Dec 11, 2014

Merry Christmas To All - A Christmas Printable!!

Find This Print Here

Christmas season is just infectious isn't it, it leaves me feeling all sorts of warm and fuzzy. So I wanted to pass on the warm and fuzzies to you! I painted this the other night for my Christmas wall and was immediately thinking, I need to sell this!! And you know usually Christmas prints are like $10 and what not and I can just never work up the gusto to actually buy them and so I thought, What if I sold my artwork for something stupid like $1.00 (cuz mama's still gotta pay the bills with her skillz) just to spread a bit of Christmas cheer. 
So here you go, you can buy this print here for a buck and I'll email you the print for your personal use!! 
Wahhoooooooooo, what do you think? If you like the idea please let me know because I have plenty more prints I would love to do this with if you're interested!

* Oh and please no sharing the image I send you, please keep the warm fuzzies I'm giving you for your personal use only. And if you do choose to post it online please credit me back. Thanks a bunch:)

1 comment :

  1. such a cute DIY project :)

