Sep 26, 2011

Our Weekend Went a Little Like This

1. Friday after work me and Indie did a little lounging and reading in the yard...apparently eating my feet sounded way cooler to her than reading a good book.
2. Indie tries to avoid bath time at any cost. She hides underneath the bed like we don't know she's over there. Until next time my little Indian.
3. Matt's birthday is this Wednesday so we decided to get our party on a little early and I made him a few of his favorite desserts. This strawberry cake may just be my favorite thing on earth.
4. It wouldn't be a proper birthday weekend without some rock climbing. While we were climbing Indie was stealing the hearts of all the hikers.
5. Me and Sir Matt always get each other some of our favorite foods for each other's birthday. I left with just about everything in that store in my basket. Mission.accomplished.

How was you're weekend?!


  1. OK your puppy is just adorable. And that strawberry cake looks yummy.

  2. Ok. Your puppy is THE cutest thing EVER! And her name?! Indian! Ah! I'm on love!! Love! :) what a fun weekend! How old Is she and what kind is she? Will she get much bigger? Sorry for all the questions. :)

  3. Superficial SanctuarySeptember 26, 2011 at 9:40 AM

    You have one adorably perfect little pup! I'm a new reader and love your site, looking forward to more :)

  4. Mmm. Pocky sticks. Heaven-sent.

  5. Seems like a fun weekend! I love picnics! My weekend was great. I loved the Relief Society Broadcast...especially President Uchtdorf's talk! Also, I'm awarding you with the "Tell Me About Yourself" award! Check out this post for more info here

    xo Sherri

  6. Your puppy is soooo cute! Love it. And looks like a lovely weekend :)
