Sep 24, 2013

Pregnant Lady In A Gun Store

blouse: thrifted (JCrew)     skirt: c/o Eshatki (buy it here!)     tights: Target     shoes: Thrifted (Restricted)      necklace: thrifted

So yesterday I went to a gun store, to buy a gun. I didn't know if that was obvious or if it needed to be stated but well there you have it. And it was after work so I wandered into the store in a flowery dress and my heels, not looking the most gun savvy and I walk up to the gun counter and say Hi, I'd like to buy this gun. You would have thought I asked him to get an elephant to wear my nieces tutu. His jaw hit.the.floor. So then he proceeds to tell me all of the reasons why I don't want the gun I just picked and why a little lady like me couldn't handle the gun. My response of course was to pick up my petticoat and run home to go churn some butter and get out of a place that was just not suited for a little lady like me.NOT. I told him I wanted to buy it anyway. He asked what for and I said, to shoot things, it seemed like a pretty reasonable explanation to me. Anyways the guy just was not happy with my decision, and by this point five other guys behind the gun counter started to watch me and this man's conversation like we were some dang racing movie. So there they were just staring at me and this man and well then other menfolk shoppers started to stare and really this whole pregnant lady in a dress buying a gun thing became quite the spectacle.

 Anyways, a one toothed bearded man whom I will from now on refer to as "crazy 'ol pete" decides to chime in on the conversation to knock some sense into my silly woman mind and tells me listen no offense ma'am but your little frame just can't handle this gun. If you'd like I can take you out to my truck and show you all of my guns though. Well gee whiz crazy 'ol pete, that would be just about the best thing to ever happen to me, to let a man show me a gun out in an abandoned old parking lot, can you also just tie me up and throw me in the back of your truck while you're at it, oh and do you have any candy that you can lure me out to your car with, because I won't go for anything less than a Tootsie Pop, and I only accept from strangers!

You guys. It was like stepping into the 1920's only there was crazy 'ol pete trying to "show me his guns" no no it was probably like the 1920's to. the. T. So anyways, I told them all to shove it....okay okay I told them that if they wouldn't let me buy the gun that I wanted to that I would go somewhere else, so I did. And then I mentally flipped them the bird because a proper woman never loses her temper in public. The end. Now someone get me a Tootsie Pop!


  1. Alison @ Ruffles and RamblingsSeptember 25, 2013 at 10:12 AM

    This is hands down the BEST thing I have heard all week. Sorry those guys were so absolutely ridiculous, but it resulted in a story that actually had me laughing out loud at my desk!

  2. you go, girl! it's unacceptable the way they spoke to you and that they wouldn't sell you something you wanted to pay good money for. i hope you went across the street to their more respectful competitor and even got a discount!

    xo nicole

  3. Didn't even know you were pregnant! Congrats! But you will the best dressed cutest preg lady around. Now get a gun and show those guys how to use it.

  4. Haha. This is too funny! Also, congrats to growing your family! Yeah!

  5. Oh dear! I'm actually really surprised that people who make money through selling guns would respond that way! I'm not the biggest fan of how my shoulder feels after shooting, so I don't tend to join in on the family gun parties that often (yeah, that's my family)....but it's just weird that they weren't eager to sell you a gun!

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  6. hilarious! and you look so amazing!!

  7. Loved this. Adorable.

  8. This post is great! Love it. Your outfit is darling too!
    Be sure to check out the fabulous giveaway on my blog today! xoxo

  9. This post confused me because I was like why are you buying a gun and you're pregnant? I read all your posts and I missed that fact? Turns out I just missed the last post announcing it. So congrats lady!!! So exciting!
    But still... why are you buying a gun? Still confused on that;)

  10. Hahahaha this made me laugh so much! Way to show em! Darn men. Also, you are adorable!

  11. your skirt's prints is it!! xo josephine

  12. Oh goodness! Sounds like an adventure. Did you get your gun somewhere else?
    And, congratulations!!!!!

  13. You look so adorable! I absolutely love that skirt! Did you really go try to buy a gun!?


  14. These men are morons. I'm seriously pissed. You should have given all those jokers a black eye.

  15. Dig the outfit... maybe because it's something I can totally see myself putting together. Looks great!
