Sep 14, 2014

You Know You're A Mom When...

You know those moments as a mom when you think to yourself, "I am such a mom" and then you never repeat whatever embarrassing thing just happened to you. Well the silence ends today. I'm sharing all of my "You Know You're A Mom" moments with you today.


  1. I so enjoyed this video and your breastfeeding video - thanks so much for posting them. I so relate to your baby hair point! Mine is so bad right now - like an inch all around my hairline! And when I have put my son to bed, my husband and I sit on the couch going through our Instagram photos of him and gushing about how much we love him and all of the things he did through the day - it is ridiculous!

    I had a huge amount of breastfeeding hurdles to overcome (oversupply, bad latch, nipple shields, mastitis, oral thrush, stridor and one breast that basically gave up and so I breastfed exclusively from one breast for months - it was a good look!) but ended up making it through to my baby being 10 months, when HE decided he wanted to stop and it was so much harder for me to stop! I felt so attached to breastfeeding and I actually cried a lot at the thought of never getting to breastfeed him again! I sometimes have breastfeeding dreams! Breastfeeding, although often tiresome, became a bonding ritual that I really valued with my baby and I really wondered how I would get that feeling back.

    The breastfeeding troubles I had were absolute torture and often excruciatingly painful and I put myself through a whole lot of heartache because of it. It's a double edged sword though as well because if you're emotionally drained and unhappy if affects your supply! So crying and breastfeeding are a terrible match! There is a great 24 hour free breastfeeding hotline in my country and I was basically on a first name basis with those ladies.

    In hindsight, I am glad I persevered but 'giving in' and feeding my baby formula would definitely not have been the worst thing in the world and may have made me and my family a lot happier and more sane in those first six months! I think it's so important for women to be open about breastfeeding and other mum related struggles. Thanks for starting a conversation about it! :)

  2. I'm not a mom (yet), but I still am having a lot of fun watching your videos! You are so fun, and make parenthood sound like wonderful, even though it's hard sometimes. :)

  3. Oh gosh, so much crying happens! My baby is one week old, and the first two days were just filled with tears. No one tells you the mixed feelings you'll have about your baby at first, especially involving breastfeeding- "I love her so much... but she's hurting me!" I love that you've started this mom series. Can't wait to watch more and to have mom moments to share as well :)
    (p.s. this was typed with one hand)

  4. LOVE IT!!!! You know you're a mom when you find a dirty diaper in your bag and you have no idea how long it's been there.

  5. Oh em gee I'm like seriously crying of laughter over this, because I completely relate and you are hysterical. Also I definitely bought myself an early birthday present yesterday, so I'm still carrying on with that haha. Oh motherhood. So beautiful and freaking hard!

  6. You are hilarious and adorable. My youngest is now 6. I have to say I've forgotten some of these things. And some of them still happen (hello Mother's Day gifts). You'll be so glad you have these videos to remind yourself what it was like. Also- you know you're a mom when the words coming out of your mouth sound like your own mother. Sheesh.

  7. superb! Really nice post sis, excited to see more xx Peach
