Sep 30, 2013

How I Found Out I Was Pregnant In the Place Where Dreams Go To Die

jeans: thrifted      blouse: thrifted       sweater: c/o Sheinside       bag: thrifted       boots: ebay (originally Anthropologie)

I need to give a huge disclaimer before I dive into things here. Here on this very blog, I write about whatever the heck fancies my fancy. It's usually what my mind is consumed with for that day. Well guess what has been consuming my mind for the past 4 months, a baby forming in my belly off of all of my nutrients. Now I know that a lot of blog readers in general feel that bloggers lives and blogs get completely taken over by being pregnant/having a baby. But the way I run things here, and the way that I've managed to keep blogging for so long is to just blog about whatever is going on currently in my life. So basically what I'm saying is get ready for a boat load of baby/baby thoughts/maternity diy's and a crap load of baby nesting crafts and probably more pictures of my giant tummy then any one person should have to ever look at in their life. Just a forewarning in case you need to jump ship (please don't!) but also, consider yourself warned:)

Now can I please tell you the story of how Matt and I found out we were pregnant?

Pretty much I always pictured finding out that I was pregnant as this magical wonderful thing. I would just know because that's what women do. And then I would create some cutsy artsy fartsy craft to surprise Sir Matt and tell him we were pregnant. And then we would gallop in a field for at least an hour and talk all about the wonderful dreams we have for our fetus.

Please every woman in this world get rid of this stupid idea NOW.

Let me paint an ugly little picture for you. I was puking my guts out thinking I'd had a bad case of food poisoning or something and while laying on the bathroom floor I thought to myself Wait could I be pregnant?! No surely it's just the Indian food. I conveniently had a box of pregnancy tests stashed away in the bathroom cabinet and really giggled at myself that I possibly thought that my rotten dinner could be morning sickness, because it was night time and hello, morning sickness is for the morning (LIE LIE LIE).

So there I was, dusting an old pregnancy test off and just sitting there a few minutes later staring at half of a plus sign. I mean it was literally just a CAPITAL T sign, not a + sign. I was like stupid test, hey Matt does this look like a plus sign to you?? To which he promptly agreed that it was a CAPITAL T sign and not a + sign. And so we went to bed. And I lay there thinking, a CAPITAL T sign is really 3/4 of  a plus sign and 1/4 closer to a plus than a minus really if you do the math, I mean if you really think about it. And so it was settled, I would go get another test in the morning to confirm this suspicious CAPITAL T sign.

And thus began my morning trip to the place I loathe most in this world. The Wal-Mart. We've discussed my loathing of The Wal-Mart, and how I will avoid it at all costs. But you guys I was desperate, I mean the sign was 3/4 of a + sign, if that isn't desperation I don't know what is. So I went to pick out a  test and this time opted for the ones that are all digital and fancy and say PREGNANT and NOT PREGNANT, because this time I just wasn't taking any chances. I bought the test and as I was almost out the door I just couldn't handle the suspense. I literally ran into the bathroom, ran past the homeless woman trying to take a shower in the bathroom sink and took the test as fast as humanly possible. The test just sat there flashing until...


And that my friends is the story of how I found out the happiest news in the world, next to a homeless woman bathing in a sink in the place I loathe most in this world. The End....of the very beginning:)


  1. You tell the story so well!! I may or may not have copied and sent the "Pretty much I always pictured finding out that I was pregnant as this magical wonderful thing...we would gallop in a field for at least an hour and talk all about the wonderful dreams we have for our fetus." section to my husband because it's so classic how I would hope it would all come about for us when it's time...I'm now re-working that expectation. ;)

  2. great story! i know how you feel, i found out i was pregnant with my son in a mcdonald's bathroom! sometimes you just can't wait until you get home, haha! congrats!!

  3. Love this story! here's my question (hopefully not to awkward for the internets to read)....did you have a missed period to tip you off first?! or is a missed period so common that people don't take it as a 'i might be pregnant' sign?? (maybe i'm the only one out there who hasn't missed a single month since i was 12. lucky me :) )

  4. Love your cute sweater. I'm not jumping ship. It might sound weird but I enjoy reading about every facet of a bloggers life. It makes you feel connected. And you learn a lot from other peoples experiences. Even though you didn't find out the way you thought you would I imagine it was still the happiest moment ever!

  5. I am so excited that you are pregnant- I'm due on the 8th and my little guy could be here any day now so it will be fun to keep up with your pregnancy journey and new motherhood as I'm just a few months ahead of you! Really looking forward to all of the fun updates!

  6. i love it!

  7. yay! i love this story. haha I'm pregnant too and my pregnacy has definitely taken over my blog and I don't care one bit :) and I'm exctited to read all your pregancy posts, espcially now that I'm not just bitter toward every pregnant person on earth ;)

  8. First of all, love your sweater. Secondly, for a brief second I thought that your bow was a elf ear - I clearly need more sleep. 3.) Girl, why would anyone jump ship? You are hilarious and I'm sure that pregnant you is even going to be more hilarious. Proved by this story! Oh man, what a great story you will have for your offspring!


  9. @Elizabeth Catherine Catherine girl it's the real deal! I tell you what one second your dreaming about how magical it will be and the next the life is drained out of you and your sleeping on the bathroom floor:) but it's still pretty magical:)

  10. @Jessica is there anything I won't say on the Internet?? My period was like clockwork girl, complete with a face full of acne and a body full of rage. But the month before I actually had my period and then spotting for a while afterwards so I literally had no clue when my last period was. Such trickery!!!

  11. @Lauren oh hooray congratulations! My birthday is. October 8th and I am happy to share it with your little one:)

  12. @Laura Whitmanoh Laura you are just too nice to me:) thank you for wanting to hear all about my life, it really just makes me so happy!

  13. @RoselyC well soon you'll be wishing I didn't have so many facets but I'm so glad that your coming along for the ride:)

  14. Oh my goodness that is hilarious! I love that this happened in a Wal Mart bathroom. But CONGRATULATIONS!! That's so wonderful!

  15. Fantastic story, certainly one to remember.:)

  16. I'm with you Walmart is the worst but your story is still really cute!


  17. haha. I thought that I was pregnant a couple of weeks ago and peed on the stick in a WalMart as well, hahaha. It came out negative, obvs. Too funny. CONGRATULATIONS!

  18. Great Story! Congrats!! You look darling in that outfit!
    Don't forget to enter the giveaway on my blog! Xoxo

  19. hahahaha!! I love how real this is! I wish more people would tell the whole truth, it's kinda funny! I am SOOO excited for you girl!!! YAY! :) Congrats!

  20. Hey congratulations! I've been reading your blog for about a year and I'm 20 weeks pregnant at the mo too so looking forward to going on the journey with you! Bring on the nesty craft stuff :)

  21. haha! Loved reading this story, you really were in a hurry to find out! I don't think I would have been even able to go to sleep from all the wondering....

  22. Oh goodness! Well, thanks for smashing my magical pregnancy plans into a mission tiny pieces...:/ Actually, I am so thankful for all the things I learn from ladies like you who are paving that road ahead of me, thanks for sharing this! A healthy dose of reality and humor! I love that you are so very real and comical all in one! I so enjoyed reading this...and don't worry, I plan to stick around!

  23. Congrats. The happiest news in the most real of ways.

  24. Hahahaha... I LOVED it!!!!!!
    I can't wait to hear more stories of how your pregnanciy goes and you ruining a couple more pregnancy myths =))))

    Looks like baby plans worked just fine for ya =)))) Considering the fact you actually had your last period =))))

  25. mysimplemodestchicOctober 3, 2013 at 1:36 PM

    Love the sweater, so cute! I'm glad I found your blog! You've got lots of fun outfits!im excited to be your newest follower! Can't wait to see your latest look!

  26. Hahahaha.... IA few hours after I wrote my comemnt I figured that it just made no sense =))))))))))
    Anyway =)))) I'm happy for you and can't wait to hear more stories =)))

  27. I had a 1 line not pregnant or 2 line pregnancy test. The first test I took was a super faint second line. But the next day it was nice and dark.

    I've been doing weekly pregnancy posts. Still having other posts in between mainly. mentioning the test

  28. I hadn't heard this story yet! Too funny. I'll have to tell you how I found out about Eli sometime.

  29. Ashley Bagley NielsonOctober 19, 2013 at 9:38 AM

    this story. it's too much goodness. and too much nastiness. and i love you. and i love your unborn fetus.

  30. I have been and still am obsessed with this bag of yours!!
