May 15, 2012

A Tutorial: How To Edit Your Own Photos

A little bit of photo editing can go a big way in making your pictures look a bit more professional. I try to keep my photo editing as quick and simple as possible, these four basic edits take me about two minutes but go a LOOOOONG way. For this tutorial I used Photoshop (I swear by it, there's just SO DANG MUCH you can do in Photoshop. If you want to get into photography I would recommend this as one of your first investments). Anyways, hope this tutorial helps. Let me know if you have any questions or would like any more photo tutorials!


  1. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. Think Twice StyleMay 16, 2012 at 8:18 AM

    Which version of Photoshop do you use?

  3. remember when we took pics that one time and you showed ME how to use MY camera, even though YOU have a Nikon and I have a Cannon? Haha. Aaaand THAT was the moment when your mind was telling you 'this girl is a freaking idiot who you should not be friends with.' :) Rad tutorial here girl. I'm always amazed at how many different ways photoshop can be used to change the look of a pic. I never use that 'cookie' button, but i do a lot of the same functions (& by a lot i mostly mean i adjust the levels sometimes, haha). Totally PINNING this onto my 'Photoshop' board. Woot woot! xoxo

  4. thank you! Great information.

  5. Thanks for this girl! I could always use more and more tutorials ;)

  6. Wow, so simple...and the edited picture looks so much better!
    Modern Modest Beauty

  7. I love this. Once someone explains it, it makes so much sense and doesn't seem that hard, but when you first start out on a software it's like a foreign language....I remember opening Photoshop on a computer a while ago, and after a few minutes of staring at it, I closed it back up because I had no idea where I could even start!

    I just have a question, do you know if this also works on Photoshop Elements? I'm thinking of getting that one since it's waaay more affordable and I've also heard there are plenty of free tutorials for it available.

    Hope you're having a great week!

  8. Thanks for the simple tips! This is wonderful. :)

  9. GirlieBlogger@Beauty Fashion Blog SeattleMay 16, 2012 at 6:37 PM

    Big difference, right? This is one advice every blogger needs.

  10. Thank you for this tutorial. It was great and I used it.

  11. Tried this tutorial tonight and absolutely loved it! I know virtually nothing about photoshop actions and this tutorial was so easy to follow and so clear. Thank you so very very much!


  12. This is a very useful post. I remember having to do this for photography class in high school and having no idea what I was doing. It was a real pain in the butt.

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  16. clippingpathsaffronMarch 3, 2016 at 3:15 AM

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