Feb 24, 2014

Day Dreaming

 cardigan: F21  top: Target   jeans: H&M Maternity  bag: Zara     necklace: thrifted

This week I will officially be 40 weeks pregnant. It's kind of just the weirdest thing knowing that any day now we'll be parents. I mean the hospital will hand me this precious brand new little human and send us on our merry way and then we'll be like, "okay so let's raise this human!"

I think the thing that I'm most excited for is to see what she looks like. Will she have my dark hair? Matt's bright green eyes? I mean as a baby I had what looked like a very serious Sesame Street style unibrow as a and dear goodness please don't let her be stuck with that!! It's just not right!!

 I keep catching myself daydreaming of what seeing her for the first time will be like. I picture this tiny little version of me just staring up at me at the hospital, and I'll sit there holding her and she'll know that I'm her mom because we have been together for nine months already and we'll just sit there looking at each other and I'll have this sense that we've known her all along and she was meant for us and we were meant for her and...okay okay so I already have pretty fairy tales blooming in my head of what it will be like but really even if when I see her for the first time and she just pukes on me and farts I think even then I'll feel exactly the same....I'm rambling....this needs to end...pregnancy brain is real you guys.

K bye!


  1. you still look like a knock-out!!!

  2. Have loved watching your posts as you grow more and more in love with your soon-to-arrive-absolutely-beautiful-little one :)

  3. ahhh! Getting so close!

  4. Awww, so precious! You won't have to imagine for much longer now! By the way...that was the longest, cutest, run on sentence ever...your last paragraph was totally comprised of only two sentence. :)

  5. you look awesome! oh it's so exciting that it's so soon! you'll do great!

  6. 40 weeks, how exciting! And yes, pregnancy brain IS real! (So is new mom brain, for that matter.) You still articulated everything beautifully and it made me think fondly of when I was 40 weeks pregnant (already nearly a year ago!). I think you're now at the time I was at when I shut down all communication with the outside world because all everyone kept asking was, "Are you in labor yet???"


  7. You're looking so cute! Loving the pop of color from the cross body bag!

  8. Ashley Bagley NielsonFebruary 25, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    So excited for you!!!

  9. I'm excited to see what she looks like too!

  10. Congrats and good luck! x
