Aug 9, 2010

Five Finger Discount

Clothing Details:
Capris: Hand me down (Billabong)
Sweater: Vintage, thrifted
Shirt: Vintage, thrifted
Shoes: Thrifted
Belt: JCPenny
I feel like I can tell you guys anything. You know, we're that close. I've decided that if I were to ever be a criminal I would totally be a thief. Before you shun me forever let me tell you, I have a conscience, I don't steal but do you ever think, "Man if I broke the law I would totally (fill in the blank)." I'd be a thief, and I think I'd make a pretty darn good one. Enough said.
Are you starting to question whether the clothes I'm wearing were stolen after this thieving face. Don't worry I didn't steal them, okay so I did, just kidding again. But truly if you broke laws which law would you break?


  1. I love that sweater. I would definitely do something criminal with my taxes. Ha.

  2. Cute outfit! (:

  3. I love the cropped pants with the cropped cardigan. The color combo is really pretty, too!

    I break the law every day! Of course, it's just going a few miles over the speed limit, but whatever.

  4. love the combination of colors :)

  5. Love your cardi! So cute. I think I would probably steal things too!

  6. This is a cute outfit and the scenery is breathtaking! I love that nail polish color too!

  7. ahhaa i'd be a thief too! it usually crosses my mind, how bad is that! even though I NEVER would. i would do something to mess it up - case in point, when I was 5 i stole a pack of gum because my mom wouldn't buy it for me...later we were sitting at a restaurant and I put my hand in my pocket and forgot about it - pulled it out and my mom saw it! aahaha i was in trouble :)

  8. Haha these are adorable out takes :D Great pics!

  9. I don't think I could be a thief. People can always tell when i'm hiding something. I could totally be a getaway car driver or something though.

  10. I'd probably be a hardcore thief too! I always come up with ingenious plans, but I too have a conscience. That's a great outfit!

  11. You are too cute, love your blog! I think I would agree if I broke the law it would have to do with taxes too~! They suck!

  12. such a cute outfit! i love that sweater!!
    i don't know you, i promise i'm not a creeper. but if i'm not mistaken, that looks like a utah background?

  13. These pics are fantastic! Where are you???

  14. I love this outfit! So so cute.

  15. I will slide between the cracks and not pay taxes or serve jury duty, EVER! =]

    Love the outfit, love the weather.

    Just Better Together
