Mar 25, 2011

Berries and Cream

Skirt: Courtesy of Hourglass Boutique, Belt: JC Penny, Blouse: Thrifted (Ralph Lauren), Necklace: F21

Well hello you light and breezy day. Whenever I say light and breezy it makes me think of this video. 
Just thought you should know. 
Disclaimer: (Watch the video or the rest of this post will make absolutely  no sense, or just play the guessing game of what we're talking about, that could be fun) 
Me and Sir Matt were doing this dance the other night before we went to bed. It went as such,
Me: "Okay you try it first", 
Matt: "Berries and Cream, Berries and Cream...(this is where he gets way too  focused and can't talk anymore" "Okay you go"
Me: "Easy Peezy! Nice and Easy!"
Matt: "No Sarah, the dance part"
Me: "Oh...well can I do it as a rap?"
Matt: " Eh okay"
Me: "I GOTS my berries and cream! I GOTS my berries and cream, holla holla if you gots yo berries and cream. WORD!" (all the while doing the elf dance)
Matt: "Please never try that again."

Just thought Overheard Friday might be a bit of fun if you could overhear a bit of me and Sir Matt's life:)

Happy Weekend All! We're headed to Colorado to visit some friends, I'm sure you'll be hearing all about it next week!


  1. HAHAHA! Love it! Also love the outfit. ;)

  2. Steffys Pros and ConsMarch 25, 2011 at 6:53 AM

    i adore that necklace, and the polka dots are so cute!!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons

  3. Wow, dots and flowers, never knew it could look so good!!! Come link up to Fashion Friday!! You are an inspiration!

  4. Your shirt is the cutest!

  5. Marie @ Lemondrop VintageMarch 25, 2011 at 9:15 AM

    oooh, colorado (jealous)
    Love that blouse and floral together. Ingenious, girl.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Otis and James accessory giveaway

  6. love the polka-dots with the floral skirt, perfect!you look fabulous!


  7. Well I wish I had sound on my computer at work because I bet this would be a whole lots funnier...but I've made up my own version based on your convo. It's great! :)

  8. So no... the convo made no sense to me BUt that outfit is alll good!!!

  9. Ana from Sweet Serendipity DesignMarch 25, 2011 at 2:34 PM

    Oh my heck that just made me laugh and snort at the same time haha!! Love your cute outfit like always too!!

  10. Oh my goodness that dance is so funny. I need to master it.
    My Heart Blogged

  11. Reyna @fashionmist♥March 25, 2011 at 9:27 PM

    Adorable photos and I love your outfit! xx

  12. Stephanie and SuchMarch 26, 2011 at 8:54 AM

    i love that skirt!!!
    and that video is hilarious!


  13. Gorgeous outfit - I love th pattern mix!

  14. I totally have to meet you in real life. I'm making it a mission to one day get to hang out with you. This was HYSTERICAL!

    Not to mention you look so very chic and adorable too! I love the pattern mixing!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  15. LMBO...That video has to be seen by everybody I know! Too funny! Yay, love the outfit and the print mixture!! :)

  16. Cuuuuuuute outfit! Love the patterns together! So glad I found your blog, you have the best style! Love it!

  17. according to sabrinaMarch 30, 2011 at 4:49 PM

    I adore your blog! You are truly photogenic!

  18. I love this blog :)
