Sep 29, 2016

This Postpartum Body of Mine

  top    leggings    jacket

I realized really quickly that even though I worked ridiculously hard to stay fit during my pregnancy with June that the weight was going to come off very differently the second time around. I gained less weight than I did in my first pregnancy but somehow weigh more after my second pregnancy. It makes no sense dangit! This is motherhood you guys. Surrendering control of the things you just don't have control over and finding beauty in the things that you can't predict. Well this time around I'm determined to accept it and handle it with a little bit more self love. Last time after I had June I was so ashamed to blog any pictures of myself which is ridiculous. It's ridiculous! So even though right now I'm the biggest I've been postpartum I just want to rock it you know. I just want to be me unapologetically so that other woman out there know that there are women that don't go from the hospital bed to their bikinis. So hi! I'm here! I'll be here! And my shirt will probably have a spit up stain on it!

I heard something that really resonated with me. That during our pregnancy we spend all of this time talking to our bodies. We are grateful for them, we rub our growing belly, we talk to our babies and spend time in awe over what our body is doing and then bam, the second that baby is out we shut out thoughts about our bodies and are ashamed of it. It's so true, too true. So now I'm commited to waking up every morning and just saying a simple thank you.

Last go around I also didn't want to buy many bigger clothes because somehow in my twisted brain I thought it would give me more motivation if all of my clothes didn't fit me. Women are weird. Well guess what, it just made me feel like crap. So this time around I'm finding momiforms that I feel cozy but put together in.

This one has been on repeat so I thought I'd share it.

Guys it might as well be pajamas. These leggings feel like butter and suck all the things in. This tunic I actually found in the maternity section (ha ha no after I'm not pregnant I'm finally shopping in the maternity section!!) I just sized up so that it would be extra loose and long, I love that it covers my bum and isn't your typical button up! And the jacket is a nice worn in vintage feel that has some give. Thank the heavens it's fall so it's totally socially acceptable to be in leggings and soft things, because well, that is my forseeable future. Mom life yo.

Sep 13, 2016

Get To Know Me Better

I thought it would be fun to sit down for a bit and have a little get to know me chat because I've never really formally introduced myself on here, at least not in a video. If you make one of yourself please give me a link in the comments. I want to get to know you! Enjoy!

Sep 2, 2016

Meet Miss June

Our little June Adele McCammon is here!
Insert all the cliche mom sayings here you know what I'm saying.