013 at 7:07 PM

    Loving these pants!


  6. That outfit is so pretty! I really like your shirt and those shoes are just perfect!

    Bahahaha, I can just picture this whole scenario, so hilarious!


  7. Haha, funny dog. Dogs definitely make life a little happier.

    Love those shoes!

    2ndhand Knowledge: A Style Blog

  8. Want that lipstick! What is it?

  9. Since my husband isn't available as of late, I am determined to take Layla on a date! Never knew it could be so much fun.
