So over the past weeks I have realized that there are some things that I bought that were a total waste of money. It's kind of depressing really. But then there are a few products that have completely saved my life and I wanted to share a few of them with you!
||1 Bag Balm|| So Jocelyn has the most sensitive bum in THEEE entire world. I'm talking welts and blisters that would not go away no matter what I tried. I tried Decitin, Butt Paste, Mustela, Balmex...seriously there's just an entire full of diaper rash creams that didn't work just sitting there all full and useless. This has been the only one that works and that continues to work. I don't go a single diaper change without it. I got mine at Walgreens but you can also find it on Amazon here.
||2 Honest Company Baby Wipes|| See above for horrifically sensitive bum explanation. Should we talk about Jocelyn's bum some more...oh the humanity!! The alcohol in all the other brands of wipes completely irritated the rash and prevented it from healing too. It was only when I combined these wipes with the Bag Balm that the rash finally went away. You can find them here.
|| 3 Woombie|| So I first tried this when Jocelyn was a day old and it was a total joke, she was way too little for it, she first slept on and off for sometimes only fifteen minutes at a time so putting her in this was a nightmare. But when she started to sleep longer stretches at night I started using this only for night time and it increased the amount of time that she slept at night by 3 hours. You guys, three precious hours. That's like years in newborn time. Anyways, it keeps them tight in a swaddle while they sleep so that their startle reflex doesn't wake them up. It.is.a.game.changer. You can buy it here.
|| 4 Solly Baby Wrap|| There are just times when Jocelyn won't stop crying unless I'm holding her. And holy crap it seems impossible to get things done. I got this wrap and put her in it and she passes out and then I can get things done!! Can I get a what what for actually being able to function!! You can buy it here.
|| 5 Lansinoh Nursing Pads|| I got a ton of washable nursing pads before I had Jocelyn but the second I started actually nursing I realized just how much I needed to change the nursing pads and I would have to wash them once a day if I wanted to be able to use them, so HELLO disposable pads. They are my best friends. I never leave the house without a stash in my bag. You can find them pretty much anywhere or you can get them online here.
Are there any baby products that you swear by?! Because I am willing to pay you in brownies for some good 'ol mama knowledge:)
I'd like to see a list of the things you bought but never use.
ReplyDeleteI've tried other brands of disposable nursing pads, but Lansinoh is the best. I was able to start using washable pads after a few months, but before that they would be soaked through too quickly.
ReplyDeleteLove this list but I would also love to see things you never/rarely use that you bought.
These are helpful! I'm due in 7 weeks :) Let's hear the products you found were a waste of money too!
ReplyDeleteMy cousin taught me how to DIY baby wipes. You could definitely give that a try too! 1. its SUPER cheap and 2. Baby doesn't get a rash. Just a thought! I'm sure the information is out there but if you would like our "To Do" let me know!
ReplyDelete[email protected]
We love the woombie wraps! My Son slept in those until he was 9 months! It's safe to say we have them in every size!
Thanks so much for including us in this post! So happy that your wrap has come in handy! And I am buying that woombie asap. :) xx Elle
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for including us in this post! So happy that your wrap has come in handy! And I am buying that woombie asap. :) xx Elle
ReplyDeleteOur little man had a terrible diaper rash that nothing could fix until we switched to these disposable washcloths. They are great because you can we wet them with warm water and I feel okay about wiping his face with them too. We keep a package of Honest wipes in the diaper bag for when we're out but I love that the ones we use daily have zero chemicals/alcohol on them.http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0022077CK/ref=oh_details_o09_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
ReplyDeleteThese guys are awesome. Cleared our sons diaper rash in no time.http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0022077CK/ref=oh_details_o09_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
ReplyDeleteMy sisters baby had the same problem and it turned out to be the diapers. There was a chemical in them that when mixed with urine turned it to acid. Nice right? They were the pampers but I'm sure other diapers have the same problem. Glad you found your solution!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you have them, but gauze blankets from Aden and Adais. Seriously I give them to everyone who is having a baby- especially summer babies. Nursing cover, shade, swaddle- those gauze pieces of heaven are the best! Also, I have three boys, so I know a thing or two about hand-me-downs, but don't keep anything that won't fit in a medium sized plastic tote, and label those suckers by size. Get rid of anything stained or that you didn't like very much- it's not worth storing. Don't feel bad because the DI needs clothes too! It will save your sanity with your next kid, sincerely.